Sorry if this is in the wrong section. 
Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)

Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)