Do you believe in aliens?

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Sorry if this is in the wrong section. 😊

Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)
Sorry if this is in the wrong section. 😊

Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)
Extraterrestrial beings or space aliens are suggested in the Hebrew Bible: Judges, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and no doubt in the New Testament as well: for example, Revelations. They are commented upon in the Talmud and Zohar. Do I personally believe in them? Not yet, but I’m open to their existence. I do believe in illegal aliens, however.
Extraterrestrial beings or space aliens are suggested in the Hebrew Bible: Judges, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and no doubt in the New Testament as well: for example, Revelations. They are commented upon in the Talmud and Zohar.
Also, interesting, do you mind giving some verses? I’d like to see them. If the Bible says there are aliens, then there are aliens.
Also, interesting, do you mind giving some verses? I’d like to see them. If the Bible says there are aliens, then there are aliens.
But Jeanne and Clare say no.

Anyhow, there are suggestions, NOT claims either for or against. In Judges 5:23, the mention of Meroz (possibly a star, possibly Mars); in Isaiah 13:5, the statement of “their coming from faraway lands”; and in Ezekiel 1:1-28, the discussion of the gleaming object. The Talmud also speaks of space travel by Tzadikim (holy men).
Personally, I do not believe that aliens exist. However, I am open to the possibility that they do. If in fact it is discovered with conclusive proof that they do exist then I will believe in them. Until then, I won’t.
But Jeanne and Clare say no.

Anyhow, there are suggestions, NOT claims either for or against. In Judges 5:23, the mention of Meroz (possibly a star, possibly Mars); in Isaiah 13:5, the statement of “their coming from faraway lands”; and in Ezekiel 1:1-28, the discussion of the gleaming object. The Talmud also speaks of space travel by Tzadikim (holy men).
Alright, I never noticed those verses. Thanks!
Considering the size and age of the universe, I’d be very surprised if they don’t exist. Of course, whether we’ll ever know for sure (this side of Heaven) is another question entirely.
Yes, I believe that there is intelligent life in the as yet unexplored galaxies. Why not!
Suspect they will be far superior to us and would love to know, but we never will in my lifetime. 🙂
Considering the size and age of the universe, I’d be very surprised if they don’t exist. Of course, whether we’ll ever know for sure (this side of Heaven) is another question entirely.
It is possible, but I don’t see the evidence for aliens. The UFO encounters that I have heard about can be explained as earthly phenomena.
Considering the size and age of the universe, I’d be very surprised if they don’t exist. Of course, whether we’ll ever know for sure (this side of Heaven) is another question entirely.
Based on lines of thought like this, I believe in the possibility that there are intelligent forms of life from other planets circling other stars.

From the movie Contact:
Ellie Arroway (as a child): Dad, do you think there’s people on other planets?
Ellie’s father: I don’t know, Sparks. But I guess I’d say if it is just us . . . seems like an awful waste of space.
Furthermore, based on the existence of families like the Kardashians, I believe that they may have already found us, are living among us, and are laughing their heads off at us.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section. 😊

Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)
Paul Davies, who heads up SETI (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) says probably not.
Bacterial extra terrestrial life? Possibly.

Intelligent extra terrestrial life? Not enough evidence for me to believe.
maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)
Physical extent proves nothing.

I’ll believe in alien life when I see it; no more and no less.

Bacterial extra terrestrial life? -]Possibly./-] probably

Intelligent extra terrestrial life? Not enough evidence for me to believe.
I agree with this. Although I wouldn’t be completely surprised with intelligent extraterrestrial life existing.
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