Do you believe in aliens?

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I agree with this. Although I wouldn’t be completely surprised with intelligent extraterrestrial life existing.
Nor I, but I don’t think that they are visiting us. The distances are just too great, unless they found something we haven’t even considered.
I don’t think that they are visiting us. The distances are just too great, unless they found something we haven’t even considered.
I suspect that intellectually we are far beneath them, so that distance as we understand it would be irrelevant to them. Maybe they envy the beauty and endless variety within our world 🙂 - but how they must despise the way in which we treat each other - the wars, suffering, hatred, poverty, starvation etc etc. :eek:
Wouldn’t it seem out of character for the same God who made x varieties of angels and y varieties of wildflowers and z varieties of insects (and altogether too many kinds of spiders and millipedes!) to only make one race of corporeal, rational beings?
Wouldn’t it seem out of character for the same God who made x varieties of angels and y varieties of wildflowers and z varieties of insects (and altogether too many kinds of spiders and millipedes!) to only make one race of corporeal, rational beings?
That has been one of my arguments, only I phrased it differently: Is it logical to believe that frail, fallen, limited humanity is the only possible “in His image” creation that an omnipotent, infinite God could come up with?
That has been one of my arguments, only I phrased it differently: Is it logical to believe that frail, fallen, limited humanity is the only possible “in His image” creation that an omnipotent, infinite God could come up with?
Love it. 😃
Wouldn’t it seem out of character for the same God who made x varieties of angels and y varieties of wildflowers and z varieties of insects (and altogether too many kinds of spiders and millipedes!) to only make one race of corporeal, rational beings?
Given our egos, many of us would like to think so.
Angels are aliens, so I do believe friendly aliens have already visited us and may still be among us.

I know the devil is. :eek: Not so friendly!
Nope. :coffeeread:


Im curious why not? You do know the Vatican recently attended a conference at the Univ of AZ on this very topic, apparently they are in the process of drafting some kind of announcement about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Personally, I think God created billions, maybe even trillions of other species, races, beings, on other planets, galaxies, dimensions, etc. We can see just from the wide variety of life that was created on this planet to see our God is EXTREMELY creative and the bible even says God likes to create, why would he create one single intelligent race and then stop? that makes no sense, Id even bet hes been creating other races after ours.

Also, give any intelligent species enough time to evolve, eventually they will be able to leave their home planet and go elsewhere, time is all it takes…look at our world today compared to 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and then think about what the planet earth and the human race will be capable of within the next 100 yrs, 200 yrs, 1000 yrs!!! We will have technology that today, we could not even comprehend!
Also, give any intelligent species enough time to evolve, eventually they will be able to leave their home planet and go elsewhere, time is all it takes…look at our world today compared to 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and then think about what the planet earth and the human race will be capable of within the next 100 yrs, 200 yrs, 1000 yrs!!! We will have technology that today, we could not even comprehend!
Given our burgeoning population and dwindling natural resources, how advanced will we be in 1,000 years?

How much more oil do you think is left in them thar wells? 😃
Space travel, if there is to be any, will be confined to our galaxy, since all the other galaxies are moving at accelerating velocities away from our galaxy as the universe expands. Some galaxies are moving away from us, the Milky Way, as as fast as 100 million miles an hour.

Estimates vary as to how many planets in our galaxy might support life, and the estimates for supporting intelligent life are a great deal smaller. The estimates for planets supporting life superior in science technology to our own are smaller still. The aggravating factor is that the distances required to reach, or even communicate with many of these civilizations(if they even exist) makes the number of outreach possibilities smaller still.

It may well be that our species will live and die before anything substantive is known about aliens.

That may, or may not be, part of God’s master plan … to keep us guessing. 😉
I live near Roswell NM. And there people are not true believers. But that does not prevent them from turning aliens and ufos into a huge profit making scam.

Every year near July 4 they have a UFO festival, and alien parade. Think of the cash brought in from that!

On the main street all the street lights are painted with little green alien heads. And the street itself is lined with curio shops selling of course tee shirts with aliens, aliens in a jar, ailien base ball caps and other alien chotches.

The MCDs there has an alien theme. And there is a movie theater that has been transformed into a UFO museum, with curio shop attached.

I think all of this is just a money-making scam, following the true American religion …chasing the almighty dollar.
According to Time magazine, Sept.8, 2014 issue, p. 85, they say that the Milky Way has at least 100 billion star systems that might support life. They claim that estimates for active alien civilizations range from 10,000 to one million.
It’s certainly within the realm of possibility, but I don’t take any claims of UFOs, aliens and the like seriously.
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