Yes I do, I worked for one for an entire year once. Thankfully, the mother ship called him back to New Jersey.
We reached peak oil back in the 1970s, so we wont be on oil too much longer no matter what we do, but in 1000 yrs, Im positive there will be another source of power that we do not know about right now, that is what progress is all about after all.Given our burgeoning population and dwindling natural resources, how advanced will we be in 1,000 years?
How much more oil do you think is left in them thar wells?![]()
Exactly, plus, they are now saying life may exist on one of Jupiters moons, Europa.According to Time magazine, Sept.8, 2014 issue, p. 85, they say that the Milky Way has at least 100 billion star systems that might support life. They claim that estimates for active alien civilizations range from 10,000 to one million.
Why are there so many Govt and military documents that reference or mention them then?No evidence.
Which government and military documents do you mean? Not that I am opposed to the possibility or even probability of intelligent alien life.Why are there so many Govt and military documents that reference or mention them then?
The distance across the Milky Way is 100,000 light years. A light year is six trillion miles.According to Time magazine, Sept.8, 2014 issue, p. 85, they say that the Milky Way has at least 100 billion star systems that might support life. They claim that estimates for active alien civilizations range from 10,000 to one million.
So you don’t believe in the possibility of intergalactic war then, except on video games?The distance across the Milky Way is 100,000 light years. A light year is six trillion miles.
Do the math. No matter what marvelous new travel technologies are developed, you can eliminate reaching hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of those possible worlds that might contain life. God made our solar systems so far apart for a reason.![]()
Unless they are fast approaching us, not in my lifetime!So you don’t believe in the possibility of intergalactic war then, except on video games?
Yeah. That oughta keep us busy!…my idea of heaven is that we will be witness to the majesty of God creating life through out this vast universe and we will not only be witness to the evolution of species but also of the cosmos itself, for all eternity![]()
The world is secretly run by two working from a garage in New Jersey.Yes I do, I worked for one for an entire year once. Thankfully, the mother ship called him back to New Jersey.
If they are out there, which I personally think they probably are given space is so vast, they would more than likely be God’s hosts and the fallen.Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
Personally, I do. Whether or not they’re like us, I don’t know or care. They could be like us, a fallen race in need of a savior. God could have saved them in a different way than he saved us, or used a very similar way to save them. Maybe they are not a fallen race and need no savior. Maybe Christ’s death on the cross was for all intelligent beings and humans are the Evangelizers of the universe. Or God could have told them about his death already so they know about it. Maybe all aliens reject God, and humans are the only ones who accept. Maybe there is life out there but humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and all other life is like animals. Or maybe there aren’t aliens at all (which I doubt seeing the universe is so big and there has to be other life out there.)
I’ve been studying this subject for many years. My conclusion: all UFOs are man-made. The “aliens” cover story keeps the public just where the government/military wants us - not asking questions. I have a large library of books and articles. We have the technology. The point is: don’t let your enemies think you do. Or the public. Those who operate this technology exist in a “need to know world,” and others, including those in the military who are not cleared to know, do not need to know. And some have been told the cover story as well or simply release statements that are inaccurate.Why are there so many Govt and military documents that reference or mention them then?
Interesting. We went from the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903 to jet fighters and bombers, the world’s first cruise missile and ballistic rocket used in combat, and the first atomic bomb by 1945. All that is needed is a space drive that uses the electromagnetic energy that already permeates the universe. What energy source keeps an electron in orbit around its nucleus? The answers are there. Radio waves travel at the speed of light. There may be beings with this technology and life spans greater than our own.the vastness of the universe, makes aliens almost a certainty. However, the enormous distances between us and the nearest stars even in our own galaxy, makes it extremely unlikely that we will ever see any in our lifetimes.
IF they are out there, their technology will likely be millions of years more advanced than ours. Considering our ‘modern age’ is only a few hundred years old… think about what it would be like many thousands of years from now… if we make it that long… odds are we will have blown ourselves up long before them.
So, if they have this super duper technology, why would they keep it completely hidden and not use it on anything? I just watched a special about the newest, most advanced, expensive fighter jet, the F35, this is a quarter billion dollar plane, yet it is still loud as can be, still cannot come close to the abilities of the ‘UFOs’ people are seeing all over the world on a daily basis.I’ve been studying this subject for many years. My conclusion: all UFOs are man-made. The “aliens” cover story keeps the public just where the government/military wants us - not asking questions. I have a large library of books and articles. We have the technology. The point is: don’t let your enemies think you do. Or the public. Those who operate this technology exist in a “need to know world,” and others, including those in the military who are not cleared to know, do not need to know. And some have been told the cover story as well or simply release statements that are inaccurate.
The objects would be stationary for a period of time and then move very fast to another location and appeared to be able to climb straight up in short order. Good eyesight and my experience as an air traffic controller made it plain to me that these luminous objects were not planes, helicopters, stars, satellites, weather balloons or any other known aerial object. Your job as an air traffic controller calls for you to be watchful.Training told me these were not normal objects. The objects weren’t supposed to be there. These were objects out of the normal, from their appearance and flight characteristics. I reported these sightings to base operations and the Los Angeles Air Defense Sector. The objects were also seen by at least five other people on Edwards Air Force Base. They were also seen by George Air Force Base tower and were showing up on radar in at least four different radar sight locations.
Thats an interesting report, I agree about certain witnesses, I think we should all stand up and take notice when trained military report something like this.The Edwards Air Force Base UFO incident in Oct 65 is pretty remarkable. I know someone stationed at George AFB when it occurred which is very close. The base’s were placed on full alert.
Its one thing when civilians report sightings, its another when the entire west coast military and radar is on point with numerous eye witness accounts and multiple recordings.
I don’t know about aliens, the UFOs are a fact of life. Who operates them is unknown.
The entire incident was documented with written reports, radar photos, and audio made by Air Force personnel while they were actually viewing the objects, flying after the objects, and considered taking action against the perceived threat.
If you think they were man made on earth listen to the eyewitness account of Capt Clark as he was scrambled and chased them. They made a right turn and disappeared into “outer space” on him.
Sgt Chuck Sorrels Air Traffic Controller in the tower at Edwards on Oct 7th 1965 3rd shift.