Do you believe in evolution?

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What is “non-design”? This is assuming that nature is not designed. It actually denies teleology generally and then tries to find it in some particular.
Blood clotting came before there was blood and a heart. Ok, it’s good to know what your beliefs are in this.
You are not reading what I say again. If you cannot read what I actually post then you will continue to make obvious errors.

Jellyfish are filled with fluid. They do not have a heart, the movements of their body slosh the fluid around, which gives them enough of a circulatory system for their purposes. We still use a similar system ourselves, with muscle movements pumping the blood in our veins back towards our heart. A cut in a vein bleeds less than a cut in an artery because the blood is at a lower pressure.

For an intermediate system, study insects and how they move hemolymph (their rough equivalent of blood) round their bodies.

If you do not understand basic biology you will be at a disadvantage in a discussion about evolution.
Confirmed. In case Dan123 is still reading - you made my argument for his sake. I wasn’t disputing your view on it.
No one ever claimed HGT was a type of mutation, it’s gene transfer, which can spread mutations.
I don’t personally hear many atheists saying theyre incompatible, largely because there’s a lot of different ways people interpret scripture and many of those aren’t incompatible at all.

I’d argue that Genesis was never meant to be viewed as a scientific textbook. I’m almost as atheist as it gets.
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It would be bias-exercise if it could be interpreted differently. Try explaining biology without teleonomy, though. It’s entrenched.
I didn’t need to appeal to the Brahman to make that case, narrowing my scope for “purpose”.
You need to appeal to God for the ability, desire and recognition of truth.
From an evolutionary perspective, there is no need for the concept of truth verses falsehood, and no value given to one or the other.
Everything serves only for fitness and survival - not for reasoning and finding the truth of things. That comes from God.
You use the facility of reason, but that facility cannot be the result of blind, mindless processes.
From an evolutionary perspective, there is no need for the concept of truth verses falsehood, and no value given to one or the other.
You don’t think basing decisions on true things is more likely to lead to desirable outcomes than basing them on false things?
It would be bias-exercise if it could be interpreted differently. Try explaining biology without teleonomy, though. It’s entrenched.
Teleonomy deals with mechanics.

Bird is in Galapagos. Bird has hard time eating the local food.
Over time, the bird’s children with bigger, harder beaks have an easier time eating the food, resulting in them having more offspring.
Original beak of said bird eventually disappears from local environment as it’s out-competed.

I don’t see the metaphysical appeal, there. Genuinely. that’s because I don’t think it’s there.
No one ever claimed HGT was a type of mutation, it’s gene transfer, which can spread mutations.
Anyone who says that evolution is natural selection acting on mutations would then be wrong.
Anyone who says that evolution is natural selection acting on mutations would then be wrong.
You really need to spell this out because we have a major disconnect in our communication here.

Mutation occurs (mutation), if that creature reproduces(natural selection), which HGT is one way for its genes to be passed on, then that mutation can carry into it’s offspring.
Teleonomy deals with mechanics.
It’s descriptive teleology without assuming a conscious mind.
I don’t see the metaphysical appeal, there. Genuinely. that’s because I don’t think it’s there.
Yet our epistemology assumes it, and we haven’t found one that seems to correspond more accurately with reality. So on what basis do you doubt it?
You need to appeal to God for the ability, desire and recognition of truth.
No I don’t. I need to go to school or read a book so I can learn how to do that.
I didn’t appeal to any deity to learn how to change my sparkplugs. I bought a Hanes manual for the make and model of my car.
You use the facility of reason, but that facility cannot be the result of blind, mindless processes.
Why not?
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Yet our epistemology assumes it, and we haven’t found one that seems to correspond more accurately with reality. So on what basis do you doubt it?
The basis that the philosophical default is “uncertainty” and that nothing can take it’s place without sufficient evidence.
Do you really want to be put into the same category as Ken Ham, Kent Hovind and the other bible waving evolution deniers. Better to follow Thomas Aquinas’ advice and find a different interpretation.
With all respect, those gentlemen are entirely incorrect in their understanding of the Bible and of the Christian faith. I do not accept fundamentalist, Protestant teaching on such matters. Yes, St. Thomas’ teaching is of the Truth (although not infallible).
Father Michael Chaberek

I don’t follow that. ID merely points to teleology which is evident in observations of nature.
No, that’s not true. In fact a real discussion about teleology never happens in these sorts of debates. The intelligent design movement usually argues that organisms are too complex to be the result of natural processes and therefore requires a builder who directly put the parts of organisms together and produced their kinds. And following in the atheists footsteps they usually argue that if it is a natural process then evolution by definition makes God obsolete as a cause. It’s a very specific ideology and not a very sophisticated one.
No I don’t. I need to go to school or read a book so I can learn how to do that.
I didn’t appeal to any deity to learn how to change my sparkplugs. I bought a Hanes manual for the make and model of my car.
It’s a question of origins and the powers you possess as a human being.
Yes, you can merely say “I am rational and I value truth over falsehood and use logical argument to determine such” - you could also say “I’m not interested in knowing how I received these qualities”.
But if you want to understand your own being, then you have to try to discover how a blind, irrational, mindless process can create a value system based on truth and logical constructs.
Try to create one.
Start with random entities moving randomly.
Then see what kind of order and purpose emerge from them.
Failing that, the only reasonable answer is that your very own consciousness and rational mind are the product of non-material, non-evolved intelligence.
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