Do you enjoy watching EWTN?

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EWTN is pretty good. I especially like it when there are good speakers or Q & A sessions. I usually listen to the radio station though. I can do my chores or homework while learning basic apologetics.

(The sung version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet is one of my favorites to listen to.)
I’ll be the odd man out–I admit, I can’t stand watching EWTN. I haven’t found anything there that interested me. :o
I love EWTN! It is my favorite channel. 🙂 I love many of the
shows such as Mother Angelica Classics, Father Corapi
shows, Web Of Faith, Life On The Rock, EWTN Live,
Father Grochel shows, and many others.

To any of you who mentioned Father Corapi – if you ever get
the chance to go to see him when he’s in your area, don’t miss
EWTN is pretty good. I especially like it when there are good speakers or Q & A sessions. I usually listen to the radio station though. I can do my chores or homework while learning basic apologetics.

(The sung version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet is one of my favorites to listen to.)
I agree. They have the Divine Mercy Chaplet every week day at 3pm. I try to remember to turn it on. It’s beautiful and inspiring. It’s hard not to sing along but my co-workers are probably glad I don’t!

Lisa N
I like most of the broadcasting on EWTN. I must be candid and say that I am not mature enough, spiritually, to enjoy (if that’s the word) some of the “prayer” programs.

I think they should have more Bible programs – 1/2 hour of Bible reading each day (a couple times a day, maybe) and 1/2 hour of explanation of the Bible – two separate programs not necessarily covering the same scripture.
I’ll be the odd man out–I admit, I can’t stand watching EWTN. I haven’t found anything there that interested me. :o
You’re not alone; my husband and I feel the same way. Most of the shows on EWTN put us to sleep. The funny thing is, we like many of the hosts (we enjoy reading their books, and even listening to their tapes), but they just don’t tend to have a good screen presence. Too many “talking heads” for our taste.

The one show I used to like was “Life on the Rock,” but it’s just not the same without Jeff Cavins!
Just receiving it about a month, I just watch the parts that interest me, I hate the German programme with voice-overs.
But all in all it’s good to have a Catholic programme on air, as wer’e totally out numbered in that area.
I have some bones of contention with EWTN, here in the UK
One is the sameness of their programmes. Day after day a dull, uninspiring presentation of the same film on the Rosary. Programmes that are well past sell-by date even in “The Faith Factory”. Large chunks of programmes in German with no attempt at translation and huge gobbets of talk talk talk with boring people presenting erudite topics. I like Scott Hahn, but he is caviare to the hgeneral.Even the daily Mass has a grey , uninspired tone to it. There is no joy, no inspiration, no uplifting.

EWTN has huge potential, but it needs some real PR and organisational promotion.
I have some bones of contention with EWTN, here in the UK
One is the sameness of their programmes. Day after day a dull, uninspiring presentation of the same film on the Rosary. Programmes that are well past sell-by date even in “The Faith Factory”. Large chunks of programmes in German with no attempt at translation and huge gobbets of talk talk talk with boring people presenting erudite topics. I like Scott Hahn, but he is caviare to the hgeneral.Even the daily Mass has a grey , uninspired tone to it. There is no joy, no inspiration, no uplifting.

EWTN has huge potential, but it needs some real PR and organisational promotion.
Very astute observations and you said what I was trying hard (and unsuccessfully) to say.🙂

In Christ,
Just a comment about being bored with EWTN. I’ve made an observation in my own life. As I grew and matured spiritually, my interest in EWTN increased. Shows that would bore me to death in the past, I now love. The same goes with spiritual books. The same books I found boring, would later be books I could not put down.

If more Catholics took the time to watch and absorb the many beautiful gifts EWTN has to offer, we wouldn’t have all these lukewarm and uninformed Catholics. There’s something for everyone in EWTN. If one is bored, perhaps they need to evaluate their spiritual life. We never stop growing in our faith. Conversion never ends.
Just a comment about being bored with EWTN. I’ve made an observation in my own life. As I grew and matured spiritually, my interest in EWTN increased. Shows that would bore me to death in the past, I now love. The same goes with spiritual books. The same books I found boring, would later be books I could not put down.

If more Catholics took the time to watch and absorb the many beautiful gifts EWTN has to offer, we wouldn’t have all these lukewarm and uninformed Catholics. There’s something for everyone in EWTN. If one is bored, perhaps they need to evaluate their spiritual life. We never stop growing in our faith. Conversion never ends.
I’m glad that EWTN, from personal observation of your own life, works well for you. But I think you can hardly use your own personal observation to make a declarative assessment about other catholics spiritual life in association with their like or dislike of EWTN’s programming.

In Christ,
Just a comment about being bored with EWTN. I’ve made an observation in my own life. As I grew and matured spiritually, my interest in EWTN increased. Shows that would bore me to death in the past, I now love.
That’s the opposite of what’s happened in our family. As we’ve grown in our faith, EWTN has become less interesting to us. At this point, we’d rather read and discuss spiritual books…or listen to tapes…or just talk to each other about things we’ve learned.

In general, I don’t think the content on EWTN is the problem – it’s more the style in which it’s presented. With a book or tape, you have to imagine your own visuals, which are bound to be a lot more interesting than, say, Dale Ahlquist standing in front of a couch, Fr. Rutler sitting in a pew, or Patrick Madrid standing in front of a cheesy “search and rescue control console.”

My husband just reminded me that we did enjoy one other series, James & Joanna Bogle’s “Catholicism: The Heart of History.” Their enthusiasm and quirky Englishness are very endearing. (We sometimes refer to them as “The Bob and Penny Lord of the UK.”) Plus, you gotta love his comb-over. 😉

We thought we’d like the Harry Crocker / Fr. McCloskey history series just as much, but it proved to be intensely soporific.
If one is bored, perhaps they need to evaluate their spiritual life.
Or maybe it’s a sign from God that it’s time to turn off the TV!

I only watch EWTN when they play stuff that I enjoy watching.
I only watch EWTN when they play stuff that I enjoy watching.
Yup. For example on weekends the kids’ cartoons are of limited interest to me. I agree with some of the observations about the ‘talking heads’ because we are all so programmed for visual stimulation. If all we see is a priest or religious or ‘suit’ behind a podium, it can be somewhat hard to stay focused. I try to do brainless stuff like folding laundry while watching some of these shows since if my hands are busy I don’t get distracted.

If I hear the same program on the radio it’s not as easy to be distracted because I’m not looking for any visual stimulation anyway.

Lisa N
I like alot of their shows, but I don’t get cable on my TV so I have to watch online. The big problem for me is that I have to sit in front of the computer, usually alone, and when I get the chance my favorite programs are just ending! Anyone know how to “record” shows from the internet?

Same thing with Catholic Answers shows, I have to listen on-line. Thankfully they have an archive!
Scarlet & maryceleste,
As I said before, there’s something for everyone on EWTN. We are all at a different spiritual journey. There are some shows on EWTN that I skip and there are others where I will not miss because they teach me so much. I wish I had more time to watch EWTN but as it is, I can only catch bits and pieces here and there unless I remember to record a show.

I did not mean to offend anyone by the statements I made about evaluating one’s spiritual life. Forgive me. It was certainly not my intention. When I wrote that, I was thinking of many friends and family members who dismiss EWTN because they say it’s boring. It frustrates me to hear them because it’s quite obvious that for the most part, they are clueless about what our Catholic faith teaches and what is going on in the Catholic Church today. Unfortunately, I know too many “cafeteria catholics.” EWTN would benefit them greatly…if they only gave EWTN a chance!
I’ll be the odd man out–I admit, I can’t stand watching EWTN. I haven’t found anything there that interested me. :o
Are you Catholic? We just signed on with Dish network, mostly for EWTN. I work two jobs, and haven’t been able to watch much, but I do enjoy what I have seen. I’ve listened on shortwave for years. I especially like the Journey Home and Catholic Answers. How fortunate we are to have EWTN.
I love EWTN… it’s about the only thing I watch on TV any more. I just found out about it a year ago after an ACTS retreat I attended. As a cradle Catholic I had not really experienced a true conversion of heart. As a result of my retreat I was set on fire and haven’t stopped. Father Corapi is my absolute favorite. I had the awesome privilege of seeing him in person at a mission he did at my sister’s church in Sugar Land, TX. I was so excited. I watch and/or listen to him every time I get a chance. I bought a couple of his CD’s at the mission and have enjoyed them a lot. I love that he is so knowledgable about our faith. He’s black & white… nothing in between. I love the Mother Angelica Classics. She too is black and white. I love that! Plus she’s so funny sometimes. There are some of the spots that aren’t particularly interesting to me but for the most part I have learned a whole lot about my faith that I never knew.
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