Do you enjoy watching EWTN?

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I no longer have a TV so I don’t watch EWTN, but do listen to their programming as part of a local “immaculate heart” station. It includes EWTN, AveMaria Radio and other Catholic Networks. I miss hearing new Mother Angelica shows, but like the network overall.
Are you Catholic? We just signed on with Dish network, mostly for EWTN. I work two jobs, and haven’t been able to watch much, but I do enjoy what I have seen. I’ve listened on shortwave for years. I especially like the Journey Home and Catholic Answers. How fortunate we are to have EWTN.
Yes, very much so. Born and raised Catholic, have a bachelor’s in Theology from Steubenville, have worked with Catholic companies for many years, and do volunteer work with a pro-life organization. Different people like different things. EWTN? Not for me.
Why is religious catalouge on at prime time. What a great way to make sure people tune out. Aren’t the producers watching what’s aired?
Michael C:
Why is religious catalouge on at prime time. ?
So people are more likely to watch it and possibly buy something.
Michael C:
What a great way to make sure people tune out. Aren’t the producers watching what’s aired?
Probably but they wouldn’t even tune in if Religious Catalog were at 3am.

Quite honestly think of any other station and ask how much of that STATION do you watch? Even my other favorites (A&E, History, Discovery) have plenty of ‘junk.’ What’s scary is to have a dish, with a zillion channels and STILL realize there is nothing worthwhile watching.

By coincidence I received a survey from NBC about what programs I watch, pages and pages where I marked “never” to shows that I’ve barely heard of and have no interest in viewing. Most were ‘reality TV’ as well as the more controversial stuff, Queer Eye, Southpark, etc. No thanks. I am sure they are wondering about that survey by now. They are probably crying looking at my demographics.

Lisa N
Do you enjoy watching EWTN? I was just curious as to how many people are regular watchers of EWTN and if you enjoy their programming?
I used to like EWTN more when Mother Angelica was involved but I find myself watching it less and less. I don’t care for some of the programming and it seems as if there is more and more clergy and religious that are presenting or hosting the programs.
I also miss seeing the mass being held at the Shrine. I don’t know, I just thought EWTN was better under Mother’s direction.
What do you think?
In Christ,

Yes, I watch EWTN. You should have included a poll on your post. I received a book today that I ordered from EWTN. “The Everything Bible Book”. GOD BLESS!
I love EWTN and make my roomate (whos not Catholic) watch it all the time! Religous are great, and there should be lots because they inspire more and more people to consider religous vocations, which this world needs very badly.
I enjoy EWTN, I’m grateful to Mother Angelica for starting it all, but I don’t like watching when she’s the featured speaker or the center of the program. It may simply be her style, but she projects a smugness and self-satisfaction that really turns me off. It’s almost triumphalistic, if that’s a word. We’re saved by God’s Grace and we ought to remember that. We’re supposed to be humble and project humility and I don’t think she does. I always find myself comparing her to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I don’t mind when she leads the rosary, though.
Just a comment about being bored with EWTN. I’ve made an observation in my own life. As I grew and matured spiritually, my interest in EWTN increased. Shows that would bore me to death in the past, I now love. The same goes with spiritual books. The same books I found boring, would later be books I could not put down.

If more Catholics took the time to watch and absorb the many beautiful gifts EWTN has to offer, we wouldn’t have all these lukewarm and uninformed Catholics. There’s something for everyone in EWTN. If one is bored, perhaps they need to evaluate their spiritual life. We never stop growing in our faith. Conversion never ends.
I’m somewhat inclined to agree with you. When I was lukewarm in my faith there were very few shows on ewtn that intrested me. (The Journey Home is the only one that comes to mind) As I’ve grown in the Faith I’ve really vecome attracted to EWTN and I can watch it all day long. I can’t think of a program that I really don’t like (though I’m not a huge fan of GK Chesterton). I really love the Mass–so much that whenever I get a chance I’ve started going up there for mass. (Only about 50 miles away) Their no-nonsense approach to Catholicism has also attracted me to the MFVA and I am currently discerning a vocation to that order.
Yes, very much so. Born and raised Catholic, have a bachelor’s in Theology from Steubenville, have worked with Catholic companies for many years, and do volunteer work with a pro-life organization. Different people like different things. EWTN? Not for me.
Hey, good for you. We can’t all like the same things, I guess. Gkod bless.
I love EWTN !

I enjoy watching it at night after my children go to bed.

The children’s programming comes in handy, especially the cartoons about the saints. I record those to use along with my chidren’s religion lessons.
I was (err… am!) a little afraid to post here because I too am not fond of EWTN. I kept checking back to see if anyother posters felt the same way. But, I guess I am one of the few.

Our family is not the type to make sure they are home to watch a TV program, so it is whatever is on, is on. Most regular programming isn’t very interesting to me - I prefer Invesitgative Reports, Forensic Files, and such! Perhaps it is just the times that I flip to EWTN that I am hitting programs that aren’t fitting my interests. I find a lot of the time when I begin to tune in that the shows are just saying the same things over and over in a different way.

I like the EWTN children’s cartoon programs, when they have them, but my kids begin to tune them out after a while.

I do, at times, like the program where the two priests get e-mails and answer them - but more because they are from PA, my home state, and that caught my interest. But the set is just to hokey for me.

Some of the conversion stories are good, but just too slow of a pace for me.

Funny, some don’t like the primetime catalogue show, but this is actually one of the times I will stop to see if the product interests me. I would stay on the show longer if it just picked up the pace a bit. I really am interested in the products but can zoom through half the website by the time the first 20 minutes of the show is done.

And, no, I’m not a cafeteria Catholic. I have grown leaps and bounds since my conversion. Perhaps I am just in a spot to absorb all that I have learned before plugging anything else into my brain! Who knows.

Perhaps in the future I will change my mind, but for now, EWTN just isn’t for me.
I love EWTN and I’m so grateful for it. I watch mostly after the kids go to bed. However, I usually end up listening to it more often on the radio.
I Love EWTN!

They offer such great programmes. My favorites are Life is worth living, The rosary with Mother Angelica and the nuns of OLA, and Life on the rock. The daily Mass is also great to watch. I have learned so much from watching the various shows. EWTN is great! :yup:
I was (err… am!) a little afraid to post here because I too am not fond of EWTN. …Perhaps in the future I will change my mind, but for now, EWTN just isn’t for me.
I once shared your opinion…maybe 6 years ago or so…
Mother Angelica grated me to no end…I didn’t understand a lot of what was going on even though I was supposed to be a “good” Catholic:rolleyes: … As I would flick through the channels I would often come up w/ Fr. Groschel and he got my attention… I started to watch more and more…my heart softened…I started to slowly like Mother and grew to love the Mass w/ the Latin. I now get EWTN 24/7 at that time it was minimal and shared time…
I thank God everyday for the work He was able to accomplish in me through this wonderful EWTN! I pray that you too someday will come to appreciate it as much as I have.
God Bless,
Hi, Scarlet.

My name is Ron and I’m new. I understand there is another Ron in the group. You can distinguish us I suppose by the fact that my last name begins with “T” so I’m Ron T. or you could use my username which is “furtheron1”.

I do love Mother Angelica and I am sad she isn’t able to do her show anymore. That being said, I find the programming is becoming more substantive in recent times. The programs I am thinking of are the one on G. K. Chesterton for example, and the British couple who discuss Church History. I find that fascinating.

Fr. Mitch is great. I’ve always been “simpatico” with Fr. Mitch. I really like Fr. Groeschel’s programs. I could watch all of them again.

Fr. Mitch goes over Church documents line by line. Tait’s a great opportunity to learn our Faith.

Mother Angelica’s great strength is her ability to go directly to the emotional and spiritual heart of a caller’s question and problem. I’ve always known that is a gift given her by God.

And, yes, I do miss Mother Angelica.

Shalom, Scarlet.

Ron T.

I was just curious as to how many people are regular watchers of EWTN and if you enjoy their programming?

I used to like EWTN more when Mother Angelica was involved but I find myself watching it less and less. I don’t care for some of the programming and it seems as if there is more and more clergy and religious that are presenting or hosting the programs.

I also miss seeing the mass being held at the Shrine. I don’t know, I just thought EWTN was better under Mother’s direction.

What do you think?

In Christ,
I would love to watch it, if my cable company carried it! 😦 I watch it occasionally online, but it’s not quite the same!
ProudArmyWife, I think it’s hard to keep up with their schedule. For me I swear the programs I most want to see are on at 3 in the afternoon when I’m at work. They are of course timed for the eastern zone so that is dinner hour for them.

Once I figured out some of the schedule, I could tune into the programs I particularly like. I love The Journey Home, probably since I am a convert the stories relate to my own experience although I wish they had more lay people and fewer ministers. I realize it’s particularly significant when a minister converts but sometimes the story of laypeople are far more interesting. They had a man who was Indian and a Hindu who converted and that was AMAZING. A nother story was a woman who apparently was a cradle Catholic, fell out of the faith, was a pro abort and when in the clinic seeking an abortion was suddenly overcome with horror at what she was doing (and it turned out she wasn’t pregnant). Her story was very touching as she anguished over the return thinking herself unworthy. We’ve all been there. But I agree some of them move REEEEEEEALLLLY slow…particularly when it’s an elderly minister talking.

I used to not care for Fr Corapi (strike me dead for saying so) because it seemed like he yelled a lot and it was hard to listen to him. He sounded a bit like some Bible thumping Baptist preachers I know. But once I got beyond the presentation and LISTENED to the man I was totally taken up by his message. He is incredible.

So maybe the solution is to try to get a schedule and look for a particular program. I like some of the lives of saints but you can’t predict the timing. Also like the HOly Land pilgrimages. But again you have to luck out and find the times and dates.

Thank you for your husband’s service and your support.

Lisa N
I don’t watch it too much right now because of school, but I always loved watching Angel Force and Cherub Wings!

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 🙂
I’m a big fan of EWTN–it’s the station I watch most, and the only reason I keep cable tv.

I’ve learned a lot and enjoy almost all programs–but I don’t care for the Bob & Penny Lord series. My favorites are Father Corapi, Father Groeschel, and listening to the homilies at the daily Mass.

As others have said, we are fortunate that EWTN is there–it certainly is a wonderful source of sound information.
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