I was (err… am!) a little afraid to post here because I too am not fond of EWTN. I kept checking back to see if anyother posters felt the same way. But, I guess I am one of the few.
Our family is not the type to make sure they are home to watch a TV program, so it is whatever is on, is on. Most regular programming isn’t very interesting to me - I prefer Invesitgative Reports, Forensic Files, and such! Perhaps it is just the times that I flip to EWTN that I am hitting programs that aren’t fitting my interests. I find a lot of the time when I begin to tune in that the shows are just saying the same things over and over in a different way.
I like the EWTN children’s cartoon programs, when they have them, but my kids begin to tune them out after a while.
I do, at times, like the program where the two priests get e-mails and answer them - but more because they are from PA, my home state, and that caught my interest. But the set is just to hokey for me.
Some of the conversion stories are good, but just too slow of a pace for me.
Funny, some don’t like the primetime catalogue show, but this is actually one of the times I will stop to see if the product interests me. I would stay on the show longer if it just picked up the pace a bit. I really am interested in the products but can zoom through half the website by the time the first 20 minutes of the show is done.
And, no, I’m not a cafeteria Catholic. I have grown leaps and bounds since my conversion. Perhaps I am just in a spot to absorb all that I have learned before plugging anything else into my brain! Who knows.
Perhaps in the future I will change my mind, but for now, EWTN just isn’t for me.