Do you give money to pan handlers?

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If I decide they look like they really need it, then I will give money to a beggar.

But when I see the same panhandler on a street corner for ten years, then he is a professional homeless person and I ignore him.
I used to never do this then once, I think it was an old homeless man, he didn’t ask for anything. But I looked at him and was filled with pity. I had a few singles and I just walked up and gave them to him. Actually, a large percentage of the time when I give money, the people have not asked me for anything. I saw a homeless couple sitting on a curb ravenously eating Subway sandwiches. Their belongings were in a shopping cart. I walked over and gave them $20. No, I don’t have much extra money, but I know I’ve frittered away $20 a lot of times. I usually try to give at least $5.

As for their worthiness, that’s just not up to me - it’s up to God. You never know when a good deed will open up the heart of the receiver. I live in Los Angeles and a lot of our homeless are mentally ill. I feel like God is giving me a blessing by giving me the opportunity to help those who feel that no one cares, and I always feel God’s grace when I do so.

On a humorous note: not long ago my husband and I were leaving a nice restaurant with doggie (in our case, kitty) bags. There was a guy asking for food (no doubt he knew that the food was very good at the restaurant). So, we’re taking home these leftovers for our 3 cats and don’t want to part with them. My husband says “how about if we just give you some money?” and the guy replies, “I’d really rather have some food.” Hubby says, “we’re taking the leftovers home to someone (furry people).” I gave him $10 and the cats got the leftovers. 🙂
Years ago I worked in the upscale part of DC and everymorning this Cadillac pulled at 9:30am and let two women and four kids to panhandle. Only to be picked up at 4:30 before rush Hour. Hey then there was guy in DC panhandled for a living, lived in very expensive house in burbs, eventually went to jail for tax evasion. Then there was the guy who panhandled in front of an office building that he owned. But you what I give pepole money most of the time.
I have a few times, it depends on the situation. When I used to
work 2nd shift and get off late at night, sometimes I would have
to stop to get gas. A couple of times I was approached by men
asking for a hand out. They always looked rough, but I guess at
the time, I was mostly scared. I just told them I didn’t carry cash
and each time they got mad. I got back in my car and grabbed my
cell ph, when they saw that, they left. At our church we started
this local charity and every week in our church bulletin, we are
notified of what kind of food they need and we bring it to church,
then it’s taken to the needy. I think I’d rather stick with that, I know
where my “goods” are going and I feel good about it.
That must have been so creepy!
Yes it was very creepy. I still see them around but I just ignore them.
Therer was an article in my local paper today written by our city police. It basically states that we should give our money to reputable charities, not to panhandlers.

Our city is being over run with scammers. One panhandler the police talked to (who had a sign saying he just moved here and needed food) was actually buying crack with the money.

My mom and I have both been approached in lonely parking lots and asked for money. It is scary.

There is no shortage of programs (both government and private) in this city set up to help people who are homeless, jobless, abused etc. I prefer to give my money where i know it will be used to help truly destitute people.

Of course, this does not mean that if I am moved by someone who looks like they need assistance that I will refuse to offer it.

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