Do you give money to pan handlers?

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…i try to give at every opportunity if i have cash on hand,… heck, i only have that because God provided me with it… what right have i not to share…

(Playing devil’s advocate here)
  • “what right have i not to share…”
??? *For that matter, what right do you have throwing money at someone knowing that what they will do with it might cost them their souls? What kind of way is this to handle evil byoffhandedly doling out some of you excess here and there? Isn’t your money really a gift to you from God to be handled responsibly for your good and the GOOD of others?
This was in my Yahoo! mailbox today. My first cyber-panhandler, you might say:

Beloved In Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ the
Prince of peace and the KING of kings.

It’s a great pleassure for me to write you this short
mail of mine, I am Louis KABLAN a 19 years old single
female, I am sorry for any inconveniency that this
mail may cause you. I don’t have a computer of my own,
a missionary from France allows me to use her computer
since she can’t help me in any other way.

I am a Victim of war in (COTE D’IVOIRE) Africa, I do
have a small business before the war where I make my
ends meet and take care of my old mother but
unfortunately the REBELS came and destroyed all my
properties and set fire on houses and offices of which
mine is one of them, all my things are gone with
fire,all what I have worked for in the past years
are gone just on one day.

You know very well that a victim of war have nothing
left for herthat is why I am writing you this mail to
help me in any way the Lord Lord lay in your heart, to
feed and clothe myself and if possible to
re-start my little business again and I know that the
Lord shall bless you in return for doing this, If you
can’t help me financially I will be glad if you can
help me with FOOD and clothes, and also shoes, any
other things that the LORD lay in your heart for me
will be of a great help to me as well.

I as at now I NO have where to sleep comfortable, no
good clothes, no shoes, infact I lack so many things,
I am recently living with my pastor where we are about
11 people living in a single room. Please I am begger
and not a THIEF, A SWINDLER OR A FRAUDSTER, anything
that the Lord lay in your heart for me will really be
of a great HELP at this point in time as I am
seriously going hunger,Please kindly let me know what
help you can render so that I can send you where to
send it.

I will be expecting your response my beloved in
Christ.May the Lord bless you abundanly and grant you
success in all your dealinds. May the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your house hold for

Yours Sister In Christ,
NB: If you have doubts due to too many FRAUDS going on
the internet nowadays, I will send you my PHOTOGRAPH
and the contacts of my pastor for you to contact him
and confirm things from him directly.​

Sorry, but I am a doubting Thomas. Fiest off, Louis doesn’t sound like a woman’s name. Even more so, the letter doesn’t sound like it was written like a French-speaker – which it would if this woman ?] were really from Ivory Coast. The offer of photographs hardly seems convincing.

Btw, the writer used a address – does anyone know how to look up Yahoo! profiles?
No I give food vouchers or vouchers for meals. It is not a perfect system but better then actually giving the money that can be used for drugs etc.
I used to always give change if I had it going on the words of Jesus to “always give to him who asks of you.” I figured the person was most likely not using it for food, but I just wanted to obey Jesus and let him/her work it out with God on his/her own. Whenever possible, now, I try to give food, although we also don’t have many panhandlers in this area, so I can’t really just carry food around with me.

Once, I was going into the drugstore with my children, and there was a man outside asking for money. We went into the store and got our things and also a little bottle of milk, a can of tuna, and some crackers. I gave it to him on the way out, and without a word, he handed the milk back to me. Must be lactose intolerant. :confused:

My husband, a police officer for our city, would freak if he knew I “supported” these people.
iserve said:
(Playing devil’s advocate here)
“what right have i not to share…”

*??? *For that matter, what right do you have throwing money at someone knowing that what they will do with it might cost them their souls? What kind of way is this to handle evil byoffhandedly doling out some of you excess here and there? Isn’t your money really a gift to you from God to be handled responsibly for your good and the GOOD of others?

…i suppose in life you take a chance on people… and hungry people tug at my heart… i guess that i could be fooled… but what if the person i walked past was one of those that Jesus talked about… “i was hungry and you fed me”, i was thirsty, and you gave me drink, i was naked and you gave me your coat… yeah, i will take my chances… it they spend it on porno (which i doubt) my intentions are none-the-less honorable…


Life is after all…a choice:cool:
“. *it they spend it on porno (which i doubt) my intentions are none-the-less honorable…”

*Again, devils advocate here- Are these intentions for yourself, or for the good of all? After all pornography has to come from somewhere, and if you are giving money to “consumers” how does that help, in the larger picture, of course?
PS Hungry people is nearly a misnomer in our society, as there are food stamps (given freely to anyone with a legitimate need ), food programs such as pantries, hot meals, etc, where people can get food, no questions asked, and almost every parish has a St. Vincents that also help the truly needy.

Sorry, but something tells me that this “honorability” could be costing some their souls, and society its’ peace. I believe Jesus wanted us to take an interest in the needs of others, not just throw money at anything that asks as we whizz on by to our own destinations. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, he not only gives his time and money, he comes back later, to see about the outcome of this man’s troubles. It is important to develop compassion for the person who needs, and to share something of ourselves with them, not just use money as a band-aid. This is the number one reaon that Welfare has failed so miserably, it fails to challenge the giver and the recipient at the same time.
Peace be with you

Simple question with many answers.
Look at how we give and to whom we give, when we give to the Church.
I give to the institutions that I know sceen aplicants through a valid prosses to avoid the missfutune of helping someone who trying to cheat me and some other unfortunate person who realy may need it.(Catholic Charities or the Kof C can do better than I can)
Money is only one to give and this how I choose to give it.
However, I give through my works and the talents God gives me openly to anyone of whom may pass me by. You need a helping hand and I’ll do what I can for ya. Most often it is simply a smile or kind word that someone may need. A flat tire for example one has to second guess or one may be taken for ride they do not wish to on. So for this there may another alternative such as call for help on a cell pfone to someone who can help more than you can without putting yourself at the risk be taken in by someone with the wrong intentions.
At the same time if you see that it clearly someone who is guenine in need of help do so and if they ask how they can repay you, respond do the same for someone else some day.
Pay it forward.
Peace be with you
Ron R.
This was in my Yahoo! mailbox today. My first cyber-panhandler, you might say:

Beloved In Christ,

I will be expecting your response my beloved in
Yours Sister In Christ,

Sorry, but I am a doubting Thomas. Fiest off, Louis doesn’t sound like a woman’s name. Even more so, the letter doesn’t sound like it was written like a French-speaker – which it would if this woman ?] were really from Ivory Coast. The offer of photographs hardly seems convincing.
I too hate to be distrustful, but this sounds a little like the Nigerian scams. Why doesn’t the pastor himself communicate and ask for help for his flock? That might be a little more believable.
I prefer to give to reputable charitable institutions, like Catholic Charities. Sadly, I can’t give to everyone who asks, or I’d neglect my own family.
I’ve given job applications to panhandlers! Ya’ll know that saying give a man a fish he’ll be fed for a day, teach a man to fish he’ll be set for life.
Ron- 👍 There’s the ticket. Your answer is inspirational to those who really want to follow the directives of Christ. It is the most responsible thing one can do in this country, where most pan-handling is a scam that perpetuates bad behavior and many social problems. That drug addict that gets the money will end up not only perpetuating violent, criminal behavior that goes up and down the food chain, but will drain thousands of dollars in resources in hospitalizations, lock-ups. treatments, etc, that could actually be going to people who genuinely need and deserve help. Because their addictions result in immediate needs for medical emergencies, necessitating expensive treatment and often jail, and almost always end up with the person on a Social Security disability check, just think of all the money that could have gone to housing, education, etc, that is sucked up by a problem that begins with bad choices.

April- GOOD FOR YOU- That’s the last thing they’re looking to get !! :eek:
I had a lady that came up to me in a parking lot at Taco Bell. She was shasking and looked like heck. She was asking for money because she was soooo hungry, she hadn’t eaten in days. I told her that I had no money, but I had some left over soft tacos that had not been touched. I tried to hand them to her and she said that she didn’t want them. I told her that I had no cash. She took my food and went on to the next car she could find that was occupied. The next time that I responded to someone, the were standing alone the side of the road with a sign that said “I need $.75” I thought, that is not a big deal, maybe she needs some bus money. I went to the store and got change for a $5, because I wanted to see if she was real and the bus does not give change. I called her over and handed her the $.75. She took it and went back to the side of the road. I don’t believe in pan handling.
No I don’t,cuz one time me and my cousin were walking out of a store and there was this couple asking for money cuz they were hungry. I was like no Isorry don’t have any money and my cousin handed them $5.00 they just kept on following us. My cousin turned around and said thats all I had. then we freaked out and started running. I was like see what happens when you give them money they want more.
Because we don’t know if those who are begging for money might spend the money on drugs or alcohol, it is sometimes prudent to either buy them a meal at nearby restaurant or direct them to St. Vincent de Paul or a nearby soup kitchen. Those who want help will receive the advice well; those who don’t may get angry with you.
Excellent answer and I agree. When my husband and I went to Chicago I could not believe the amount of panhandlers that I saw. Will work for food signs etc. I always feel bad because I think of what Christ said whatever you do with the least of my brothers… But I spoke to my sister the nun and she told me that some priests have given talks on this and these professional panhandlers who go from place to place parish to parish collecting money.
One of my priest friends said that he and his other inner city priest and minister friends always carried a few singles to give to panhandlers.

Then one day, one of the ministers had run out of money and when the next panhandler asked him for money, he explained he had run out but would see him the next day. The panhandler pulled out a knife and stabbed the minister to death.

Since that time, my priest friend and the other inner city priests and ministers have stopped carrying money and have stopped giving money.

They run soup kitchens and a variety of in-the-trenches social services, provide clothing, medical care, visit the sick and imprisoned, and provide Christian burials, but no more money handouts.
Is a pan-handler a beggar?
If so, there are loads in Nottingham, despite there being numerous shelters and hostels. Me and my family never give money to them directly but the City introduced a scheme where there are special ‘locked-box’ thingys, sort of like a bollard with a slit to put money in. This money is collected and then goes to a fund and is shared out to shelters and hostels. It means you can still give but know the money isn’t going to drugs etc. It also means you can put money in as you go past one, rather than having to send cheques etc to the council. I try to have a pound spare when I go past.

Michael 🙂

P.S. There are always beggars lying on the steps of the cathedral on a Sunday before Mass. It’s hard to have sympathy with them because there’s a shelter just round the corner with beds and doing hot Sunday dinners - a full carvery. Says something to me bout what they particularly want the money for…
As a woman I am very cautious with whom I come in contact. I give money to the poor, but I’m not willing to risk my life and safety, nor that of my children, to give money to a stranger. I am very cautious. I would feel more comfortable giving money to a food pantry or homeless shelter
Christus Rex:
Is a pan-handler a beggar?
If so, there are loads in Nottingham, despite there being numerous shelters and hostels. Me and my family never give money to them directly but the City introduced a scheme where there are special ‘locked-box’ thingys, sort of like a bollard with a slit to put money in. This money is collected and then goes to a fund and is shared out to shelters and hostels. It means you can still give but know the money isn’t going to drugs etc. It also means you can put money in as you go past one, rather than having to send cheques etc to the council. I try to have a pound spare when I go past.

Michael 🙂

P.S. There are always beggars lying on the steps of the cathedral on a Sunday before Mass. It’s hard to have sympathy with them because there’s a shelter just round the corner with beds and doing hot Sunday dinners - a full carvery. Says something to me bout what they particularly want the money for…
Wow, the little donation boxes are a great idea!!!

When you mentioned beggars lying on the steps of the cathedral on sunday, I couldn’t keep the image from my mind of the beggar woman in Mary Poppins who cries, “Feed the birds, toppins a bag!” All around the Cathedral the saints and apostles look down as she sells her wares, although you can’t see them, you know they are smiling each time someone shows them they care…😃 But, that was Disney and reality is much uglier.
No I don’t,cuz one time me and my cousin were walking out of a store and there was this couple asking for money cuz they were hungry. I was like no Isorry don’t have any money and my cousin handed them $5.00 they just kept on following us. My cousin turned around and said thats all I had. then we freaked out and started running. I was like see what happens when you give them money they want more.
That must have been so creepy!
I would rather give out things than straight cash. I have given away bus tickets or my lunch. When I gave my lunch to a woman one day, I asked her name. I have prayed for her conversion and salvation every day since. I also pray for each of the “regulars” I pass on my way to work. The most important thing for ALL mankind is conversion of heart - that they may know their dignity and follow their desire to love God. Certainly, we are all called to be witnesses to this truth whenever we can.
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