Do you have an ecumenical spirit?

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While attempting to cite St. Thomas, you fail to note that a person can be in objective error re: a matter of faith–less so a matter of morals–and yet not necessarily be in mortal sin. You presume to determine that many Protestants have full knowledge and deliberate consent re: their errors (see CCC 1857-59) and thus presume to judge them as subjectively being in mortal sin, something you have neither the ability or authority to do.

While we seek full communion with our separated brethren, the Church doesn’t presume to judge the subjective state of their souls in some sort of semi-collective fashion and thereby deny that they somehow received baptism without receiving the sanctifying grace associated with the sacrament.
I have no problem with people of other faiths, atheists etc. My family is filled with them.
Same here , @CelticWarlord .

A late Church of England friend saw himself as a son of Mary .

He was born on the feast of the Annunciation .

He was in Rome in 1950 when Pope Pius XII defined the dogma of the Assumption of Mary .

Little did he know that he would die on the feast of the Immaculate Conception .
Because they had sanctifying grace, and were incorporated into the Church in that way. 😃

Then there has to be room for others to have the same sanctifying grace. I find it hard to accept that Jesus died for my sins because I am a Catholic. I can think of many non Catholics who are far more worthy of receiving sanctifying grace.
I feel blessed that in the last eight days; I have been able to pray with non - Catholics; on six occasions. I have just come back from praying with around thirty Christians; from several denominations in our local Baptist Church.

We are starting up a Christian recovery course; for all kinds of addictions. Our local churches have jointly started up so many social action initiatives in the last ten years. Sadly, if it was left to the Catholic Church in our town, I doubt if any of these things would have happened.
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All who have been justified by faith in Baptism are members of Christ’s body, and have a right to be called Christian, and so are correctly accepted as brothers by the Catholic Church.
Correct. They are Christians and I would call out those who spout that foolishness that Protestants are not Christians.

That does not make them members of the Church, or equivalent to Catholics. There is a visible lack of union, and the fact that the Church has to receive them is proof that they are separated, and while imperfectly joined to the Church, they are not in the Church.
Why do you assume that fellowship with others would necessarily mean missing Mass? Can one not attend Mass at a different time that day or even prior at the vigil Mass? There is no reason why a Catholic presence need be absent in order to attend Mass.
It is more like a ghost that only comes out at night and is definitely active at 4 a.m.
Did Christ make a mistake?

In the Bible it says that Christ chose us first So after we have been chosen by Christ, why do we end up in all these diverse denomination?

Why didn’t Christ choose the Catholic faith for all of us?
The Protestant spirit…on this thread.

I’ve muted all response notifications. Still see likes, though. Nice PMs always welcome. Have a blessed day!
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