I love the Liturgy of the Hours! I strongly encourage lay people to join in this liturgical prayer of th Church.
I just looked at today’s Office of Readings. It looks complete.I found a website that has the liturgy of the hours. www.liturgyhours.org .
Can someone who prays the liturgy of the hours comment on the quality of the booklets that they have for personal prayer. Are they as good as the books you have?
The set you have found is a complete one…It comes in four volumes, and yes, it is expensive.I am thinking about it, but I looked online and the books that they offer to help you with this cost about $120. I don’t think I can justify the expense. Is there a less costly way to do it?
Yes…the LOTH should be prayed aloud, and I guess some do it that way, even when along. I read it silently, when alone.EWTN has on their home page an audio version of the Hours for morning and evening prayer. The pray is meant to be spoken and heard so it helps me feel like I’m in choir when I am praying alone.
God Bless