ok so what is the liturgy of the hours??? how do i do it?
That’s the one I use, too. I only do the Morning and Evening prayers, though. When I started (a little under 3 years ago), I only said the Morning prayers, then I added the Evening prayers and then the Night prayersI use the thick, red (one volume) Christian Prayer book. I think it was around $35. Also get the companion booklet for $1, it is extremely helpful!
God Bless!
Good evening, Raphaela:ok so what is the liturgy of the hours??? how do i do it?
Hello Angelica!This year I plan on buying the single edition Christian Prayer, the thick red one.
People seem to be speaking very favorably and I hope to add it to my prayer life.
You don’t need a book. The liturgy is on line.I am thinking about it, but I looked online and the books that they offer to help you with this cost about $120. I don’t think I can justify the expense. Is there a less costly way to do it?
Scroll up a bit in the page … and look for Dunmoose’s post …What is the Liturgy of the Hours?
Matins (equivalent to the modern Invitatory, I think) was usually said together with Lauds. Between Nones and Compline would be Vespers.Good evening, Raphaela:
The Liturgy of the Hours are a series of hymns, psalms, short prayers, and readings that are designed to be said at certain hours of the day.
Their modern names are: The Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Mid Morning Prayer, Mid Day Prayer, Mid Afternoon Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer. Prior to the reforms of teh Second Vatican Council, the old names were Matins, Prime, Tierce, Sext, Nones, Lauds, and Compline. I think that’s right.
Perhaps when updating your page, you might consider removing the suggestion that alternative readings may be taken from the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada and the Upanishads.There are many ways to say the Hours…I also wrote a sort of one-stop-shopping guide to Liturgy of the Hours resources, which is located at dunstanboyko.tripod.com/loh.html . It is in need of updating, but it is pretty comprehensive.
I have a copy of this book, as well as the large print Christian Prayer, put out by the Catholic Book Pub. Company. I also have a Shorter Prayer.For a single volume, I would recommend the one published by the Daughters of St Paul. It includes morning prayer, evening prayer, daytime prayer, nightime prayer, and a selection from the office of readings. I find it much easier to use than the one published by Catholic Book Publishing.
Here’s a link if you want to check it out:
WOW! I’m curious how many other parishes do this. During Holy Week this year we did Morning Prayer before mass, but that’s the only time I can recall our parish ever praying any of the hours as a community. I’ve prayed MP and EP from Christian Prayer for about a year now, but it was nice to do it with the parish. One of the benefits . . . I learned I was doing a few things wrong!Our parish prays the hours before weekday masses.