I just voted in this poll and am impressed by the number of lay people who pray the Liturgy of the Hours.
My wife and I have been praying this wonderful prayer since well before our entrance into the diaconate formation program and my ordination. Now, as a deacon, I am required to pray the prayer that I already enjoy so much. I’ve become so used to the chant tones that I use in the morning, that they stay with me all day.
I find that it is a great way to start your day - setting your sights on the Lord, rather than any worldly worries or tasks that need to be accomplished. Praying the Divine Office often reminds me that I am not alone in my struggles and my work, and that with Him, I can do the job, without Him, I can do nothing.
We started praying Saturday Morning Prayer (with Benediction on First Saturday - after Adoration from the previous morning) and Sunday Evening Prayer in our parish last year, with attendance of about 15 - 20 people. I’m off to preside at Morning Prayer now.
God Bless you, all.