Do you pray the Liturgy of the Hours?

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mercygate: I looked it up, of course you are correct!

Forgive my error.
Hi Everyone,
I just bought ‘Christian Prayer’ after having used ‘Shorter Christian Prayer’. The guide is helpful, however, it seems like there are more places to bookmark than there are ribbons. What has everyone found to be the best way to set the ribbons, or is there a standard way to set them?
Hi Everyone,
I just bought ‘Christian Prayer’ after having used ‘Shorter Christian Prayer’. The guide is helpful, however, it seems like there are more places to bookmark than there are ribbons. What has everyone found to be the best way to set the ribbons, or is there a standard way to set them?
I use the 4 volume LOH but the problem is the same. There aren’t enough ribbons.

I assume you will pray all the hours except Readings (because CP doesn’t HAVE all the readings). Put one ribbon each at the Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and the Proper of Saints. I use a bookmark for the Ordinary, the Common, and another for the hymn section.

I made a card with the Magnificat on one side and the Benedictus es on the other, which I move through MP and EP along with the ribbon. I have memorized the Nunc Dimittis but use the sheet provided with the guides for the *Te Deum (*which you won’t need if you do not pray the Office of Readings).

The excellent guide, The Divine Office for Dodo’s, available through the Confraternity of Penitents ( has an elaborate system of ribbons and bookmarks that would drive me out of my mind – but the instructions in Dodo’s are the best I have ever seen. If you buy that book and actually USE it, you will be praying the Office comfortably and correctly within 3 months. Don’t be annoyed with yourself if you make mistakes while learning (heck! sometimes I STILL forget first vespers on feasts), but as you become familiar with this little obstacle course and learn to make your way around the ribbons, you will find it a very satisfying and integrative kind of vocal prayer.
I assume you will pray all the hours except Readings (because CP doesn’t HAVE all the readings). Put one ribbon each at the Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and the Proper of Saints. I use a bookmark for the Ordinary, the Common, and another for the hymn section.
You really don’t need separate ribbons for Morning and Evening Prayer, since they appear sequentially in the Psalter.

Arrange the ribbons as you are comfortable, and use bookmarks for other sections (holy cards work well 🙂 ) – mercygate hit the highlights. It is possible, for a couple of bucks, to buy more ribbons, if you wish. When I attached the piggy-back volume of Proper Offices of Franciscan Saints and Blesseds to my CP, I bought another set of ribbons. Now I mark:
  • The Proper of Seasons
  • The Common
  • The Psalter (MP & EP)
  • (selected) Daytime Prayer
  • Night Prayer
  • The Proper of Saints (CP volume)
  • The Hymns
  • The Common of Saints
  • (selected) Office of Readings
  • The Proper of Saints (Franciscan volume)
(this is wrt the CBP volume – I think the Psalter in DoSP may include Daytime Prayer, but I’m not sure)

Night prayer, at least in the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours set, gives you a choice of hymns and Marian prayers, some of which are in Latin. Can anyone point me to translations for these hymns and prayers? My intention is to pray them in Latin, but I want to understand what they mean first.


Mot Juste:
Night prayer, at least in the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours set, gives you a choice of hymns and Marian prayers, some of which are in Latin. Can anyone point me to translations for these hymns and prayers? My intention is to pray them in Latin, but I want to understand what they mean first.


Sometimes if you go on Yahoo or Google and just type the first line into the search window, you will get several options among which some may include a translation. Translations of the Latin Marian antiphons that follow Night Prayer are all over the place.

If you listen to MP or EP on the EWTN web site, there is a recording of chant following the office – and you will hear the melodies of several of the Marian antiphons . . .
Hi Everyone,
I just bought ‘Christian Prayer’ after having used ‘Shorter Christian Prayer’. The guide is helpful, however, it seems like there are more places to bookmark than there are ribbons. What has everyone found to be the best way to set the ribbons, or is there a standard way to set them?
I also use “Christian Prayer”, and I was using bookmarks in addition to the standard 5-ribbon marker it comes with.

When those ribbons started wearing out, I made a new ribbon bookmarker with 8 ribbons – rainbow colors – red/orange/golden yellow/lemon yellow/green/blue/indigo/violet (I make them from fabric-backed vinyl, 3/8-inch-wide ribbons, and craft glue – give them away to people who need them).

I place the 8 ribbons as follows:
  1. Proper of Seasons
  2. Ordinary
  3. Psalter
  4. Daytime Prayer
  5. Night Prayer
  6. Proper of Saints
  7. Commons
  8. Hymns
Crazy Internet Junkies Society
Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
Mot Juste:
Night prayer, at least in the 4 volume Liturgy of the Hours set, gives you a choice of hymns and Marian prayers, some of which are in Latin. Can anyone point me to translations for these hymns and prayers? My intention is to pray them in Latin, but I want to understand what they mean first.
Or, you could always learn Latin – You wouldn’t regret it. 👍
(maybe your desire to pray in Latin will lead to just that)

I use the morning, evening and night prayers , sometimes office of readings online, when i can get online (evenings and night are a problem) ,else i use the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin (book form ) instead.

Hopefully , I will purchase the 4 volume set Christmas time. I am a stay at home mom, with plenty of time, but limited resources, and perfer book form.
You can pray the LOH on line. It dosen’t cost you anything.

Try this> Universalis today
I have been praying shorter morning and evening prayers since April and I am very happy. I can’t begin to say how great these prayers are and how much I have learned by praying them. Someday I hope to leap to the longer prayers. Sometimes I do but not regularly yet…

Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate

Full Liturgy of the Hours here
I also use “Christian Prayer”, and I was using bookmarks in addition to the standard 5-ribbon marker it comes with.

When those ribbons started wearing out, I made a new ribbon bookmarker with 8 ribbons – rainbow colors – red/orange/golden yellow/lemon yellow/green/blue/indigo/violet (I make them from fabric-backed vinyl, 3/8-inch-wide ribbons, and craft glue – give them away to people who need them).

I place the 8 ribbons as follows:
  1. Proper of Seasons
  2. Ordinary
  3. Psalter
  4. Daytime Prayer
  5. Night Prayer
  6. Proper of Saints
  7. Commons
  8. Hymns
Crazy Internet Junkies Society
Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
and you can always add ribbons on your christian prayer.
By the way Carol Ann SFO are you reciting the prayer of St. Francis before office?

As a Franciscan i am starting to use that praises of St. Francis before office.
I’ve been using the “Shorter Christian Prayer” book maybe a month and a half and really enjoy it. It includes morning, evening, and night prayers. Since I keep such odd hours I usually pray the evening and night prayers at the same time, when I go to bed in the wee hours.

I still need to study up on it, so I can be sure I’m doing it correctly. I don’t know how to do the singing, for instance.

JUST TO MAKE SURE–we are in Week IV, right?
I download the liturgy of the hours to my PalmPilot from a web site called and I read them as often as I can at the appropriate times.

On Sunday evenings, my wife and I Vespers together with our children. We use a book published by Patmos publishing for that.
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