I am sure that many will say"hate the sin…not the sinner’ and once again I say where is there sin in one’s love for another person?
Let’s get a something straight before we continue in this area love has more than one meaning and when discussing the topic in a religious context, it is helpful to understand that there are four kinds of love that we talk about:
- eros, or erotic love
- storge, or family love
- phileo, or brotherly/friendship love
- agape, or divine/perfect love
Sharing phileo with a member of the same sex is not a sin and, in fact, is a VERY GOOD thing. It can be perverted from the intent that God has for it when it morphs into eros.
I question the motive of anyone here on Earth or any Church that claims the right to define sin. These are my THRUTHS.
In other words, there are absolutely no absolutes.
I would place a bet to anyone that most here should run fast if Stone throwing were to start concerning their own hidden and past “sins”.
Agreed. I’m the first one to bring that up. You think this topic is “anti-gay?” This thread is downright FRIENDLY compared to some I’ve read around here.
Christ himself spoke on just that subject. I guess that I really am not welcomed here and that this continual preaching will not be of any use to me since I AM A CONTENT,HAPPY AND LOVING GAY MAN.
Your choice. I respect that. But telling you what we believe and why is not preaching. If you came to an orthodox Catholic board expecting to be affirmed in what we believe is a sin, then you’ve come to the wrong place. If you want to discuss these things in an open and fair discussion, the feel free. I, for one, welcome the opportunity to discuss the issues with you.
However, as a person who IS same-sex attracted, I can tell you that I was not “born this way.” Yes, I have been SSA since I can remember. That doesn’t mean that I was “born this way.” Does the Church demand that I change my orientation? Nope. Not at all (regardless of what some people think, the Catholic Church has NO requirement for homosexual persons to undergo “reparative therapy”). What the Church requires is that I conform my life to that of Christ and live a chaste life. That’s it. That’s not complicated. It’s difficult, but not complicated.
Now, since I’ve stopped expressing my SSA in through my genitals, I’ve discovered a LOT of things about myself that I need to know. I bet if you did the same and prayerfully asked God for guidance, He’d also show you a LOT about yourself that you need to know, too.
Pax Christi