Do you truly believe jesus is in the eucharist

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I certainly believe it. But like Tom, I often think I could do a better job of preparation. As well as a better job of evangelization others on the truth present in the Catholic Church. But I’m working on it.

We ALL need to do a better job of it … thanks for the post!
Yes, I do believe!❤️ :gopray2:

Having met our Lord in the Eucharist – actually He has revealed himself to me – I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to be Catholic.

I recently found out another mom from my son’s very Catholic school was Lutheran when I said I couldn’t believe my sister-in-law had left Jesus to be a fundy. Claws came out and she has the concept that Eucharist doesn’t contain Jesus until she accepts it.

I still don’t see how one can leave if they have learned the truth. I presume my SIL just never knew the truth.

Yes. I believe that Christ is fully present - body, blood, soul and divinity- in the Eucharist. I believe this because He says so in Holy Scripture and Our Holy Mother Church declares it to be so.
As usual Ham1, you hit the nail on the head!

Lord help me to become, that of which I partake.
Yes, this is the teaching of the Catholic Church. I have believed
this since receiving first communion in the mid 1950’s.

God Bless
Would love to get a response to this … and maybe an explanation of Why or Why not? 👍
Yes, I believe the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, really and substantially present under the appearance of bread and wine. I will continue to believe this until I have been given a GOOD reason not to (and it would have to be a very good reason since both the Church teaches it and I have experienced it).

What an inspiring thread! Indeed, this is the “mysterium fidei,” that the apparent bread and wine become the real body and blood of the Redeemer. “Panis angelicus fit panis hominum…O res mirabilis!”

Intellectually I believe that the Eucharist IS Jesus, but I can’t articulate it.

But when I walk up for communion, tears come to my eyes and if I stopped and let my heart and soul speak to me, I would probably collapse into a puddle of myself. I always seem to have to rein my emotions in so that I can get back to the pew and contemplate the experience there.

And the other day, at daily mass which I attended for the first time, and at which I was not able to go to Communion…well, at the consecration, since I was seated in the front row, I could see everything. And I was overwhelmed…all I could think was, “HE’S STANDING RIGHT THERE! THAT’S JESUS! HE’S RIGHT THERE!

And yet I could not approach him due to my own sins.

My brain can’t grasp the mystery, but my heart seems to have it all figured out. I know I could never leave the church…because to do so would be to turn my back on Christ who shows us all so much mercy.

So YES!!! The Eucharist IS Jesus!

I’m sorry I’m so wordy:o
If I didn’t, I would be guilty of idolatry, no?
“…I believe these and all of the Truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou hast revealed them; Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived!”

Faith is a gift … and we have the gift of Catholism and the true great gifts of the Sacraments. :rolleyes:

I agree - and pray always!

Thanks for your post! :gopray:
I like your response to Tom…one of the best.
I totally agree! 👍
I not only believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, but I’ve recieved confirmation of it from God Himself.

Our parish has Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist. I have been going to Adoration every Friday at 10PM for the past two years. Lately though, I’ve been going more.

On approximately five occasions over the past three months, I’ve been staring at the host in the monstrance, praying my rosary, and have seen stuff moving around in the host. The first time, I saw faces of babies, or maybe cherubims. Other times, I’ve seen clouds, what I interpret to be the Shekkinah cloud. This Wednesday, and Last night, I saw clouds in the Eucharist like I usually do, and then just for an instant, I saw the Holy Face! (I saw the Holy Face while reciting the Chaplet of the Holy Face). It was like Our Lord pushed aside the Shekkinah cloud just for an instant, and peeked in on me as I was praying. It was totally awesome!!

When I see these “clouds” and stuff, it looks like the host is lighted up in different spots … like clouds in the sky. It’s become a regular occurrence for me. The host, that is, lights up subtly here and there.

I didn’t need the miracle to believe though. I believed in the Real Presence, first, and then I’ve gotten this miraculous little gift. It’s very humbling. I love Our Lord so much!!!
The Priesthood is inseparable from the Eucharist. The great dignity of this sacrament calls to mind the great dignity of the priesthood. On the night before He was taken away from us, Christ instituted this sacrament and the sacrament of holy orders. While there have been reports of bad priests or those who have not been true to their vocation, the thing is, Christ has often chosen to act through frail and weak men to accomplish His will and demonstrate His great love for us. I believe that the same Christ who walked the hills of Judea continues to commune with us because of the eucharist. And together with this my faith in the eucharist are my fervent prayers for those men, admittedly weak men, through whom God accomplishes the daily miracle of His REAL PRESENCE. Could it be that underlying the orchestrated attacks against the priesthood is the world’s hatred towards this sacrament of love? The world (I use the term in the sense used in John’s gospel) never accepted the Jesus who walked the hills of Judea. I get a hint of the same reaction of the world when it comes to the REAL PRESENCE. Please pray for the priest who consecrated the eucharistic species in your every communion–that he may sustain his faith by falling deeply and madly in love with that which he holds in his hands at the moment of consecration!
I not only believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, but I’ve recieved confirmation of it from God Himself.

Our parish has Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist. I have been going to Adoration every Friday at 10PM for the past two years. Lately though, I’ve been going more.

On approximately five occasions over the past three months, I’ve been staring at the host in the monstrance, praying my rosary, and have seen stuff moving around in the host. The first time, I saw faces of babies, or maybe cherubims. Other times, I’ve seen clouds, what I interpret to be the Shekkinah cloud. This Wednesday, and Last night, I saw clouds in the Eucharist like I usually do, and then just for an instant, I saw the Holy Face! (I saw the Holy Face while reciting the Chaplet of the Holy Face). It was like Our Lord pushed aside the Shekkinah cloud just for an instant, and peeked in on me as I was praying. It was totally awesome!!

When I see these “clouds” and stuff, it looks like the host is lighted up in different spots … like clouds in the sky. It’s become a regular occurrence for me. The host, that is, lights up subtly here and there.

I didn’t need the miracle to believe though. I believed in the Real Presence, first, and then I’ve gotten this miraculous little gift. It’s very humbling. I love Our Lord so much!!!
awesome … thanks so much for sharing!
I have problems with our use of terms sometimes. “Eucharist” has a very broad meaning.

We say we are going to the Sunday Eucharist, not Sunday Mass. We no longer offer the Sacrifice of the Mass, but we have Eucharist. We say that we are receiving the Eucharist at Communion, not that we are receiving the Blessed Sacrament at Holy Communion.

I prefer to use very specific terms not broad terms, to make things very black and white.

I believe that Christ is spiritually present in the celebration of the Eucharist. In the Assembly gathered together to worship and in His Scriptures read during the liturgy of the word. I also believe that Christ is Truly, Really and Substantially present in the Blessed Sacrament under the appearance of bread and wine.
Many people say that the thing which led them to the Church or keeps them in the Church is the Real Presence. For me as a recent convert (this Easter!), it did not play such a major role. Part of this is due to my background. I used to go to a Lutheran church which believed in the Real Presence (consubstantiation aside) and I was accustomed to sometimes receiving communion several times a week. Subjectively speaking, I do not perceive any difference between the communion elements of the Lutheran church and the Catholic Church.

Even my first communion was seemingly insignificant – emotionally speaking. I think this was largely due to the fact that by the time we got to communion, I had already been through 2 emotionally intense hours of the Easter Vigil and was consequently emotionally drained.

Thank God that my perceptions do not determine reality! What a horrid world this would be if they did, both in regards to this situation and all other areas of life!

What I perceive and what I believe – why, those are two different things!
I am very new to this board, and a non Christian who is interested in learning more about faiths other than my own. I have enjoyed reading about peoples faith and experience of the Eucharist, and I have a question related to the Eucharist.

I understand that at the Last Supper Jesus declared that the bread and wine He was giving to the Apostles was His body and blood. And if I am underastanding correctly (or using the language appropriately) through transubstantiation the members of the church reciceve the body and blood of Christ through (during?) the Eucharist. My question is this, where was the link passed? Is it that by recieving His body and blood at the last supper the appostles are then able to do the same for the other followers? Or was there an additional step /action in there somewhere?

Many thanks,

If we visually see things after gazing upon the Blessed Sacrament for a prolonged period of time, it may be a miracle, or it may be a common scientific reaction which my 9th grade science teacher termed “color fatigue.”

I don’t know what the scientific word for it is, but you’ve no doubt seen the “ink spot” type of optical illusions that have you stare at them (or a point in the center of them) for a couple minutes, then look away at a blank wall. Your eyes, while adjusting to the blank wall, will send a message to your brain showing you an image which is not really on the wall. Then it quickly fades as your eyes adjust. It all has to do with the rods and cones and receptors, and I am no opthamologist!

I never doubt anyone’s sincerity, and even if they didn’t actually see angels, saints, or Our Lord Himself, I still consider it a hug from heaven that God allows us to “see” with the desire of our hearts and souls if not authentically with the naked eye.

This isn’t an exact example, but provides a little explanation for some related apparition phenomena, fyi
I absolutely believe that the Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity! Why? There are many reasons, but the big ones are as follows: Jesus clearly told us, Sacred Scripture confirms it, Sacred Tradition confirms it, the Fathers confirm it, the Eucharistic miracles confirm it, and 2,000 years of Christian witness confirm it. The challenge is to take that belief from the head . . . to the heart. Read John 6:51 very deliberately–the bread is “living” and it is Jesus’ “flesh for the life of the world”.

** Believe, for we have been told! **
I absolutely believe that the Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity! Why? There are many reasons, but the big ones are as follows: Jesus clearly told us, Sacred Scripture confirms it, Sacred Tradition confirms it, the Fathers confirm it, the Eucharistic miracles confirm it, and 2,000 years of Christian witness confirm it. The challenge is to take that belief from the head . . . to the heart. Read John 6:51 very deliberately–the bread is “living” and it is Jesus’ “flesh for the life of the world”.

** Believe, for we have been told! **
Of all things, I believe this the most.

I have a friend who is an Assemblies of God minister. She loves us Catholics. Has many good to say about us.

She told me that if God ever gave her the grace to believe Jesus was truly present in our tabernacle, she would lay on her face in front of Him and would have to be dragged away.

She said that observing Catholics and how they seem to take that presence for granted and often show so little respect and reverence, she found it hard to believe.
She told me that if God ever gave her the grace to believe Jesus was truly present in our tabernacle, she would lay on her face in front of Him and would have to be dragged away.
My third grade teacher told our class that a protestant had once said the same thing! It made a big impression upon me, since I’ve retained that remark all these 37 years.
observing Catholics and how they seem to take that presence for granted and often show so little respect and reverence, she found it hard to believe.
Now, with that, a healthy debate would begin between me and her!!!
If she believes in the Words of Christ Jesus, she would believe in the Eucharist. (especially as a Sola Scriptura pastor!)
If she believed in the writings of the Early Church Fathers, she would believe in the Eucharist.
If she believed in Sacred Tradition, she would believe in the Eucharist.
But apparently, she believes in judging the actions of a few common sinners to direct her to the “right church.”
I guess that’s just another common error of protestantism, going where the people seem to be the most enthusiastic.
And I’m not saying here that she is wrong about us not showing Jesus enough reverence, and spending enough time with Him in the Blessed Sacrament! But that she uses our example as the basis for her disbelief. That’s a cop out.
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