Faolwyn,I am very new to this board, and a non Christian who is interested in learning more about faiths other than my own. I have enjoyed reading about peoples faith and experience of the Eucharist, and I have a question related to the Eucharist.
I understand that at the Last Supper Jesus declared that the bread and wine He was giving to the Apostles was His body and blood. And if I am underastanding correctly (or using the language appropriately) through transubstantiation the members of the church reciceve the body and blood of Christ through (during?) the Eucharist. My question is this, where was the link passed? Is it that by recieving His body and blood at the last supper the appostles are then able to do the same for the other followers? Or was there an additional step /action in there somewhere?
Many thanks,
At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted two of the seven Sacraments of His Church: Holy Orders and the Eucharist.
First, he washed the feet of His Apostles and instructed them to become servants to His followers. This annointing by their Master was their ordination into the Holy Priesthood. This began their Priestly Ministry.
After that, He celebrated the First Eucharist with them.
We believe that only a duly ordained priest has the power (from the Sacrament of Holy Orders) to confect the Eucharist (to change ordinary bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ) through a miraculous process (mystery) we term “transubstantiation.”