Do you/would you carry a concealed firearm to Mass?

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Catholics should be prepared to die where they stand at any point in their life without exception. It is impossible to die except when God is ready for us to die. Until then, we are de facto impervious to death.

But it is neither here nor there. Turn down the stakes and homicides plummet. We should be humble and follow the example of nation’s who are more successful in this respect (not that I am saying gun control is the exclusive solution, since it is only one factor among several others).
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Catholics should be prepared to die where they stand at any point in their life without exception. It is impossible to die except when God is ready for us to die. Until then, we are de facto impervious to death. Even if we stood in the middle of a nuclear explosion it would be meaningless unless God permitted it to hurt us.
I understand your point and I think your partly right, but I also think you have gone to an extreme, like the Protestant group who handle poisonous snakes, I’m reminded of ‘thou shalt not put the lord your God to the test.’

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
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Nice thought, but I doubt I’d do much good. Same reason I don’t carry pepper spray.

If church attacks get frequent enough, I just might. My husband and I both have concealed carry permits. I’m
hoping that my parish will hire security, though, if things get bad. It’s a large parish and could afford an armed police officer or security personnel to stand in the narthex during mass.
It is not putting God to the test, because that would involve active recklessness.

Average people don’t walk around with firearms. This is not religious extremism. This is an empirical fact of life in Canada, Australia, Europe, and dozens of other places. I spent my entire life without a handgun and I am fine.

Saying to oneself: “I am going to go to Mass without a gun” is not equivocal to “I am going to pet a wild rattlesnake”. The former scenario is - or ought to be - taken as a given.
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Catholics should be prepared to die where they stand at any point in their life without exception. It is impossible to die except when God is ready for us to die. Until then, we are de facto impervious to death.
They should also be prepared to defend their life. A life given by God.
But it is neither here nor there. Turn down the stakes and homicides plummet. We should be humble and follow the example of nation’s who are more successful in this respect (not that I am saying gun control is the exclusive solution, since it is only one factor among several others).
So cheapen life further and after awhile less people will be murdered? Wrong. Just the opposite.
By the time I found my purse, found the gun in my purse, found which end to use, aim, and actually fire it, the next mass would already be underway.

Now given a soldering iron or RF lethal source, you might have a shot at convincing me.

Ah, XTP usually is a fairly robust bullet (have seen complete core/jacket separation in a 158 grain .357 load into a thin steel door frame though). Also, failed to penetrate the backside of the thin steel door frame too.

Saw a G40 on a female FBI agent out here. Figured that if it was good enough for them, it’s probably good enough for me 🙂

The more I shoot, the more I’m trying to move toward lead-free ammunition for most things. There’s a “Barnes” for that in many handgun calibres. And, I’m willing to pay the extra price to have ammunition that is both lighter than conventional lead based and doesn’t expose me to lead.

TK: It’s really amazing what happens to crime rates when criminals realize that responsible citizens have weaponry. We haven’t had a non-druggy on druggy home invasion out here for a long time. Apart from the one armed robbery at a church that we had, there’s not been any violence in churches (guessing that the congregation didn’t deal with the problem on site out of “respect”). Overall armed robbery rate is negligible. Car jackings generally don’t happen either. Virtually nobody wants to test to see whether the person is armed or not.
Average people don’t walk around with firearms. This is not religious extremism. This is an empirical fact of life in Canada, Australia, Europe, and dozens of other places.
In Australia yes, neither do I carry one here, but if our gun laws were the same as the USA’s you bet id be carrying one. It’s either very tough gun laws and we try to make it so nobody carries except for police and military, or you go the other way as the USA has and good citizens carry to counteract the bad ones.

To come to Australia and not carry is no big deal, because nobody else is carrying and if the criminals are, they will only have something like a shotgun or bolt action, enough time to find cover and wait for police. To go to the USA and not carry is a much bigger deal, because other people are carrying and they can get more than 1 or 2 people before police can arrive on scene.

God Bless

Thank you for reading
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But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30
But like I said, if we take it to the extreme we can end up like that Protestant group who handle poisonous snakes as in scripture, those people I think forget ‘thou shalt not put the lord thy God to the test’

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
If we are going to be worried about getting killed by some maniac with a gun, we would not be able to leave the house these days. I mean all hell is breaking loose, literally. Don’t forget trucks.
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Which is precisely my point. We have up’d the stakes, analogous to two nations building increasingly large military forces in response to each other. The alleged “solution” can only be more, more, more, more.

As for mass shootings: they account for 1% of US gun deaths and are a very, very minor subject in the larger picture.
That is the fate of one who is ruled by fear and not by faith. They are confined to an unhappy and distrustful existence. Being interiorly a slave to their own emotions.

But if not by faith, then at least by smart policy. An armed population is not necessary to have a safe nation. It has been redundantly demonstrated with empirical examples.
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In a confined area, shotguns are really, really nasty. Don’t just say it’s “no big deal” if the criminal has a shotgun. 3" 12 gauge 00 buckshot leaves a heck of an impression. 000 buckshot even more so, and won’t stop for pews, most interior walls, etc.

Most bolt-action rifles have enough power to penetrate most of the “cover” that you’re going to find. Unless Aussies load 30-06 down a lot, that round is going to penetrate desks, walls (most), pews, people, and various other things. .308Win isn’t far behind, have a bunch of ADI .308Win in 150grain Swift Sirocco II that I need to play-test next deer season. Even the lowly .223 will penetrate pews and most interior walls, especially with the right load.
That is the fate of one who is ruled by fear and not by faith. They are confined to an unhappy and distrustful existence. Being interiorly a slave to their own emotions.

But if not by faith, then at least by smart policy. An armed population is not necessary to have a safe nation. It has been redundantly demonstrated with empirical examples.
Your comments are a bit troubling…

God doesn’t want us to be killed by criminals.

If one is up to it, I am sure God would be most pleased if someone defends themselves and defends others.
It has been empirically demonstrated in redundant scenarios that this is not necessary and that an armed population creates a far more dangerous criminal subculture that anticipates the threat of lethal force in advance. It creates a mutual militarization between the general population and the criminal population.

The US is the least safe highly developed country in the world.
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I don’t live a life ruled by fear. I choose to live a life of prudence. If I was fearful, I wouldn’t be a prosecutor. If I was fearful, I’d give up on it the first time some yahoo tells the world that he’s going to kill everybody involved in the case. If I was fearful, I’d give up when I get calls from higher level authorities in bigger metropolitan areas that I need to watch my six, so-to-speak due to cases. If I was fearful, I wouldn’t go into the office on call at unholy hours of the night.

Don’t generically lump all of us who carry weapons into the “ruled by fear and not by faith” camp. I take my responsibilities to the public, and to myself, seriously.
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