My state allows it. My church does not prohibit it. So I carry. I don’t carry because I am in fear at church, but because I carry everywhere I legally can as a matter of safety and principle. I have more training than most cops and I am a better shot than most cops. I can prove that anytime. I am also very clear headed in emergencies having had a lot of military training that promotes that.
As an instrumentalist in the choir next to the altar, I have already blocked out where my safe, clear fields of fire would be if someone approached the altar with a weapon and yelled “Ali Akbar!” or if someone just started shooting. I have mentally rehearsed my reactions. I would either be decisively effective or I would not take the shots.
As an instrumentalist in the choir next to the altar, I have already blocked out where my safe, clear fields of fire would be if someone approached the altar with a weapon and yelled “Ali Akbar!” or if someone just started shooting. I have mentally rehearsed my reactions. I would either be decisively effective or I would not take the shots.