My dear wife reported that her doctor has STRONGLY encouraged her to go on the pill (again). The doctor has indicated that for her to become pregnant again would be very risky.
I would rather live as Joseph and Mary did, than to see her on the pill. I would be willing to practice the most stringent form of NFP, and I believe she would too, however, she believes it would be too hard to learn and her doctor doesn’t believe it works. Her doctor’s complete lack of confidence in NFP and total confidence in the pill is ‘rubbing-off’ on her. The good doctor quipped at her last visit, “You know what they call couples who use the rythm method…parents.”
We can’t just dump the doctor. This doctor’s specialty is hard to find and she’s about the best, in this town. The way I see it, we’ve got these options.
I would rather live as Joseph and Mary did, than to see her on the pill. I would be willing to practice the most stringent form of NFP, and I believe she would too, however, she believes it would be too hard to learn and her doctor doesn’t believe it works. Her doctor’s complete lack of confidence in NFP and total confidence in the pill is ‘rubbing-off’ on her. The good doctor quipped at her last visit, “You know what they call couples who use the rythm method…parents.”
We can’t just dump the doctor. This doctor’s specialty is hard to find and she’s about the best, in this town. The way I see it, we’ve got these options.
- Follow the doctors advise and go on the pill. It’s easy and about $30 a month, and gets the job done. It may cause side-effects. It’s also against what our Church teaches us, and I believe, abortive and offends God, but one can point to the ‘medically necessary’ loophole so often cited.
- Get really good at NFP. It’s free, non-abortive, unitive, healthful, causes no side-effects, is approved by the Church and doesn’t offend God. It’s reported to be good for the marriage. It can be time consuming to master and is generally unsupported by the medical community. There are many who say, "It just doesn’t work as ‘good’ as the pill.
- Do nothing. Don’t go on the pill, don’t practice NFP and don’t live as Joseph and Mary. There is no specifically identified risk, just and increased ‘general’ risk, due to a certain diagnosis. All pregnancy is risky, some more than others. Continue marital relations as normal and put it in God’s hands.
- Live as Joseph and Mary. Discontinue marital relations. There’s no physical risk, no physical side effects, it’s free, doesn’t violate Church teaching or offend God, if mutually agreed upon. Good for the short term, but probably very challenging and difficult longer-term.