Not surprisingly, option 2 leads hands-down, as I expected. By far, most respondents recommend disregarding the doctor’s advise to go on the pill and get really good at NFP.
What surprised me though was, in second place (albiet distant), was option 1, follow the doctor’s recommendation and go on the pill, led the only other morally licit options provided, living as Joseph and Mary or put it all in God’s hands.
Option 4, in third place, living as Joseph and Mary, as hard as it might be, is absolutely the safest possible method and assuming mutual agreement, morally licit. The safest ship is the one stays docked in her home port, but she really isn’t being used as her creators intended. She should be at sea, but she faces many perils when at sea. But for those of us who are less than Joseph and Mary, there are many risks, too.
The biggest surprise for me, was option three, disregard the doctor or put it all in God’s hands, is absolutely DEAD LAST in the poll. Only three respondents seem to have more faith in God than the doctor, or us, the couple in question, in deciding how this should play out. That seems to suggest that we mere humans believe that 95.2% more in ourselves, than in God.
I’ll admit that I selected option 2, but Black Jaque got me to thinkin’ when he mentioned how I take risk a risk everytime I fly. That’s true, I trust in my skills, but thinking back, there have been occasions where my life and that of many others, were spared when my human frailty could’ve killed us all. I can only attribute the safe conclusion to God, who had to be looking out for us, on those dark, stormy nights.
Since I didn’t select option 3, putting it all in God’s hands, I have no choice but to wonder if I don’t trust enough in God, too? Why would I, along with nearly all of the other respondents, fail to place total trust in God, for this most important thing?
Should my wife become pregnant again, we don’t have any guarantees of a successful outcome, but we DO have outstanding resources available to give her and our child a fighting chance. After all, her OB did say “Well, if you get pregnant again, we’ll just deal with it.”
Should we use statistical analysis in an attempt to foil God’s will?