Doctor Wants My Wife On The Pill

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Maybe you are thinking of amorous or passion. Yes, in the brother/sister living arrangement the couple may want to turn down the amorous or passionate feelings. They do that by being merely affectionate and stopping there.
Yeah that’s it!
I recommend you both read either (or both) of Christopher West’s books:
Theology of the Body for Beginners
Good News About Sex and Marriage.

I found these extremely helpful to me on this subject.
The former has some interesting base information I found helpful to my faith enhancement.
The latter covers things differently but is an easier read.

That said, marital relations are important (as the books will explain) and that this issue is really a matter of faith. Your’s and your spouses’.

Please do not be upset with your wife. She may be frightened. Now is the time for love and patience.

Sorry if this is a repeat… I did not have time to read all the posts.
NFP works like a charm. My wife and I had great success with it. On the other hand, if I was in the situation where another pregnancy would be life-threatening to her I would abstain for life in a heartbeat. It would not be easy but I would much rather live without physical relations than live without her. This is even more true now that we have a little girl that needs her. This is something I have already thought about and decided on while hoping I will never have to make the decision for real.
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