This is a good point, but may be taken as a “fear of hell tactic” by atheists.This is interesting, that you think you have nothing to lose. But you do.
Your pride is your “god” so to speak.
Atheism and Agnosticism claim to have no god or deity which they follow. However, in different sense, they do. They “worship” the self, the pride of knowing better and being ‘above’ all of those inferior deists who are deluded and think God exists. The purpose which drives atheists is their pride in being superior, and this is their “god.”
Therefore, if they admit they are wrong, they are giving up all of their pride and purpose, which is very hard for them to do.
I mean this not as a personal attack or a declaration of what ALL atheists are, but simply a refutation of what you said, which I quoted in this post.
Lest that be the case, let’s mitigate the effect.
An atheist’s assumption is that ultimately s/he alone is responsible for and capable of their own formation, that they are “self-made.”
Lincoln’s quote about a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client would seem to apply here.
The atheist or agnostic position would seem to assume that regardless of whether or not God actually exists, any person who takes it completely upon themselves to make themselves into the kind of being they wish to be, essentially are taking the enlightened path.
This conveniently forgets that we didn’t “make ourselves” in the first place and that whatever did indeed form and shape us into existence had the awesome capability and foresight to do so. However, the atheist contends, that fact is purely to be ignored because somehow after a meager 20-60 years or so of rather limited intellectual upbringing, each human, of their own accord “knows better.” Make your own decisions and completely ignore the fact that whoever or whatever brought you into being (metaphysically speaking) might just know better and have a better plan for you than you might concoct in that little dysfunctional brain of yours (speaking generally, of course). Brilliant, these atheists, in that they “strain out a gnat and swallow a camel.”
The option, it seems to me, is to make ourselves into merely the kind of being that our limited foresight might dream of, or to allow whatever had the foresight and ingenuity to bring the cosmos and all life into existence to have a hand. It would seem, at least on the face of it, a far wiser thing to cooperate with the superior Being than to go it alone, but, hey, that’s just me.