Does America want to rule the world?

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Non Proliferation Treaty.
I understand why it exists, i’m just not sure it’s the real solution to the problem. Is the continuous militant suppression of those countries that are not playing ball with America good in the long term? Thinking long term, will it even be practical?
Same as you,I do not know.
But efforts for peace count.
And honestly,there must be a big deal we have no idea about and information handled at a very different level that us,simple mortals,have no access to.
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that us,simple mortals,have no access to.
Well, i think even us mere mortals can understand that there is only so long you can keep suppressing a country before something explodes. Either that country has to get wiped of the map, or we take over their country, or we offer them something that appeals to both sides of the table. I don’t see it going any other way. I don’t see any viability in suppressing rogue countries forever for the simple fact that nuclear weapons and other destructive weapons are inevitable…It’s not a long term solution.

And also there is the moral qeustion of preventing trade to such countries and preventing their development economically…

To be honest i think any super power would prefer that they ruled it all. I think that’s just the insecurity that comes with being a super power.
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We all wish for long term solutions…
And I also agree with you that something must be reached that all sides may at least be able to say " I can live with this".
But the picture exceeds us. The big game I mean.
We can only do what we can,in what surrounds us.
You edited. Let me read a second…
I believe nations may have different driving forces. And again, there is a complex chessboard that exceeds us.
New paradigms in a very volatile scenario.
I believe US is a superpower,with quite a lot of debt …
What worries you the most when you mentioned trade? Do you have a specific situation in mind?
It is late for me. May read you tomorrow.
Thanks for the conversation.
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To be honest i think any super power would prefer that they ruled it all. I think that’s just the insecurity that comes with being a super power.
History showed us that when a country became pwerful enough, it will inevitably clashed with the superpower. Thus Romans clashed with the Parthians. The Mongols invaded Ming China. Islamic empire conquered other countries, and was fought against when a challenger was strong enough to take them on.

There can be only one champion. It is a matter of time before they will clash.

Now, just imagine when that clash involves nuclear weapon? We will not be here to hear about it.

That’s why nuclear non-proliferation treaty is very imporatnt to avoid nuclear war.

Sure, nobody want to use nulclear weapon, but there would be some who do.

When you become super-power, you are a default ruler by virtue of the power and influence that you have.

Anyway, China is coming up and maybe will be the next super-power.
If God has chosen America to rule guide,correct other, who are you and me to Question God .USA doesn’t wish to rule the world,but people feel that way, Romans 13:1-7 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval; 4 for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authority does not bear the sword in vain! It is the servant of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience. 6 For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, busy with this very thing. 7 Pay to all what is due them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.
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This applies to good government. But you are wrong if you intend this quote to imply that people have no right to qeustion the activities of their government if bad conduct is prevalent. The government is suppose to work for the good of the people not just its own interest. And man certainly has a right to fight tyranny where ever it may arise. The idea that man must follow blindly the interests of his ruler because God put him there is fallacy.

Quotes like this were often used to reinforce and justify a tyrannical rule, to make the people impotent against oppression for fear of losing their souls. . I’m sorry, that is not established by God. Not in God’s name i say.
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am just say God willed some Catholic Countries to rule, in a good governance and maintain peace between nations,surely for the bad government policies /mandate and other unethical and immoral things the people has the right to protest,if you see, it is the Church and Catholic who have suffered the much,and therefore if they rule wrongly God would surely punish them for there saying in a God’s point of view.

since all authority is give from above.for it is written in Wisdom 12:1-2 For your immortal spirit is in all things.2 Therefore you correct little by little those who trespass,and you remind and warn them of the things through which they sin,so that they may be freed from wickedness and put their trust in you, O Lord.That’s why UAS was punished several times for there wrong doings like abortions,immorality,by natural calamities,as per the Will of God.

Americans have spent millions, by helping poor countries in Charity,and at the time of natural calamities,and other disasters,and also lost so many soldiers to maintain peace and harmony in the World.and they are always the first to extend a helping hand to others who are in and i know how much they have done in history, we know, what other country has done,when they ruled like the dictators,and communist have done, it was only destruction and nothing else.God Bless
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We will soon know the absolute truth to this question.
@discobot fortune - Does America want to rule the world?
America seems to have interest in other countries
Yes we do. Most countries have interest on what other countries are doing. Most counties have intelligence services suited for that purpose. Unless you live in Antarctica, your country most likely has an intelligence service too.
They seem to be hostile against certain countries in regards to their development of nuclear weapons and will even go to war based on the belief that they are developing undesirable weapons
Well yes, we have in one instance gone to war with a country that had weapons of mass destruction, torture and kidnappings to kill up to 25000 Kurds.

We also bombed a Syrian chemical warfare program site after using them illegally on their own people once again. We acted with the help of England and France. We will most likely do it again if they choose to continue to gas more of their innocent civilians. I see no reason at all to stand by while a dictator gases it’s own civilians. I also see no reason to defend destroying these chemical production and stockpile sites. We gave warning ahead of time and no one was killed, so woohoo NATO.
This at least implies that they wish to control other countries and their development
We wish to keep people like Iran from nuking Israel, and we WILL keep that from happening to the best of our abilities, so yes. We wish to keep insane dictators from acquiring and using nukes on the United States, South Korea, and Japan who constantly talk about turning them into lakes of fire. So yes, there is that.

As far as ruling the world, that is right out of a James Bond movie.

So what is your point beyond that? Anything?
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Does America want to rule the world? Would they prefer it that way? Or do they respect the existence of other rulers?
America totally respects other rulers, and does not want to rule the whole world.
A complex answer is required but as the only remaining superpower, America is in a position not to rule the world but to “defend our interests and allies.” Who decides what those interests are would require a long answer. A study was done by a US Think Tank that was titled “Project for a New American Century.” The basic conclusions were that defense is the first priority followed by others. It was meant to provide guidance to policy makers.

The next consideration is that the US is the world’s largest exporter of arms in the world.

“The SIPRI report released on Monday revealed that the U.S. accounted for 34 percent of global major arms exports in 2013-2017, an increase from 30 percent in 2008-2012. U.S. arms exports were 58 percent higher than those from Russia, the second-largest exporter during the period.” Mar 12, 2018

The US Defense Industry needs a steady income flow to pay for operations and new projects. A skilled workforce at this level cannot be laid off or allowed to get behind in technology compared to the Russians and Chinese.

A few years ago, a US General announced that the US has a “24 hour strike capability” to any point on the planet. Shorter if the launch of a nuclear weapon was detected coming toward the US or a US Possession or Ally. Global surveillance is a reality.
I think so. The new “Rome”. It fits the mold. Just compare the list of decadent activity for each. The outcome is the same as Fr. Ripperger surmised that America is “due for a good spanking from God”.
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I love this nation. Your post was a bit of a firestarter. Most US Citizens don’t want to rule the world. There are varying opinions on us intervening in the affairs of other nations. While we are, in my opinion, doing too much, it’s a far cry to say we want to ‘rule the world’.

Currently the US is deployed in something like 11 nations. We’re over deployed. We have a huge amount of debt. I honestly don’t care all that much about Europe or the Middle East. I’d rather pull out of most of those areas. Sometimes our involvement is justified. Sometimes not. But frankly at anything beyond the battle level we aren’t very good at staying in country. We seldom seem to improve things.

I don’t much want to be in Syria. I would drastically draw down our presence in Europe and wait for NATO members to get their spending up to the treaty specified 2% of GDP. I’d get out of most other countries.

I’d pull back, and allow our military to repair, restock, and be prepared for a peer conflict if its ever needed instead of grinding itself and our budget down to nubs. Maybe reduce to more of a cadre level military.

Now, there is a price to this. If the US leaves, there will be a vacuum. The Economist is quite concerned that we might pull back, and if we do who might fill the vacuum.
We’ve been in Afghanistan longer than we were in Vietnam. I have no “full picture” regarding US air strikes in Syria and related operations. But Defense contractors need to move inventory…
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