I have an honest difficulty with the concept that the eternal fate of an infant can, even in principle, be determined by whether or not she has been baptised. (I also have an honest difficulty with the concept of original sin as a state that must be cleansed by baptism if an individual is to realise the best of his potential, and the idea that baptism per se makes a substantive difference to morals, ethics or ultimate fate). I, in all conscience, think that both of these ideas (the value of infant baptism and the existence of a state of Original Sin that can be cleansed by the sacrament of baptism) are worse than neutral - Alec
Your thoughts Alec reminded me of what Thomas M. King, S.J., Associate Professor of Theology at Georgetown University remarked wherein he quotes Father Teilhard de Chardin,
"Life itself is imprecise and reaches beyond all bounds, while “the officical truth is generally dead.” (J,212) People have imposed human bounds on the universe so that it conforms with what they are familiar with and what is ordinary. But by these confines a wide and “fantastic” universe is being concealed. Teilhard would even ask, “Must not truth be extraordinary in order to be true?”
Teilhard would speak of two types of knowledge (
savior): one is an abstract and timeless knowledge of “the world of Ideas and Principles.” This he claims to instinctively mistrust. The second is a “real” knowledge that is in constant develpment; it is "the conscious actuation (that is to say, the prolonged creation) of the universe about us . . . The Truth has come down from heaven, but it is a final goal to be reached and as such it is not grasped. But as people grope their way ahead with the advancing truth of scientific research, they sense the heavenly Truth as the ideal to which they proceed .
"There is a tendency “to make sacred, or taboo, that which is established.” But in order that truth advance there first must be a break with the truth that is established. Thus the innovator appears guilty of sacriledge, his or her teaching is suspected or condemned; he or she seems the cause of inquietude and often walks alone. Perhaps sucha a person hesitates to present what he or she has to say and may even be crushed. yet unless one breaks with established truth the orthodoxy of tomorrow cannot arise. Put more strongly Teilhard asks, “How can one advance in truth ( . . . ) wihtout altering that which was provisionally fixed, that is to say, without some sin” (J.212). There even seems to be an “essential liaison between progress and evil” (J, 239); for evil is that which threatens the existing order. The innovator must accept at least the risk of evil to come to the truth that will be new. The difficulty seems to reside in the very “mechanism for the acquisition of Truth.” Teilhard reflects on the cases of Galileo, Darwin, and even the new biblical criticism. In each case the material evidence presented was seen as a threat to the established orthodoxy and so it was resisted — but it was only in this way that the new orthodoxy could arise.
“Only by returning repeatedly to the threatening evidence — the risk of evil — can the veils of convention be removed and the narrowness of vision be opened to the dimensions of God.”
Teilhard’s Mysticism of Knowing by Thomas M. King, The Seabury Press, New York, 1981, p.g 40-41.
You may seem to some people within the forum as Mr. Evil (yee gads!) but there are those present here that know better ~ God bless you ~
with Love, Peace, and Joy ~