Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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Geocentrism and condemning individuals, personally, to hell. Hmm, in a way, that tells you all you need to know about Church Militant.
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RealisticCatholic It says something about the foibles of two men, that is all. It does not indict the whole organization nor the good those two men do.
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Everything is a mix of good and bad, I agree. Even the demons have good (their existence, for example).
Yes. I am reminded of a quote from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar:

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones”
But I don’t really understand the point. He was not a hippie, as opposed to what, exactly? He was a “Jew, not a hippie.” What exactly are we saying?

Because at the end of the day, whatever words we use to say who Jesus was or was not, I simply do not find any evidence to support that Jesus practiced the methods of Church Militant (as discussed in this thread’s context).

Sure, Jesus was blunt sometimes. Sure, Jesus had black and white, high standards. And sure, Jesus practiced righteous anger to get his point across.

But as @ChristMyLife has also attempted to express, there is a distinct approach that CM offers that is quite different from a genuinely Christ-like one. And maybe just maybe it takes a general experience and familiarity with Christ in the Gospels, through the saints, and in the church’s own teaching and practice that best demonstrates this. It’s hard to argue any one-liner. But someone who walks with Christ and really makes Christ his or her friend may better appreciate just how different Christ’s own approach is from a group like CM.

Reading Thomas Merton lately, I’ll offer him as an example. He was a peacemaker. He was quiet and contemplative. He strove for social justice. What would he think of CM’s methods? etc.
OK, I never said anything you are claiming here - so let me try it a different way.

The point is this: Christ called for us to give up sin and follow him. He said the sinful woman to go and sin no more. He didn’t say “it’s ok if you keep sinning, I still love you.”

Jesus calls us to join Him in love for God the Father though the repentance of our sins. We cannot be forgiven for our sins & receive salvation if we are not repentant.

Finally, I think the majority of people defending Church Militant have said over and over again that sometimes their methods are not the best, they are pretty jaded, and sometimes use unChristian methods. But the point of their reports are often correct. And while you have to take them with a grain of salt, they are not always wrong.

Very few were approving their attitude. They were approving their facts.

Also, as far as me personally, I have said multiple times that I EQUALLY disprove the polarizing methods used by Church Militant and by groups like the National Catholic Reporter, Fr Martin, American Magazine, and Commonweal.

God Bless
Reading Thomas Merton lately, I’ll offer him as an example. He was a peacemaker. He was quiet and contemplative. He strove for social justice. What would he think of CM’s methods? etc.
BTW - what do you mean by the term “social justice?” Do you mean what is historically known a Catholic social teaching? Then, yes I agree. Or do you mean the warped idea of “social justice” that is used by the political left?

Because both Jesus and Thomas Merton would not have been OK with same sex marriage or letting a 5 year old boy decide he is going to be a girl. That kind of “social justice” is not be OK with Jesus.
Everything is a mix of good and bad, I agree. Even the demons have good (their existence, for example).
Be very careful here… this is boarding on heresy. Because you sound like you are denying the existence of good vs evil.

Remember, a broken clock is right twice a day. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t broken.
Reading Thomas Merton lately, I’ll offer him as an example. He was a peacemaker. He was quiet and contemplative. He strove for social justice. What would he think of CM’s methods? etc.
I like Dorothy Day (from Merton’s era). She too was what some would call a social justice warrior. I grew up in a home that had some old covers of the Catholic Worker framed on the walls. My dad, who is active in Catholic social ministry, framed these and also gave me Day’s book. A few months ago, the same man sent out a petition linked to CM’s site, when a certain archbishop was being seriously considered to take Cdl. Wuerhl’s spot in Washington.

My point with this anecdote is it is possible to be a radical SJW Catholic and also an extreme right-winger (I don’t use those perjoratives but I use them here as stereotypes). It’s possible to love Dorothy Day AND Dagger John Hughes. To be radically peaceful when needed and militant when needed.

One more anecdote- a Benedictine priest died yesterday, who was famous for his breaking in to an abortion mill and smashing equipment with a sledge hammer. His bishop totally backed him! I found the article on LifeSite, I’ll link if you’re interested.

It’s possible to appreciate his actions AND the actions of those radicals who broke into that military nuke facility in TN a few decades ago. Take it for what it’s worth.
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I used to somewhat avoid Church Militant, but I think many of their points have been validated since this past summer with McCarrick, the Pennsylvania report, Wuerl, etc.

It is quite clear that aside from a handful of bishops, not many of them are willing to admit the amount of homosexuality present in the priesthood. It is also evident that the laity’s concerns have fallen on deaf ears, as clergy continue to “forget” about claims of abuse and look the other way when it comes to sexual immorality in the Church.
Also, it was outraged parents who contacted CM.
Ahhh, helicopter parents. Except for the rare child prodigy, the students at University are adults.

If I were to go back to school, it would be ludicrous for my parents to call and complain to my university because I am an adult. And before it comes up, it is still unacceptable if the parents are paying the tuition, that is a choice they freely made, it does not mean their adult child suddenly becomes an infant.

That part of the story makes me almost pull a muscle my eyes rolled so far.
Good point. And Church Militant has
as much right to use the name as, say, New Ways Ministry has to use their more innocuous and shepherd-sounding name.
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I saw a video a few months ago of Voris defending the new Mass against a certain ultra-traditional group that claimed the new Mass is not valid.

I also saw an article on another extremist site after info about Voris’ past came out. The author predicted his demise three years ago.

So I think there’s something to say for a man who takes heat like that from all sides. He certainly is not an ‘ultra-traditionalist’ as he’s painted to be.
Because both Jesus and Thomas Merton would not have been OK with same sex marriage or letting a 5 year old boy decide he is going to be a girl. That kind of “social justice” is not be OK with Jesus.
Amen. Though you’ll surely get disagreement from those who don’t really understand Christology.
So, you watched something knowing it would make you angry, then want someone to tell you how what you watched is not Catholic? I would recommend taking a nice, long walk instead.
No, he’s not. He strikes me as very sincere, almost sad at times. I believe he really cares for the holiness of the Church, and laments the scandal and corruption.
Jeremiah didn’t want to speak out, either, did he?
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Agreed. He has a place, for sure. Too bad his apostolate wasn’t around in 2001.
And before it comes up, it is still unacceptable if the parents are paying the tuition, that is a choice they freely made,
Sorry, could not disagree more. While it may be true regarding Math or English or computer technology, but when a parent is paying for their adult child to receive specifically a Catholic college education they have a right to be upset and complain if the subject matter the adult child is receiving is blasphemous and sexually natured toward the Blessed Mother.
That part of the story makes me almost pull a muscle my eyes rolled so far.
I bet if you put a cold pack on your eyes, you would feel better. 🙂
God bless.
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This is how the man makes his living. He made the specific choice, and continues to make choices, about the direction in which he will speak/write. I’m guessing that a new, kind Church Militant would not keep the lights on for long.
I bet if you put a cold pack on your eyes, you would feel better.
I have no idea what you mean by this? No where did I say that I have pains in my eyes.

As far as I know, people do not relinquish their state of adulthood because they go to a Catholic University. Does this school have some sort of paper the students sign relinquishing their adulthood until graduation? If they do, I stand corrected.
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