Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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This thread and what is sadly happening now, is why I rarely mention anyone’s name or post videos from priests here at CAF. It’s like the attackers come out of the woodwork.

and just think all I did was suggest a couple of different people than Michael Voris. Maybe some of us here, are kind of like Michael Voris, and can get a little upset. Even though we would never want to admit it.
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Don’t mention Fr James Martin either 😉

It goes all ways. Both sides.

However, Taylor Marshall, Raymond Arroyo, and Fr Z just happen to be the first ones that come to mind other than Church Militant. Those first two just happened to also be mentioned, so the context still works in this thread, I think.
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Slightly off topic here, but… Does anyone else think Church Militant has hijacked the traditional term for the Church of the living here on earth?

From this article, for example:
When I learned catechism many decades ago, I was taught that there are three states of the Church – the church triumphant, the church militant and the church suffering…

The church triumphant describes the Church in heaven…

The church militant refers to the Church on earth…

The church suffering refers to the church in purgatory…
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It’s a bit like me referring to myself as Church Teaching. 😉

Say, that’s a great name for my new Catholic blog!
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I’d encourage you to go to the source yourself. I recently did this by emailing an old friend who left the seminary that my diocese uses after rumors were spreading. He is a good and faithful Catholic. As a father of possible seminarians I sure want to know things! Some may be rumors some may be true. I don’t think you are as unbiased as you claim. There seems to be outrage on your part as well.
and I seriously doubt he was attacking an individual seminarian.
Again, you are judging a person you don’t know. I’m a member of the New Saint Thomas Institute, where he is the president and instructor.

He’s a very faithful and devout person, who loves the Lord.

Again, I don’t think he has an issue with effeminate individuals. However, I do think he has an issue with required effeminate activities, and/or activities, while not required, will go against you if you do not participate.

You see, in the seminary, if a seminarian refuses to participate in such an activity, upperclassmen who do like these activities and perhaps even organized it could use it against the seminarian who doesn’t want to participate.

All seminarians play a role in the formation of their classmates and underclassmen. So a upperclassmen in a leadership role can influence the formation directors to expel a seminarian that differs from them.

This has happened at seminaries all over the Western world.

Now, I’m not saying that was 100% going on at this seminary, but someone like Dr. Marshall has a right to be concerned. I’m sure that’s the point he meant to make and I’m sure it was his concern. But such a complex and nuanced view cannot be properly expressed over Twitter and granted he made a mistake in attempting to do so.

God bless
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I wouldn’t say hijacked… Catholic answers obviously hasn’t hijacked the entirety of answers that are Catholic.
If you read fr z, listen to Taylor Marshall and raymond and Patrick and fradd and find them all to be against what you think the truth is that’s certainly your prerogative. But I like to not laugh at smoke alarms because I find the noise disturbing. I have to wonder if I’m in danger!
True. Soldiers often are. And you should be too in your worship of Christ!
It was gingerbread, people…
Did you read and digest anything I wrote? Or did you simply toss it aside? I took almost 15 minutes to articulate an answer to you, and you responded with a short reply 2 mins after I hit send.

It’s not about gingerbread. It’s about whether a seminarian would have been peer pressured or forced into participating or not.

How many young men do know at regular colleges who would decide on their own that they wanted to make gingerbread houses for their professor???

To me, this activity sounds like “forced fun,” which is a concept I’m personally against. I used to be a camp counselor and we often had staff events that were “forced fun.” Meaning they were not optional and you had to attend and participate, even if you didn’t enjoy the event.

Yes, there is nothing sinister about making gingerbread houses. However, IF if was a form of “forced fun” then I take exception with it.

God bless
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And he didn’t apologize.

He went in deeper.
Dr. Marshall was EXTREMELY uncharitable with that tweet.

I used to like some of his stuff, but over the last year or so he’s become decidedly more “radicalized” and an outspoken Pope basher.

I lost all respect for him. I unsubbed his YT channel. I honestly won’t even watch his stuff anymore because the prideful and arrogant attitude he displays really rubs me the wrong way.
Wow, I didn’t realize that I fell under this group then, for I follow their site and agree with most of what they have to say. I am wondering if anyone on here understands the history or reason behind Church Militant’s existence. They are indeed Catholic, and it is not a site directed towards hating gays. It is dedicated to exposing the corruption within the Church and the gay lobby that has been attempting to undermine her. The founder was a former homosexual who converted and now dedicates himself to outing corrupt priests and bishops. I believe there is indeed a time for anger and it is certainly justified. Jesus was not a soft and meek lamb who was all about love, as many on here seem to believe. He was a revolutionary and he himself became justly angered when he saw the corruption in the Temple. I don’t think Jesus engaged in “open, honest dialogue” during that moment.
I can work with that analogy. If are soldiers, they should go to refresher training, specifically regarding identification of friend or foe, and try to avoid friendly fire. They expend too much ammo on the good guys.
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Now, I am female, so that will obviously come into play with my thoughts on this, but why is making gingerbread houses for children of your professors to judge in a contest considered effeminate? As others have mentioned on their replies to Mr Marshall, most of the great pastry chefs in the world have been straight males. This isn’t a “cake of the week” contest in the dorm, but a chance for young men to interact with kids in a wholesome, holiday-tradition themed event. Most of the young men in the seminary will go on to have parishes and many of those will have schools. Are priests not supposed to be involved in the parish school with events like this? At the risk of being flip, is the only masculine things a priest should be doing with kids at the parish school involve field dressing some wild game? Football, but not tennis? That’s what is so confusing about his diatribe on twitter. What is masculine or not masculine when it comes to activities?
It has nothing to do with making gingerbread cookies or baking. As Dr. Marshall stated, he loves to make them with his kids.

However, he wouldn’t call up his male friends to make gingerbread cookies while drinking a few beers and watching a football game.

The real issue is: was this activity forced on the seminarians? Were they peer pressured or forced to participate? Because again, it would not be typical of a bunch of college aged guys to decide to do this on their own, for a professor.

Sure, maybe they would think to do this for an orphanage or a children’s hospital. But to give them to their professor? It just sounds forced to me.

God bless
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Sadly, the followers are made up of persons with a specific political world view. Politics causes more division than Satan himself could manage 😦
Well, after listening to the first 2 minutes of this video it is apparent that not everyone feels the same toward Dr Marshall and his youtube videos as those here.

A little scared to post this because someone will probably attack Fr. Calloway but here goes:

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