Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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Why don’t you direct your anger and frustration to another place? The phrase “don’t shoot the messenger” is coming to mind.
I wasn’t shooting the messenger. I’m quite happy the messenger made this available to me.
“How Fabulouth!”

There’s no excuse. None. He’s talking about someone from my own church (SO YES, I’m offended). Someone he doesn’t even know. It’s beyond ridiculous.

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And he didn’t apologize.

He went in deeper.
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And he didn’t apologize.

He went in deeper.
What a childish, petty move.

There are some people who think that being more or less correct on something entitles you to make that point in the most abrasive way possible. It’s like they don’t care about actually persuading anyone, they just want to troll “the libs” or something.
Voris used to be a fringe voice. Then things have happened. Scandals. So now we have along list of people who are kind if saying the same thing. Vigano, is being shown credible. Then add to that Matt Fradd, Patrick Coffin, (catholic answers big swinger), Dr. Taylor Marshall, raymond Arroyo, etc. The list is kind of getting too big to ignore. Perhaps they are saying something we should listen to. At some point we have to look beyond the delivery and the subject matter being displeasing and maybe listen.
This sort of thing gives Catholics a bad name. Praying for a change of heart.
That particular seminary is viewed by some as not faithful and/or teaching waterdown theology. I’m NOT saying that it does and I’m NOT saying that Dr. Marshall says that.
OK, please take a step back because now you are making a judgment of Dr Marshall based on someone’s interpretation of what he meant.

Also, I DID NOT SAY, nor did Dr. Marshall say that St. Meinrad teaches watered down theology. However, you will notice the Deacon in the article was quick to get offended and and assumed he was talking about homosexuality.

I think the reason the deacon was so quick to judge is because that seminary is thought by SOME to be watered down and filled with homosexuals.

NOW… I never said they are. And Dr. Marshall NEVER accused anyone of being gay. However, the deacon and the author of the article obviously jumped to that conclusion.

Again, Dr. Marshall is an expert of Catholic Philosophy and a great teacher of Thomism. When he does videos, etc, he’s always does so with charity (esp when it’s a difficult subject). However, I know he has sometimes sent tweets that he wishes he could have back (just like we all have).

I’m sure this was one of those times.

However, one of his areas of focus is men’s ministry and his concern about authentic masculinity & authentic fatherhood are the reason he’s concerned with this. He highly respects the priesthood and views priests as needing to be father figures. Because of all the issues with seminaries around the world (which have become more public due to McCarrick), he’s right be question whether these seminarians were forced to do such an activity. Esp when you have some young men being kicked out of select seminaries because they are “too masculine.” There are a number of former seminarians who have reported being kicked out of seminary because they were not comfortable taking part in activities that they felt were “too girly” for them.

So again, world wide, there is a lot of subtext to this, and I seriously doubt he was attacking an individual seminarian.

God bless
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Yes, like I said before, Voris may not be for everyone, but he himself has been a victim of the Church in some aspects.
This is exactly the point.

“Maybe there is something we should be paying attention to.”

Well, I mean, maybe? My first instinct is not to head towards the loud mouths spewing hatred and bigotry.
and I seriously doubt he was attacking an individual seminarian.
Just effeminate ones.

Because I guess their less of a man, right? That’s what it boils down to for people like Taylor.

Sure, maybe he didn’t say “gay,” but come on. “How fabulouth!”? Really? What do you think he is suggesting?
Sure, maybe he didn’t say “gay,” but come on. “How fabulouth!”? Really? What do you think he is suggesting?
Right. You say something like that and I immediately assume you’re mentally 13 years old and I find it hard to take you seriously. But hey, it sure gets those “modernists” mad, right? And isn’t that the point? :roll_eyes:
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So sad to say, but the conversation is proving that the Church Militant mentality is not just their own clique organization but is popping up in several quarters of the church. Maybe still a small minority, I hope. But I’m definitely noticing it more.
I think putting stock in atwitter feed these days is not a good barometer of a person or what they may or may not have to offer. I find dr Taylor marshal to be quite knowledgable and charitable in his podcasts. Though there is an anger and hurt out there that causes people to perhaps react rashly. We should keep that in mind. This is something I’ve noticed personally. We have a fabulous bishop and a scandal with a priest recently that was horrific. The diocese just was not prepared for the proper response or even actions to take. There is a lot to be shocked about if one is paying attention.
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