Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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Lol…just proclaiming the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Church gets one accused of being ‘hateful’ these days.
You can present it in a hateful way, yes. Like calling Fr Martin less than a man, someone who should just “come out of the closet,” and saying he’s only a priest to “wear dresses”.

if that’s “proclaiming Truth” to you, then, hmmm.
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Their approach itself is not fine, though, so I argue. It is scandalous and not fruitful.
I agree there are times I do not like their way or the way they say things but they have helped bring out a lot of problems happening in the Church. Sometimes we have to get angry. We don’t want to sin, of course, but we should be upset about what is happening to the One True Church. Our Lord is under attack in His Church and we need to be upset.

I will say there are some other places you can go and hear similar news and not so much anger. Two places I can think of are Taylor Marshall Youtube. He and another man Timothy Gordon have been doing a lot of videos on the crisis. Dr. Marshall has intereviewed quite a few good priests. There are a lot of very good videos and they don’t get quite so angry.
Another person, that has done a good job reporting on the crisis is Raymond Arroyo on World Over Live on EWTN. Watch for the papal posse on the show, a priest and a canon lawyer, and they do a good job reporting also.
Ironic you mention these two, because I also don’t really favor their approach to Pope Francis. Raymond Arroyo especially.

Though his methods aren’t as extreme as CM.
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TO be fair, it would be better to say “ Maybe Fr. Martin is not chaste.”

It’s a dangerous thing to accuse someone of this. There is no reason to think Fr Martin is not a faithful priest.
I fixed that. That was not my intent.
And i don’t see the similarity between CM and Fr. Martin. The latter is not full of hate. That’s been the main problem with them from my perspective and on this thread. So I don’t see what you’re getting at.
I have seen a number of tweets from Fr. Martin where he uses the political strategies from the DNC and from Rules for Radicals.

He takes sides on these which are up for prudential judgement, and with a friendly tone and a smile will belittle people who disagree with him.

It’s one thing to provide correction to someone who is 100% out of line with the Church. It’s another thing to tell people they are wrong when they choose a position that is within their rights as prudential judgement or differences with political opinion.

For example: he once accused former Speaker Paul Ryan (a church going Catholic & who is friends with Cardinal Dolan) as discriminating against Catholics because he asked the Jesuit priest who was the House chaplain to step down. I read that post from Fr. Martin. It was totally uncalled for to accused Paul Ryan and the Republicans as being anti-Catholic. However, he says nothing when Senators Harris and Hirono bashed the Catholic candidate for Attorney General because he is a member of the Knights of Columbus. Nor did he say anything when they bashed the Knights of Columbus. He also didn’t say anything with Sen Feinstein said “the dogma lives loudly in you” as a reason why she thought a Catholic judge was not eligible to be a federal district judge.

But he calls Paul Ryan (again a church attending Catholic) as anti-Catholic because he asked a Jesuit Chaplain for his resignation. One in which was rescinded and the Jesuit still has his job.

God Bless
What is it about their approach? Or is it the fact that they criticize him to begin with?
But he calls Paul Ryan (again a church attending Catholic) as anti-Catholic because he asked a Jesuit Chaplain for his resignation. One in which was rescinded and the Jesuit still has his job.
I sure don’t expect any one priest to call out every single instance of perceive anti-Catholic bias. They have more on their plate than that.

I recall the issue with Paul Ryan. I really cannot say one way or the other whether it was a legitimate criticism. Perhaps because of the Jesuit ties, Fr Martin felt it more personally. I really don’t know. But regardless, whatever faults Martin may have, I don’t think my problem with CM is especially relevant in his case. Maybe he and CM (or any Catholic person or group, for that matter) have similarly inappropriate methods. Maybe they also both use bad fonts and logos. But the issue I’m specifically bringing up is the lack of charity.
I think it’s the constant, constant, constant criticism that really gets me.

I used to be a fan of Arroyo. Until every time I happen to turn on the radio or TV to his show, I always hear something from a particular perspective regarding Pope Francis.

We all have different personalities. I’m also someone who is not very fond of Fox News , for example. And Arroyo is a contributor there. So just the whole vibe is unpleasant to me. Many Catholics may not have a problem. That’s fine. This thread is more about Church Militant, whose methods are much more extreme.
nice and friendly
The opposite of being nice and friendly is being mean and unfriendly.

I emphatically reject the notion that Christianity is about being mean and unfriendly. I believe being nice and friendly is an integral aspect of the Gospel.

You can preach the gospel without being a bitter jerk. The Gospel is a message of joy, not joyless bitterness.
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But he calls Paul Ryan (again a church attending Catholic) as anti-Catholic because he asked a Jesuit Chaplain for his resignation. One in which was rescinded and the Jesuit still has his job.
I sure don’t expect any one priest to call out every single instance of perceive anti-Catholic bias. They have more on their plate than that.

I recall the issue with Paul Ryan. I really cannot say one way or the other whether it was a legitimate criticism. Perhaps because of the Jesuit ties, Fr Martin felt it more personally. I really don’t know. But regardless, whatever faults Martin may have, I don’t think my problem with CM is especially relevant in his case. Maybe he and CM (or any Catholic person or group, for that matter) have similarly inappropriate methods. Maybe they also both use bad fonts and logos. But the issue I’m specifically bringing up is the lack of charity.
Look, I agree with you that CM goes about things the wrong way. However, I’m pointing out that others, like Fr. Martin, America Magazine, Commonweal, and ESP the National Catholic Reporter do the same thing.

I’m saying we should be calling out unCatholic behavior regardless of what side of the isle they are on.

Fr. Matin sends lots of tweets that are bating, belittling, etc. But esp when he bats people and gets them angry, it’s not very priestly of him.
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You can preach the gospel without being a bitter jerk. The Gospel is a message of joy, not joyless bitterness.
I think this is the key phrase. It’s not about being nice and friendly, it’s about having the joy of christ.

There are plenty of people who are nice and friendly but don’t have the joy of the Gospel.
Why does it have to be the opposite?

We can be loving while not being “nice.” It is not “nice” when I discipline my son, but it is the right thing to do.

Christianity isn’t about being mean or unfriendly, it is about proclaiming the Truth. The Truth sometimes calls for change, and for hardship, and for suffering, and for confrontation.
Ironic you mention these two, because I also don’t really favor their approach to Pope Francis. Raymond Arroyo especially.
Hmm, well. My only suggestion then would be to pray. When I first returned to the Catholic church I used to get very upset at people, when they would say things like, “the bishops don’t do this or the bishops don’t do that” or “this problem in the Church is due to bishops” doing whatever or the Pope doing whatever. After a while I guess I just came to realize that the Pope, the bishops and everyone in the Church are sinners, they make mistakes and the Church is going through a crisis right now and it is okay to point it out. We don’t want to bury our heads in the sand or turn a blind eye. We definitely want to stay respectful and obedient to the faith and our shepherds as they lead us, as long as we are being led in truth, but it’s okay to look at what is happening and realize there are problems. If these things that are happening did not come into the light, there could not be healing.

As a matter of fact, one of the very first things someone said, who worked at our bishops office, as I was coming into the Church was to remember the people in the Catholic church are not perfect either.
I don’t think they represent the majority of Catholics.

I don’t really pay them much attention. Though, when you pick apart what they say and get behind the sensationalism and rhetoric, they actually do present Catholic doctrines, albeit in a rather exaggerated way.

Michael Voris is someone who has lived a very sinful and promiscuous life before he converted, and to be honest, I can understand why he has taken an extreme position.

Another question to consider might be: Why are you so uncomfortable with CM? And if you felt Catholicism was the truth, why would you leave?
others, like Fr. Martin, America Magazine, Commonweal, and ESP the National Catholic Reporter do the same thing.

I’m with you Phil. Whether it’s ultra-modernists who want to ordain women, support abortion or euthanasia, or marry gays in the Church (like the examples you gave) or ultra-traditionalists who stand in judgment on the Pope or who are filled with bitterness and hate or demean VII (like LSN or CM), faithful Catholics should oppose them tooth and nail.

The ultra-modernists are reminiscent of the ancient false prophets who only told people what they wanted to hear and gnosticism, while the ultra-traditionalists are reminiscent of the scribes and Pharisees and pelagianism. Both extremes must be combatted.

Jesus has exhibited joy, sorrow and even anger but I don’t think I have heard of him sneering.
You also must realize there is a lot of hurt here. Voris was basically outed by clergy. And there has indeed been some problems that Church Militant addresses with the Church and its leaders in the current crisis. No one is immune from that. No one should be.
All I know about CM is what I’ve seen on CAF.

The vast amount of Internet space is occupied by time-wasting diversions, and I’m certain there are far more worthwhile time-wasting opportunities than areas like CM and its ilk.

In short, waste your time somewhere else. You’ll be happier.
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