Does Church Militant represent a small % of Catholics?

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I’m not saying they are pharisees according to the letter.

I’m saying they are Pharisees in spirit.

Again, this isn’t something which can really be logically explained… It’s something which is sensed by the heart. I could give specific examples of them behaving like pharisees if I was so inclined, but I’m not. Because I don’t believe it would persuade you… If you can’t see how CM behaves like pharisees, I can’t make you see. God himself has to open your eyes, and that will come about through humility.
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Lots of things are “sensed by the heart,” that doesn’t make the heart right.

To be clear, I don’t particularly care for CM’s style, and I believe they do go overboard with their attacks against certain individuals. However, that does not make them Pharisaical. They are fed up with corruption in the church, and are very vocal about that fact.
However, that does not make them Pharisaical. They are fed up with corruption in the church, and are very vocal about that fact.
I disagree.

I believe the spirits which drove the pharisees are also driving CM.

I can’t convince you, it is a sort of spiritual discernment which is ineffable.
I see CM in the same light I see Christ crafitng the bullwhip and driving people out of the temple. Sometimes, a heavy hand really is needed.
We live in a culture where feelings are more important than facts. Many people believe that they have a right not to be offended with facts.

The more you learn Catholicism, the more your feelings will be hurt, at least temporarily. Especially those who don’t want to let go of their sins.

Jesus came to bring division (the sword), not peace. He also said that people will hate you (Christians) because of him. And he said that “blessed are you when people hate you…on account of the son of Man.”

Paul was stoned because he hurt people’s feelings with the truth.
All the apostles (except John) were killed for hurting people’s feelings with the truth.

Someone needs to tell the Truth, even if feelings are hurt. We all need to have an open heart, open eyes, and open ears to hear it. And then have the courage to follow it.

PS this post is not in response to any particular poster above.
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I’m happy for you, but just because that’s how you interpret something doesn’t make it true. The fact is, they remain a faithful, albeit heavy-handed group that is pushing for fidelity. I don’t base my views on them, but you cannot dismiss them outright, as they have accurately reported tons of stuff long before it came to be public knowledge.
I’m not saying they’re perfect, far from it, but I do believe they mean well.
Of course they are a small minority. Tha5s why for good or bad the whole Church looks different than they do. I too don’t watch because of anger. However my anger usually comes on the form of agreeing with the overall message they have. Especially in regards to scandals and abuse.
The fact is, they remain a faithful, albeit heavy-handed group that is pushing for fidelity. I don’t base my views on them, but you cannot dismiss them outright, as they have accurately reported tons of stuff long before it came to be public knowledge.
This is true and now other Catholic new sources are reporting what CM has been reporting for a long time.
If they were faithful why did they have to remove “Catholic” from their name?
Because they never sought permission to use it in their name in the first place. You have to have permission to use “Catholic” in your name. When it was brought to light that they had never sought that permission, and the bishop asked them to change their name, they faithfully obliged.

You can call them non-Christian all you like, but you can’t actually demonstrate how they’re not. Christianity is not all about being nice and friendly, it is about the Truth, and expressing that Truth. In a world where truth is all but ignored, a variety of voices are needed to reach a variety of people. CM has those who will be positively impacted by their work, just as I’m sure Fr. Martin has those who are positively impacted by his.
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Honestly, it’s not fair to keep calling them Pharisees without actually explaining what they are doing wrong. The same goes with the word ‘heretic’—it’s used a lot nowadays when someone isn’t actually a heretic.

The misuse of the word degrades what the word really means. Kind of like calling someone a Nazi.

And it’s not a good technique to brush off the questioner as not having his or her eyes opened. It helps no one and it’s a bit condescending.
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My main concern is their method and approach. it’s one that scandalizes my own faith.

And, my last point would be same-sex marriages are just not that prevalent. We may talk about it or hear about it a lot. But we simply have bigger fish to fry, even when it comes to bolstering marriage in particular.
You won’t be able to go anywhere else and find the fullness of truth that is in the Catholic church and if you went somewhere else there are just going to be people there who will scandallize your faith also.

Even though same sex marriages are not that prevelant, they are being pushed as though they are okay and they are not. They are sinful and are causing a lot of harm to youth and family. Right now homesexuality in the Catholic priesthood and same sex marriage are two huge issues.

CM is not the only one focusing on these issues. If you don’t like their approach that is fine, but there are other Catholic news sources reporting and focusing on the same issue.

This is our crisis today.
My problem with the Church Militant and LifeSiteNews is not so much what they are saying in regards to issues like abortion or clergy. Clergy, whether married or celibate, should be chaste. We have every right to expect that of clergy. The Catholic church is very much against abortion and birth control (other than natural methods). If they’d just keep to these topics…

The issue is when they veer from these issues and attack Pope Francis and his much needed reforms.
If you don’t like their approach that is fine, but there are other Catholic news sources reporting and focusing on the same issue.
Well, that’s exactly the point of this thread. Their approach itself is not fine, though, so I argue. It is scandalous and not fruitful.

It’s even harmful, when it comes to expressing what the Church is really about.
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It’s even harmful, when it comes to expressing what the Church is really about.
Says you. Other people would argue that Pope Francis’ inexactness and apparent disinterest in or denial of certain topics is far more damaging.

I’m not taking a side, I’m just pointing out that that’s a matter of your personal opinion. It is damaging to you, just as I’m sure people look at Jesus’ disciples a little weird after he drove people out of the temple. Just because the massage doesn’t help you personally doesn’t make it bad.
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On the other side of the spectrum, you can find a couple sites that don’t do a good job presenting what the Church stands for, but they go about it nicely.

Truth, tact, or both? There are sites that have truth without tact, tact without truth, neither, or both.
Says you. Other people would argue that Pope Francis’ inexactness and apparent disinterest in or denial of certain topics is far more damaging.

But you can present this in a way very different than Church Militant does!
I don’t see how homosexuality “attacks the family”
The Knights of Columbus accused of being extremist for adhering to the teachings of Jesus.

Catholic adoption agencies shut down because they follow Jesus’ teachings.

Christian business are targeted for following Jesus.
Not merely shooting out doctrine or going after people in hateful ways.
Lol…just proclaiming the Truth of Jesus Christ and His Church gets one accused of being ‘hateful’ these days.

Interesting that when Jesus was asked how one can gain eternal life He answered by ‘shooting’ out doctrine…Matthew 19:16-19. And of course we know how important knowing and following doctrine is because Jesus said…‘if you love me you will obey my commandments’.
I don’t disagree. That doesn’t mean that their method doesn’t have merit in certain situations and with certain people.
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