Does evolution disprove God?

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Genesis 1 aside, does that fact that physical systems being able to naturally evolve and adapt on their own without any sort of intervention show that there is no need for a creator or a God? Further does the growing amount of evidence for abiogenesis also lend support to the idea that God is simply not needed for systems to arise and evolve?
For both questions, the answer is “not at all”.
How can something always have existed without being created?
The logic of Thomas Aquinas for a unmoved mover,
a non-contingent Being and uncaused cause makes much
more sense.
Combine this with the basic human sense for a need for justice,
everyone gets what is just in an ordered way and need for most sane people to contribute to this,
it makes sense that our sentience is made in the image and likeness of our
Benevolent self-giving GOD.
And since GOD gave free-will, the explanation that this a temporary
Valley of Decision, Baca(tears), and Shadow of death - three of the various
ways The Holy Bible describes the world in which we live;
we have a faith & reason explanation for unearned suffering.
And the topper is, of course, that GOD sent GOD’s Son, One in Being with GOD;
as Divine Mediator to Come at first as Suffering Servant surrounded on all sides,
by humanity’s free will, for Divine Favor to be received or refuse to exist with
the perfectly Holy GOD or not. Written out of The Book of Life or remain within The Book of Life.
Since evolution according to the empirical evidence is drastically unproven,
it takes ‘blind faith’ to take stock in it. And this ‘blind faith’ as opposed to faith & reason that The Church teaches only fills the vacuum of denying the need for GOD as self-giving nurturing provider for those who accept GOD. Leaning upon mere human reason being wise in one’s own eyes.
Who would want to exist in a plane of existence having refuse Divine Favor,
whereby The Holiness of GOD is too painful for the person? The absence of GOD by self-willed decision must be painful, whereby one’s only purpose for existing would be a narcissistic ‘I’m like God,’ selfish leaning upon one’s own understanding, wise in one’s own eyes - surrounded by the same who accepted the enticements of the spirits of antithesis of GOD instead of the messages of Who Is Like GOD? (Michael the Arch Angel’s name means this, and self-giving Godliness.
I suppose there is some kind of self-serving cooperation there, but no real charity since GOD is LOVE, the source of charity.
Every human idea that tries to extinguish The Holy Name of JESUS as the Way for purposeful Divine Favor existence as some ‘evolutionist’ do - always fail.
Their ‘crutch’ is limited human intellect, which when going against GOD and Godliness always leads freewill, in a state of lack of knowledge or self-willed acts which cause unearned suffering.
The revisiting of the Mock Trial of JESUS, for God not doing our limited understanding bidding will end someday. Thank God for those who did not decide by self-willed denial of GOD and THE Eternal Merits of JESUS Who Came to Save the willing, who beat their chests in repentance after the Crucifixion.
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It does make sense, because it doesn’t solve where did Creation come from?
Human intellect can speculate all humanity wants, but the type of assertion
always results in less than diligent pursuit of justice, the common good for each of us coming into the world the same exact way as everyone else.
It naturally results in some form of ambivalence to unearned suffering.
And it must be combined with the scientific assertion of ‘the hard problem of consciousness,’ which is related to near death experiences with reliable anecdotal evidence of knowing objects and conversations not even in the room of the cold dead person. Please search Magis Center by Fr. Spitzer who gives much more testimony on this.
Science simply cannot prove creation always existed. It is only limited human intellect wise in humanity’s own eyes with ‘blind faith’ in something unprovable that would make such a claim. A sorrowful ‘crutch’ to not depend on GOD.
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has science really offered an explanation for the creation of matter? something created matter, it didn’t create itself, it didn’t just pop into existence
Matter and energy are the same in effect. Each can be converted into the other: Remember E=mc2? E is energy and m is mass/matter. That famous equation shows how the two convert into each other.

That leaves the question of how much energy there is in the universe:
There are something like ten million million million million million million million million million million million million million million (1 with eighty zeroes after it) particles in the region of the universe that we can observe. Where did they all come from? The answer is that, in quantum theory, particles can be created out of energy in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs. But that just raises the question of where the energy came from. The answer is that the total energy of the universe is exactly zero. The matter in the universe is made out of positive energy. However, the matter is all attracting itself by gravity. Two pieces of matter that are close to each other have less energy than the same two pieces a long way apart, because you have to expend energy to separate them against the gravitational force that is pulling them together. Thus, in a sense, the gravitational field has negative energy. In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter. So the total energy of the universe is zero.

– Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time
So, matter originates from energy and the total energy of the universe is zero. A zero energy universe does not need any (name removed by moderator)uts to exist. It is nothing, i.e. zero energy. It is not creatio ex nihilo, it is just nihilo.

This is cosmology and cosmology can get very strange. It does not work like the ordinary scale world we are used to.
In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter.
but what created the two things so they could cancel each other, so their “total” can be zero

were there laws of gravity before anything existed?
The whole entirely drastically speculate supposition theory of evolution
based on empirical evidence cannot disprove God.
The whole question doesn’t make sense, except as a far reaching
blind faith it a completely unproven theory to replace the history
of human sentient knowledge of a one true God.
You make an very unsubstantiated claim that creation always existed.
What is your idea of God? Creator?
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The whole entirely drastically speculate supposition theory of evolution
based on empirical evidence cannot disprove God.
If God made the world, as you say, then all empirical evidence is the work of God. The original work of God. Not a copy or a translation, but the original.

Against that you are setting a particular interpretation of a translation of a copy of a copy of a copy of the original text.

Me, I would trust the original more.
You are showing that there has to be something for there to become nothing
The Universe did not create itself. Any scientific process only transforms existing energy and matter. No one can create something out of nothing, only God can.
I don’t understand what you mean.
Blind faith, by no empirical evidence, for existence of creation always being here
is dubious at best. And it by human psychology naturally leads many to fatalism, (such as the universe is correcting itself or repeats over and over),
which naturally give less than well formed empathy for those in need.
Like some of the drastic tenets of karma & ‘reincarnation’ that some hold to, that children suffer because they deserve it from a previous life of bad deeds. Very callous.
No thank you, at all for blind faith in a dubious circuitous supposition.
JESUS The Only Divine Son of GOD, One in Being with GOD, identified Himself in Matthew 25 with unearned suffering weakest among us, as this suffering being done to Him. And Spiritually all unearned suffering is linked to GOD through Him suffering for us. Why did He suffer, in this Valley of Decision, Baca(tears), Shadow of Death? Because GOD saw our need to see when we decide in Providence to try and force GOD to do our bidding, by our faulty limited knowledge what happens. The effect of evil.
Jesus Christ was surrounded on all sides by our faulty bidding. He is, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
May you, by your human freewill, accept GOD’s Divine Favor, unearned by our prideful humanity for Salvation. To grow in complete well being with GOD. (Peace).
As opposed to a psychological human denial, anesthetizing the need for JESUS,
and diligently asking, seeking, and knocking to truly learn JESUS, for an intimate relationship with GOD. Blessing this Holy Good Friday, commemorating our Salvation by His Majestic Suffering and Sunday’s Resurrection.
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Did you ever consider that the antithesis of GOD may be an imaginary plane of existence - similar to the imaginary plane for the square root of negative numbers?
In a non-width, non-depth, non-height geometric point, where those who forfeit their souls with full act of human freewill to be betrayers of JESUS, Blaspheming The Holy Spirit receive an anti-soul, anti-sentience, always narcissistic & self-serving as opposed to self-giving? Just like north and south poles of magnets repel, because they chose evil, they can only exist with imaginary sentience, experienced as real sentience, there?
An absence of true charity. Any cooperation there would be self-serving narcissism, always devolving into conflict. The best these imaginary human beings can hope for in the anti-God imaginary plane spirit world is a state of bland benign harmless innocuousness. No real joy or pleasure.
Tis’ a consummation devoutly not to be wished.
I don’t know how damnation exists, but I do know, there are three planes of existence: Heaven, Earth in Creation whereby JESUS will Renew it to Peace & Joy forever wiping away pain & war & false philosophies at the end of time as we know it, and Damnation.
Personally, by learning to grow in knowing and loving the True All Powerful Benevolent Humble GOD, I choose JESUS The Son, One in Divine Being with GOD. So GOD can by Divine Favor, and my human will cooperating with GOD, grow to always be virtuous - purified in Godliness by the All Consuming Fire of GOD’s Holiness.
And in Light of JESUS and Salvation history, always give testimony out of love of neighbor. Peace.
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You are showing that there has to be something for there to become nothing
No. I am showing nothing (zero energy) becoming something. How well up are you on quantum mechanics, specifically virtual particles and quantum foam? Quantum mechanics is very strange; our normal assumptions about the macroscopic world do not apply.
No one can create something out of nothing, only God can.
Erm… Since God is not nothing, then God is not creating from nothing, He is creating from Himself. If you want to create from nothing, then you first have to get from nothing to God.
Blind faith, by no empirical evidence, for existence of creation always being here
is dubious at best.
You are assuming your answer by calling it “creation”. All I have to assume is a multiverse which spawns multiple bubble universes of which ours is one.

I am Buddhist, so arguments based on Christian scripture and doctrine do not hold a lot of weight for me. Would you accept an argument based on the Tripitaka?
My job is to charitably inform, not to convince.
@rossum P. S. I don’t judge or condemn since only
GOD knows someone’s mitigating factors forming their conscience.
Only GOD knows the fruit of their human freewill formed conscience.
But I do pray with deep concern because of the way I describe Hell,
it certainly would be the annihilation of existence within an antithesis-of-GOD sentient everlasting death, with no hope of Salvation in an imaginary plane of existence similar to the way the square-root of negative numbers is handled.
May true total well being with GOD, true peace by Divine Favor favor form within you; which I know can only be by JESUS Christ’s Merits. GOD takes no pleasure in someone choosing to loose Salvation.
I respect you as a human being in our current plane of existence.
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