Does evolution disprove God?

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No. I am showing nothing (zero energy) becoming something. How well up are you on quantum mechanics, specifically virtual particles and quantum foam? Quantum mechanics is very strange; our normal assumptions about the macroscopic world do not apply.
your quantum nothing is something,
you are showing a result of something to get nothing.
read what you posted by hawking.
The matter in the universe is made out of positive energy.
positive energy must come first

you haven’t defined what created the matter to get the negative energy to cancel the matter out.
Thus, in a sense, the gravitational field has negative energy.
you still need a field to get your zero. hawking’s total zero energy doesn’t mean “no” energy.

from Dr. Krauss

“Even if you accept this argument that nothing is not nothing,” he says, “you have to acknowledge that nothing is being used in a philosophical sense. But I don’t really give a da-n about what ‘nothing’ means to philosophers; I care about the ‘nothing’ of reality. And if the ‘nothing’ of reality is full of stuff, then I’ll go with that.”
The Universe did not create itself. Any scientific process only transforms existing energy and matter. No one can create something out of nothing, only God can.
Something that has always existed has no need to be created.
Amen, peace, thank you.
Their redundant circuitous supposition says GOD is limited by humankind’s understanding of the existence of something. It denies the All Powerful Nature of GOD to bring our plane of existence out of nothing(clear meaning of nothing as absence of anything.)
How can limited human reason infallibly declare limits on GOD?
Thomas Aquinas makes more sense, especially in the light of the human desire to seek justice - the well ordered just due for everyone in an orderly fashion, as best as possible with all due diligence. (Tendencies of ambivalence toward justice is a sign of limited compassion.)
How can someone imperfect perfect his or her self? Obviously that is not possible being such a paradox.
Since our imperfection is the source of evil and unearned suffering - the problem of evil doesn’t make sense with an imperfect god, perfecting justice.
It makes much more objective aesthetics (beauty), objective logic (truth), and objective ethics (goodness) of an already existing Perfect Justice from
a non-contingent on our plane of existence including humanity Being(GOD),
unmoved mover, uncaused cause - : teach us in GOD’s plan in the time in which we exist after letting our freewill to see the effects of disobedience(much like bringing up a child with positive reinforcement teaching) to give Divine Favor, to be perfected by our Perfect GOD with All Consuming Fire of Holiness.
Well, we who know to be the truth (believe) by accepting Divine Favor by the Merits of Fully GOD, Fully Divine without imperfection, Fully human …
temporarily while Knowing All Things in His Divine Nature - not be cognizant of All Things in His Human Nature - One In Being with GOD - The Only Divine Anointed One to Come Down from Heaven - to not only show the path to Heaven - but be surrounded in Providence on all sides - accepting Agony in Majestic Unearned Suffering, Experience a Bodily Death in His Human Nature…
be Raised on The Third Day (The Tomb was Empty) - JESUS.
The Way, The Truth, and The Life giving Divine Favor to be able to choose Him to be able to exist with GOD in GOD’s All Consuming Fire of Holiness.
Those who choose by a full act of human reasoned freewill,
to forfeit their soul - betraying JESUS, Blaspheming The Holy Spirit, (blaming GOD for evil explicitly or by presumption & despair are three of the paths of this unforgivable act of free will),
the only unforgivable sin in this life and the hereafter: (can’t be perfected by one’s own decision of inner disposition diametrically opposed to GOD,
and GOD’s Perfect Ways.) I suppose it’s similar to the imaginary plane used for the square root of negative numbers - anti-thesis of GOD in Eternal Death,
that our All Powerful GOD can put in a ‘place’ such as a non-width, non-depth, non-height geometric point - 90 degrees from everything away from a All Things Made New, World. cont…
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Thus, science’s ‘hard problem of consciousness,’ ‘the problem of evil,’ and 'why did Jesus Christ Ascend to Heaven, has a plausible philosophical devout meditation touched on here. And why not?
I’ve heard scientists explain on YouTube, that black holes have an event horizon we can’t see past - in addition to an event horizon at the farthest reaches of the observable universe, we can’t see through. And other such things. Like we are smarter than apes, but possible a simulation by much smarter higher beings than us. (talk about futile callous explanations!) But callous fatalistic explanations for unearned suffering? Where does the diligent search for justice come from by normal sentient common decency human beings who are not non-ambivalent or mere fatalistic? Doesn’t stand to faith and reason, a source of Perfect Justice?
Whereas, the other 90 degrees from everything would be Heaven Above Us where sin never existed. Lucifer (I will not serve) falling by freewill by tempting us, must have Eternal existence in the anti-thesis of GOD plane of existence, now - but temporarily with the evil angels (messengers) putting up stumbling blocks in our freely chosen fallen nature. Whereas Michael (who is like GOD?) remained a Holy Messenger from Heaven.
By Divine Favor we can ask, who would choose a less than diligence sense of compassion for justice philosophy - banking their Eternal soul on it?
Thank JESUS The Beloved Anointed One, we can learn to imitate Him, seeking true justice for others, learning to know and truly love GOD!
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It doesn’t disprove God people just don’t believe God said abracadabra and the universe just popped into existence in its present form.
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