Show me where in the real world two truths are contradictory.
The issue is not two truths in contradiction, the issue is “only actuality exists.” That statement assumes a fact not in evidence which cannot and is not known.Thus it would make sense that only actuality exists, not potential, and therefore free will does not exist.
If actuality is not the only existence, then there could be actualities not known which contradict the perceived truth in this existence. Even that point cannot be known, so any argument based on that assumption is a guess, not fact.
However, this thing we do know, God is known and has reveled himself to mankind. That is a much more tangible fact. Since God has made himself known, He has declared his free will and that free will chooses love for mankind, His creation. We also know that love, as God defines love, is a very, very good thing, because God is good.