I agree with most of this, including that the laws of nature are not existent things in themselves, with two provisos:Linus makes an excellent point here. I’d like to add a couple of other thoughts in response to Inocente. Firstly, where in the universe do these laws of nature exist? As far as I know, there is not a single existent thing that we call “the laws of nature.” The physical laws of nature which presumably some scientists talk about such as physicists are derived from actual existent things such as elemental atoms and the forces exerted by these atoms, plants, animals, etc. It is quite obvious that if we talk at all about the laws of nature, this can only refer to individual things having natures. For example, the speed of light is supposedly constant and its probably called a law of nature. But this law of the speed of light has no seperate existence from light itself. It is of the nature of light that its speed is constant.
The laws of nature do not produce anything as if those laws have some seperate existence from which the laws are derived. What produces things are other things such as man begets man and an oak tree produces another oak tree and stars produce light.
Our very idea of law has no existence outside the human intellect in the external world but because we can observe that things act always or nearly always in the same way, especially irrrational creatures, we say that this orderly way of acting is like a law to these things which you correctly ascribe to God who made these things. Properly speaking though, as St Thomas Aquinas says , law is something pertaining to reason and a rule and measure of acts. Consequently, irrational creatures, devoid of reason, are not properly said to partake of the Eternal Law except by similitude.
- Philosophy of science uses the terrm “Laws of Nature” in a way that is different from Aquinas’s definition of “law” and so your objection to its use in this context is misdirected. Within the philosophy of science there is a vigorous and ongoing debate as to whether these laws are descriptive (ie human constructs which describe what we observe - in other words we invent descriptions of Nature) or proscriptive (ie universally true “rules” for how Nature is and behaves that we discover, sometimes imperfectly, over time). But in any case “laws of nature” applies to classes of thing not to individual things.
- The natures of individual things, a carbon atom, a lion, a tree, a chunk of sandstone are not fundamental but proceed from their constituents according to the laws of nature. So if you understand the laws you get an explanation for the nature of the thing. It is this understanding that the fundamentals are deeper than individual things and that the nature of individual things can be explained (rather than just being what it is) that makes science a better source of insight into and understanding of the workings of nature (using the word in its broad modern sense) than scholastic metaphysics.