I disagree.Absolutely un-Catholic.
Souls are immortal. End of story.
I disagree.Absolutely un-Catholic.
Souls are immortal. End of story.
Can you site source where the Vatican corrected: “Hell does not exist part”?The Vatican corrected the “Hell does not exist” part, but has been silent about the “souls disappear” part.
Uh, no…that’s a dishonest reading of the complete section on Eternity of Hell. It is clear from reading the whole section in context that the part you are fixated upon is a series of arguments (by those applying reason alone) and counterarguments (that the Church has taught through the ages).I quoted this text to demonstrate that in 1910, many believed that ECT was not a de fide dogma of the church, but only an opinion that does not contradict dogma. The author of the article disagrees, but that’s just his opinion, he is not infallible! He further admits that annihilation is not intrinsically impossible for God (something YOU appear to deny) but in his opinion, there are reasons against it (Reasons that are neither good or true in my opinion).
“Beyond the possibility of doubt, that the Church expressly teaches the eternity of the pains of hell as a truth of faith which no one can deny or call into question without manifest heresy!” Disagree all you like, but realize it’s heresy.On page 209, only 2 paragraphs above text you cited, is stated: “The Church professes her faith in the eternity of the pains of hell in clear terms in the Athanasian Creed (Denz., nn. 40), in authentic doctrinal decisions (Denz., nn. 211,410, 429, 807, 835, 915), and in countless passages of her liturgy; she never prays for the damned. Hence, beyond the possibility of doubt, the Church expressly teaches the eternity of the pains of hell as a truth of faith which no one can deny or call into question without manifest heresy.”
I think you have made a good case that the annihilation of the soul is contrary to Church doctrine. I hesitate to call it ironclad, or contrary to dogma, but it is clearly contrary to all the Church teaches. Yet, as Luke has not denied the existence to eternal punishment in Hell, only the existence of the individual sinner in Hell, I do not think “heresy” should be used, especially at the lay level.Disagree all you like, but realize it’s heresy.