Does Hell Exist? Pope Francis Says No (Warning: This title is misleading)

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That’s right. It doesn’t matter who I am. We are supposed to discuss the issues, not one another on this forum. That permits the arguments to stand or fall by their own merit, rather than by some potentially spurious claim to authority.
You and I have no authority, nor am I making a spurious claim to be authoritative. However, the Catholic Church HAS spoken authoritatively.
Jesus says to seek the truth. Seeking is not an attack.
Seek he Truth! - only the Catholic Church possesses the fullness of the Truth. And Her Magisterium has never taught the annihilation innovation.
Doctrine can and should develop over time in light of reason and new insights into the essential meaning behind them. That is what theologians do. Stripping away the false assumptions of a particular era gets us closer to the Truth of the faith.
(Pope St Pius X in PD speaking of how Modernist theologians misinterpret truth and how they argue that dogma evolves):“Hence it is quite impossible to maintain that they express absolute truth: for, in so far as they are symbols, they are the images of truth, and so must be adapted to the religious sentiment in its relation to man; and as instruments, they are the vehicles of truth, and must therefore in their turn be adapted to man in his relation to the religious sentiment. But the object of the religious sentiment, since it embraces that absolute, possesses an infinite variety of aspects of which now one, now another, may present itself. In like manner, he who believes may pass through different phases. Consequently, the formulae too, must be subject to these vicissitudes, and are, therefore, liable to change. Thus the way is open to the intrinsic evolution of dogma. An immense collection of sophisms this, that ruins and destroys all religion. Dogma is not only able, but ought to evolve and to be changed. This is strongly affirmed by the Modernists, and as clearly flows from their principles.”

I encourage you to read all of Pascedi Dominici. We all harbor Modernist tendencies…I’m not targeting you specifically. That is why we must pray, sacrifice, and fast…for ourselves and all poor, deceived, miserable sinners! Hospodi, pomiluj!
Sorry,….but you interpreting torments to mean annihilation is outrageous.
This comment is absurd. I cited multiple reputable scholars from a range of denominations who think Annihilation is a very real possibility. You may disagree with it, but to say it is outrageous is to ignore the evidence. You undermine your own credibility with statements like this.
And how those early Church Fathers and the Magisterium of the Church down through the ages got it wrong or or weren’t clear enough to satisfy your objections, but today, we are able to look at the collection of writings that survived with an unbiased point of view and infer the REAL doctrine, is equally outrageous.
Today, scholars know more about the philosophical diversity of 1st century Jewish thought than they ever did before in the past. The New Testament & writings of the Apostolic Fathers are not the only documents that have survived from that time. Josephus, Philo and other Jewish sources were also preserved. There is also the Dead Sea scrolls & archeological evidence. Not only are there more sources, but a scholar like N.T. Wright, who reads Koine Greek fluently, has access to all of it. Then there are the other ancient Christian churches. The Orthodox & Coptic have different interpretations of Hell & the Final Judgement.

We also know that the Christian philosophers of late antiquity - from Origen to Augustine, were heavily influenced by Plato & pagan Greek philosophy. Augustine was also influenced by Manichieism and that colored much of his thinking. Plus, he was reading Scripture in Latin not Greek.

Hans Urs von Balthasar’s argument for an empty Hell is now mainstream Catholic thought, and it is basically a rehabilitation of Universalism and reputiation of Augustine’s Massa Damnata view that was widely taught in the past. He is a good example of how contemporary theology works. You should read his book.

Your claim that any alternative interpretation of current doctrine is “outrageous” is based solely on your ignorance of scholarship on the topic and your own bias and misunderstanding of the difference between doctrine & dogma.

The ultimate fate of those in Hell as Eternal Conscious Torment is a doctrine not a dogma of the Church. What it means to be completely separated from God’s love, which sustains our existence, could well be interpreted as ceasing to exist.
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I encourage you to read all of Pascedi Dominici. We all harbor Modernist tendencies…I’m not targeting you specifically. That is why we must pray, sacrifice, and fast…for ourselves and all poor, deceived, miserable sinners! Hospodi, pomiluj!
You don’t know what modernism means. We live in a post-modern world. Modernism is the notion that humans can socially engineer society to create a utopian civilization. It gave rise to things like the eugenics movement, states like the Soviet Union, and Hitler’s attempt to establish a master race. That all came crashing down in the wake of WWII.

Contemporary Christian scholarship & theological inquiry has nothing to do with modernism. Read Dei Verbum, the document on Sacred Scripture produced by the Second Vatican Council.
Souls are immortal. It is heretical to assert otherwise.
It is not at heretical to say God can annihilate a soul. All you have accomplished by repeatedly asserting this falsehood is to allow me to make a stronger & stronger case for my opinion. I was willing to let the matter rest, but you wouldn’t let it go. Now, unless something has changed since 1910, you will have to argue with this source…

Catholic Encyclopedia (1910), Vol. 7, p.209

Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1910


Many believe that reason cannot give any conclusive proof for the eternity of the pains of hell, but that it can merely show that this doctrine does not involve any contradiction. Since the Church has made no decision on this point, each one is entirely free to embrace this opinion. As is apparent, the author of this article does not hold it. We admit that God might have extended the time of trial beyond death; however, had He done so, He would have permitted man to know about it, and would have made corresponding provision for the maintenance of moral order in this life. We may further admit that it is not intrinsically impossible for God to annihilate the sinner after some definite amount of punishment; but this would be less in conformity with the nature of man’s immortal soul; and, secondly, we know of no fact that might give us any right to suppose God will act in such a manner.
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Souls are immortal. I shall not cease to affirm basic Catholic dogma in the face of your opinions.
Souls are immortal. I shall not cease to affirm basic Catholic dogma in the face of your opinions.
I also believe in the immortality of the soul so long as God wills it. Nothing in creation is inherently immortal. Only the uncreated God who sustains our existence is inherently immortal. It is by His grace that our souls cannot be killed, and by His grace that we are offered the gift of Eternal Life.

“The Christian teaching on eternal life takes on, once again, a thoroughly practical character at this point. Immortality is not something we achieve. Though it is a gift inherent in creation it is not something which just happens to occur in nature. Immortality rests upon a relationship in which we are given a share, but by which, in sharing it, we are claimed in turn.” - Ratzinger, Eschatology, pp. 156-157
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This comment is absurd. I cited multiple reputable scholars from a range of denominations who think Annihilation is a very real possibility. You may disagree with it, but to say it is outrageous is to ignore the evidence. You undermine your own credibility with statements like this.
Today, scholars know more about the philosophical diversity of 1st century Jewish thought than they ever did before in the past. The New Testament & writings of the Apostolic Fathers are not the only documents that have survived from that time. Josephus, Philo and other Jewish sources were also preserved. There is also the Dead Sea scrolls & archeological evidence. Not only are there more sources, but a scholar like N.T. Wright, who reads Koine Greek fluently, has access to all of it. Then there are the other ancient Christian churches. The Orthodox & Coptic have different interpretations of Hell & the Final Judgement.
I’m not denying there was philosophical diversity. There is only 1 Truth about the everlasting punishment of Hell….unless one is schizophrenic. The Church has had to deal with heretics in every age. Dogmas are the same at the time of Christ and now….they cannot change. However, the Church has consistently taught Her members the immortality of every soul, damned or saved. And She has defended this reality against those who claim otherwise.
Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 “……He (Christ) will come at the end of the world; he will judge the living and the dead; and he will reward all, both the lost and the elect, according to their works. And all these will rise with their own bodies which they now have so that they may receive according to their works, whether good or bad; the wicked, a perpetual punishment with the devil; the good, eternal glory with Christ.”

From the First Apology of St Justin Martyr (148-155)Indeed, if all men recognized the eternal punishment or reward which his own actions deserve, no one would choose evil, even for a short time, knowing that he would incur the eternal sentence of fire.”
“….but the wicked, He will clothe in eternal sensibility. He will commit to the eternal fire, along with the evil demons.”

St Theophilus of Antioch, the 7th Bishop of Antioch and 6th Successor to Peter (181) “For the unbelievers and for the contemptuous, and for those who do not submit to the truth but assent to iniquity, when they have been involved in adulteries and fornications and homosexualities and avarice and in lawless idolatries, there will be wrath and indignation, tribulation and anguish, and in the end, such men as these will be damned in everlasting fire.”
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I also believe in the immortality of the soul so long as God wills it. Nothing in creation is inherently immortal. Only the uncreated God who sustains our existence is inherently immortal. It is by His grace that our souls cannot be killed, and by His grace that we are offered the gift of Eternal Life.

“The Christian teaching on eternal life takes on, once again, a thoroughly practical character at this point. Immortality is not something we achieve. Though it is a gift inherent in creation it is not something which just happens to occur in nature. Immortality rests upon a relationship in which we are given a share, but by which, in sharing it, we are claimed in turn.” - Ratzinger, Eschatology, pp. 156-157
And how is this proof of annihilation? “Immortality of the soul as long as God wills it”…is taken to mean there comes a point in time where He doesn’t will it? Please don’t twist words.

St Irenaeus, second Bishop of Lyons, had been student of St Polycarp who had been student of St John the Theologian (180-199) “….”and that He may send the spiritual forces of wickedness, and the angels, who transgressed and became apostates, and the impious, unjust, blasphemous among men, into everlasting fire.

Minucius Felix (he was a Christian, layman, and distinguished member of the legal profession in Rome and author of the dialogue Octavius written between 218 and 235 “I am not ignorant of the fact that many, in the consciousness of what they deserve, would rather hope than actually believe that there is nothing for them after death. They would prefer to be annihilated rather than be restored for punishment. Nor is there either measure or end to these torments. That clever fire burns the limbs and restores them ,wears them away and yet, sustains them. Just as fiery thunderbolts strike bodies but do not consume them”

Canons of the Provincial Council of Constantinople, 548
“If anyone says or holds that the punishment of devils and wicked men is temporary and will eventually cease….let him be anathema.”
Your claim that any alternative interpretation of current doctrine is “outrageous” is based solely on your ignorance of scholarship on the topic and your own bias and misunderstanding of the difference between doctrine & dogma.

I’d rather be ignorant like the Church Fathers and consistent teaching of Magisterium than hope, like von Balthasar and other enlightened contemporary scholars who need to be inoculated against resurrected heresies with a good dose of Pascendi Dominici and an oath against Moderism.

Your definition of Modernism is different from what Pope St Pius X taught.
Wow! Your citation taken out of context from Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 7, 1910 Ed is a doozy! I have the exact edition of this Catholic Encyclopedia

Let’s be honest and read it in context.

Section III Eternity of Hell:Many admit the existence of hell, but deny the eternity of its punishment. Conditionalists hold only a hypothetical immortality of the soul, and assert that after undergoing a certain amount of punishment, the souls of the wicked will be annihilated.”
The author then goes on to differentiate Origin’s tenet held by Universalist that all damned human souls will attain a certain beatitude. The “Eternal Hope” opinion held by rationalist Protestants and influencing Catholics Hircher and Schell, is that those who do not die in the state of grace can still be converted after death if they are not too wicked and impenitent.

On page 209, only 2 paragraphs above text you cited, is stated: “The Church professes her faith in the eternity of the pains of hell in clear terms in the Athanasian Creed (Denz., nn. 40), in authentic doctrinal decisions (Denz., nn. 211,410, 429, 807, 835, 915), and in countless passages of her liturgy; she never prays for the damned. Hence, beyond the possibility of doubt, the Church expressly teaches the eternity of the pains of hell as a truth of faith which no one can deny or call into question without manifest heresy.”

The author (Joseph Hontheim) then goes on to explain the attitude of mere reasoning towards the eternity of hell doctrine and the counter arguments. “Since the Church has made no decision on this point, each is entirely free to embrace this opinion,” you cited and bolded is one of the arguments employed by those attempting to use reason to reconcile Church doctrine with personal reasoning!

Annihilation theory of the damned is heresy….manifest heresy!

This is why Pope Francis talking to Scalfari and not correcting the impressions reported is such a serious matter! Does he or doesn’t he agree with the heresies he supposedly espoused? His earlier statements are offered as proof that he believes otherwise. Since he never bothered to clarify (other than the Vatican producing a correction that the interview contained “no actual quotes that can be attributed to Pope Francis”), many souls are left doubting the eternity of Hell. This doubt can only increase the number of souls plunging down the broad way that leads to eternal damnation!
I shall not cease to affirm basic Catholic dogma
No kidding. How many times do you have to post it in a single thread?

What ever happened to “I said it once; why say it again?”
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Annihilation of souls is not a valid Catholic belief.
I disagree.
Annihilation theory of the damned is heresy….manifest heresy!
I disagree.
This is why Pope Francis talking to Scalfari and not correcting the impressions reported is such a serious matter! Does he or doesn’t he agree with the heresies he supposedly espoused?
The Vatican corrected the “Hell does not exist” part, but has been silent about the “souls disappear” part. I would also like further clarification, but for different reasons. It sounds to me like Pope Francis believes in Conditional Immortality & the eternal annihilation of souls.

Just to be clear, Annihilationalism affirms:
  1. The existence of Hell
  2. The suffering of souls in Hell
  3. The eternal punishment of souls in Hell
  4. The principle punishment of Hell as eternal separation from God.
The earliest teaching of the Church was Conditional Immortality. It is all over scripture and in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. It has never been declared a heresy. Because immortality is a gift from God to the righteous, rather than an inherent attribute of the soul, this doctrine does not demand the eternal conscious torment of souls in Hell.

Justin spells it all out in Chp 5 of his Dialogue with Trypho:
Chapter V.—The soul is not in its own nature immortal.

Old Man
: They are not, then, immortal?

Justin: No; since the world has appeared to us to be begotten.

Old Man: But I do not say, indeed, that all souls die; for that were truly a piece of good fortune to the evil. What then? The souls of the pious remain in a better place, while those of the unjust and wicked are in a worse, waiting for the time of judgment. Thus some which have appeared worthy of God never die; but others are punished so long as God wills them to exist and to be punished.

Justin: …Does it seem to you the very same can be said of the soul, and generally of all things? For those things which exist after God, or shall at any time exist, these have the nature of decay, and are such as may be blotted out and cease to exist; for God alone is unbegotten and incorruptible, and therefore He is God, but all other things after Him are created and corruptible. For this reason souls both die and are punished
The Eastern Orthodox & Protestant denominations are non-dogmatic when it comes to eschatology. Conditional Immortality is the official position of the Anglican church.

The Church never taught von Balthasar’s quasi-Universalism view, but today it is a widely held belief among bishops. The significance of his work is that it puts the traditional teaching on Hell in its proper historical and theological perspective as doctrine NOT dogma. This paves the way for further development in the field of eschatology.
Wow! Your citation taken out of context from Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 7, 1910 Ed is a doozy!
Not at all. I quote the author plainly stating that he does not agree with this view, and the reasons for why he disagrees. Here, I will reverse the emphasis so you can see…
Many believe that reason cannot give any conclusive proof for the eternity of the pains of hell, but that it can merely show that this doctrine does not involve any contradiction. Since the Church has made no decision on this point, each one is entirely free to embrace this opinion. As is apparent, the author of this article does not hold it. We admit that God might have extended the time of trial beyond death; however, had He done so, He would have permitted man to know about it, and would have made corresponding provision for the maintenance of moral order in this life. We may further admit that it is not intrinsically impossible for God to annihilate the sinner after some definite amount of punishment; but this would be less in conformity with the nature of man’s immortal soul; and, secondly, we know of no fact that might give us any right to suppose God will act in such a manner.
I quoted this text to demonstrate that in 1910, many believed that ECT was not a de fide dogma of the church, but only an opinion that does not contradict dogma. The author of the article disagrees, but that’s just his opinion, he is not infallible! He further admits that annihilation is not intrinsically impossible for God (something YOU appear to deny) but in his opinion, there are reasons against it (Reasons that are neither good or true in my opinion).
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