Does Humanae Vitae spiritually kill most Catholic’s souls?

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The Pope did not decide what is wright and wrong - God did. The truth did not change, it was simply relieved by the Holy Spirit to the Pope - so that it could be explaining it to the faithful in a way they were more likely to understand.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit are poured out on *all *the faithful.

Indeed God determines what is right and wrong…After all, God will determine what is considered clean and what is not (Acts 10:15), and no man, despite what he has been ordained here on earth, is solely given the power of God. “It is the Holy Spirit who prevents the pope from officially teaching error (2.”;😉 however, the Lord’s gifts are uniquely poured out on all true Christians as fruits of the Spirit to use as He sees fit (1 Cor 12:7-11), and no one holds a monopoly on the Spirit of God! Furthermore, God continues to lift up the poor and meek and bless the humble with His divine spiritual gifts (Luke 1:51-53). The ignorant, the sinners, the vagabond have always been lifted up by God to walk in His name and lead his way to salvation. It is their very weakness that that perfects our strength in God; it is the thorn in our flesh (2 Corinthians 12:6-10). Grace! Not once did any prominent priest or church of old or new covenant enlighten the chosen people. When a believer tells another believer how he feels about God and his relationship with Him, the other should not argue; certainly one who feels the Holy Spirit in his heart knows how he feels better than another.


Christian Love
Artificial contraception kills spirituality. It takes away responsibility. It tempts.

1968 The turning point for American culture. The Church clearly warns all Catholics and men of good will. The Church knows that The Pill is giving people the false idea that they can have sex without responsibility. Some dissidents within the Church speak against it.

The Sexual Revolution was about sex, not love. Send in the Hippies. Free love! Sex with anyone. “I don’t need no piece of paper to live with my old lady.” A quote from a Hippie friend of mine. And fornication? That was referred to as “natural acts” by the same Hippie friend. Cohabition with sex? OK.

By 1970, some religious began leaving the Church. Then Adult Bookstores began popping up everywhere, topless go-go bars, and soon, legalized abortion.

Catholics wonder why things are the way they are today. How did it happen? This is how. Plus the sale of millions of birth control pills was on the line. The Sexual Revolution had to move forward. Separating sex from love was the goal.

Today, true love has been replaced by ‘just sex.’ Not a commitment based on trust and faith.

May we all awaken from our sleep and from our distractions. If we can maintain a commitment to a job for 30 years, how much more should we be committed to our families?

As a Catholic Christian, I didn’t participate in this poll.

Questions #3 and #4 are geared for Protestants.

Questions #1 and #2 do not accurately present authentic Christian Catholic teaching (i.e., authentic teaching sealed by the Holy Spirit, through the Vicar of Christ, who promised to never lead the soul astray from Christ.)
Hello All,

In reading some of the threads on birth control, it is the view of some that up 90%, of one billion Catholics, disobey Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II’s, Humanae Vitae. It is said that these Popes have used the authority of the “Keys to the Kingdom” to bind artificial birth control as a mortal sin. Some say that the Pope does not bind the Protestants in the same way he binds Catholics when he uses the “Keys to the Kingdom”. Are Catholics bound to two thousand years accumulation of papal bindings while Protestants, inside the Church through their baptism, are free from the authority of the “Keys to the Kingdom"?
Obviously using the “Keys to the Kingdom” to bind sins to souls is a very deadly deterrent (spiritually deadly). I know of very few Catholics, who otherwise are very obedient to God, who plan to repent of using condoms, vasectomies or tube tying. If the Pope can bind condoms as mortal sin, then Humanae Vitae has potentially to decimated the Catholic population in heaven. Should not Protestants benefit from papal spiritually deadly deterrents as well as Catholics? Jesus never put any limits on which humans Apostolic Successors could bind to sin. Should the Pope discontinue limitting His Christ given authority to only Catholics?
What do you think?

**NAB MAT 16:13 **
Jesus replied, “Blest are you, Simon son of John! No mere man has revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. I for my part declare to you, you are ‘Rock,’ and on this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then he strictly ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
The Pope does not make the Church’s teachings arbitrarily and is guided by God and the Holy Spirit. The main job of the Pope is to communicate Christ’s teachings to the Church and he is Vicar of Christ. I would accept the Church’s teaching on birth control as divine revelation and guided by the Holy Spirit. So no, nobody will go to hell by living according to the Church’s teaching although certain forms of contraception are more moral than others and I would avoid abortifacients which are named contraception. The Church’s teaching on contraception really comes down to the value of the human soul which we believe is given at conception itself. Therefore all life comes from God and it is God’s will for a human being to exist.
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