I’m getting the impression you think everything has a purpose… in which case any example I gave would likely not be suitable for you. Maybe you could come up with some reason why a woman being raped before being brutally killed was for some kind of purpose. I can’t.How do you determine what is needless? Specific example would be useful…
And I am asking how many more? It is impossible to address vague assertions. Why don’t you ask why God doesn’t prevent **all **suffering?
If you mean work a miracle for every disease, deformity and disability I have already pointed out that a spate of miracles would undermine the order and regularity of nature.
Does the number really matter? Fine, 42. Why not 42 more miracles? Why not all of them? My point is, why the little spurt of miracles by Jesus and before him (if you take the OT literally anyway) and then nothing that can’t be explained easily by science or probability since? Why hold back if you’re going to interfere some? I assume there is a Catholic answer to that…
So a spate of miracles would undermine the order of nature, but coming back from the dead and healing lepers doesn’t? Feeding multitudes with 2 fish and some bread doesn’t? Flooding the whole damn world doesn’t? Why the disparity?