Actually, according to Matthew 5:48, we are:If he was sinful, then God is sinful and not worthy of worship. We may not be as perfect as Jesus, but we’re not called to be perfect. We’re called to be holy!
“So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
It wasn’t Jesus who set the bar high, it was God. He made us to be good and every single one of us will fail. We all have sinned, and we will all fail at our judgement if we try to stand on our own. That’s why we have this:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Cristo_crucificado.jpg(image larger than 4096KB)
And then this:
And that is the good news. We will all fail, we are all doomed, and when we face that great and terrible day we will know in the face of true justice that we all deserve to hear “Depart from me.” Yet, our hope is in the resurrected Son of God standing up on that day and saying “I know you. This one is mine.”
We only need to live our lives out loving the one who claims us with his own blood. A lifetime simply isn’t enough time to give the thanks and love he deserves for that. <3