Does Jesus set the bar too high?

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Really? There are people surrounding your home who take advantage of the grounds and cheat your family, friends, neighbors, and others while desecrating the Sanctity of your home?
It was a joke. Chillax.
Actually, look up Matthew 5:48 “So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Straight from the mouth of Jesus!
In RCIA our priest said ‘hopefully you can see that after looking at the Ten Commandments we all fall short’. We can never live up to them. We fall onto Jesus and his mercy and grace and try to do our best in the mean time. We are imperfect, saved by grace. We are then led by the Holy Spirit to work out the kingdom in the world
We can never live up to them.
God never commands something impossible. We can live up to them, we may fail again and again, but, we can attain perfection. Some of us will do so this side of heaven.
It is possible to obtain a certain form of perfection. The saints are proof of this.
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Christ would never tell us to do something that is impossible to do. That would set us up for despair and disappointment.
Jesus could never have possibly been sinful.
Human, yes. Sinful, never. Jesus in his divinity had perfect wisdom and he would never make an error in raising a bar too high.

We’re always going to be human and make mistakes, and we will always be forgiven when we are sorry. But it doesn’t mean we still shouldn’t try our best. Fortunately we also have saints as models of virtue. I could always particularly relate to St. Peter and his fears and mistakes but also his close relationship with the Lord and allowing himself to be forgiven.
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it is impossible to man, but to God everything is possible. If our salvation was possible by our only human strength, we would no longer say that it is Jesus who saves us.
Jesus with his help, makes possible to man what is impossible for him by his own natural forces
Why in blazes would I want to follow a “weak and sinful” God? He wouldn’t be God then, he’d be one of those caricatures of Greek mythological “gods” who were always stealing and committing adultery and rape.
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Jesus told St margaret Mary:

‘The Heavenly Prize is not given to the perfect, but those who PERSEVERE.’

Jesus said in scripture: ‘he who perseveres to the end, WILL BE SAVED’

That means: keep trying your best, keep going to the Sacraments, confession, daily prayer, daily bible/ chapter from a catholic book/ love God and your neighbour ☺️ Keep the commandments ☺️

If you slip, confess and keep going ☺️
I compare the bar set by Jesus to stretch goals, used sometimes in the business world. These are goals that the manager realizes are beyond the capabilities of his employees, but he uses them to enable his workers to stretch as far as possible beyond their norm and comfort zone to achieve more than they otherwise would. These goals may cause frustration but, in some cases, they succeed in unlocking and realizing the potential that people did not even know they had.
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But one thing is for sure. Many of you fine people on CAF set the bar too high for me. If I could get just an ounce of that holiness of yours I’d be halfway to Heaven.
But one thing is for sure. Many of you fine people on CAF set the bar too high for me. If I could get just an ounce of that holiness of yours I’d be halfway to Heaven.
I don’t follow you; do you mean hat you would get to Heaven by being a practiced sinner who revels in wickedness or do you mean that owning up to our sinfulness and seeking to Follow and Obey Christ by rejecting unrighteousness an doing His Will is a hinderance to your spirituality?

Maran atha!

OP- I think you may have missed the point as to why Jesus came to Earth…

Jesus did not come down from heaven to say “I am holier than you, you are all failures, unholy, worthless creatures and I condemn all of you to HELL”.
The pharisees at the time held this view, and Jesus repeatedly and vehemently argued against that teaching.

Yes- you cannot reach the bar God set through The Law- otherwise Jesus’ death would not have been necessary. You can however follow Jesus to the best of your ability, and trust him (and his church) to help you after you fall, and to help you finish the race.
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I’m never disappointed in myself for falling short of Jesus. He’s God. I obviously can never be as perfect as He was. Who thinks that they could possibly measure up?

But I still TRY because it’s also not good to just give up and be the worst possible because you can’t be the best.

Jesus being who He is just is an opportunity to challenge us to always do better, every day. To be better losers. TO be better winners. TO be better humans.
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