Hi Maria. Jesus baptism is not seen in the physical.Its spiritual and it happens inside of us.This is the only baptism ephesians4 talks about.[one baptism.] It requires our free will to recieve it.Babys do not have a free will. Are they excluded? I dont think so because they have not used thier free will so they are excluded by Gods love and mercy. Repentence is required on our part to recieve the fullness of Jesus baptism. Water baptism symbolizes to the community that we have been washed clean from sin and that Jesus is Lord of our life. The water did not save us it was the blood of Jesus Christ that saved us and that was through the baptism of Jesus Christ. God Bless. So was the early church wrong in baptising infants? Well I believe that those infants were under Gods protection whether they were baptised or not. Personally I believe it was a Church tradition instituted by man to welcolme the baby into the community but thats as far as it goes at this stage in the babys life. I personally believe Jesus Baptism requires our free will to recieve Him. God Bless.Hi Spokenword:wave:
Yes I do know that the Catholic Church does not rebaptize. But I could not find the Bible verse talking of one baptism and so did not know if it was Scripture or Tradition. Thanks for finding the Bible verses
But this brings up an interesting point. According to your beliefs, infants do not need baptism. If we are only supposed to have one baptism, was not the early church teaching falsehood then by teaching infant baptism?
I mean why baptize an infant if it is just a symbolic, public declaration that should only happen once? If baptism is not regenerative, ie only a public declaration, then the appropriate time would be an older child or an adult. But that is not what the early church in 200ad practiced and taught.
How could the early church be wrong in such a basic belief? Either
baptism= born again
or born again is a choice made past the age of reason when we choose to follow Christ by asking Him into our hearts with baptism only being a public declaration, a symbol of our rebirth.
Respectfully, Both cannot be right. So was the early church wrong in 200ad?
Your sister in Christ,