Does the bible have any Infant Baptism passage?

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Actually, SpokenWord is speaking of baptism as spiritual and you are insisting on a physical, strict interpretation of the Bible passage.

Jesus didn’t want the children from being hindered from coming to him because He loved them - He loved them. To deduce from this that He teaches infant baptism is an error.
I disagree…
No. 2 shouldn’t apply here. Healing that took place here is physical only. There is no regenerative properties for the “whole man” here - only the material man.
Now you are in error…
Why then would Jesus tell the cripled man…“My son your sins are forgiven” There are several such instances in the NT Jesus points this out to the crowd when he heals the man who was lowered through the roof.
Church Militant:
Now you are in error…
Why then would Jesus tell the cripled man…“My son your sins are forgiven” There are several such instances in the NT Jesus points this out to the crowd when he heals the man who was lowered through the roof.
Given what Jesus said at the end - I would posit that Jesus forgave this person’s sins to prove a point to those surrounding Him. That point being - the bold part below. And, by the way, this should not be a finger-pointing exercise and I certainly didn’t mean to make it come off that way towards you when I posted originally.
  1. Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?
  2. And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?
  3. Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?
    10. But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)

I think you may be misunderstanding my intentions. I’m not trying to back you into a corner or put you on the defensive. I’m trying to come to an understanding as to why you think water baptism does not equate itself with Jesus’ definition of born again.

In Faith,
I believe when Jesus said we must be born of water and spirit to enter into the kingdom I believe He meant the waters of repentence[Johns] having a repentent heart.,and recieving His Spirit Baptism of the Holy Spirit],which by His power our lives would be transformed and begin to change by the actions we choose,and that was to follow Him and Be like Him.God Bless. Why do I feel like we are going in circles? Why do I feel like I constantly need to repeat myself. Maybe its just not exposed to you. I dont know why? Why is it that Peter was the only one who knew Jesus was God?. Jesus said my Father in heaven chose to reveal it to you[Peter]… Maybe not all truth is not given to those who are not ready to recieve it. Only God knows why? Is it possible that we are both right? As a catholic I believed as you do,because thats how I was taught. No human has taught what I have spoken in my conversation. Only the Holy Spirit has revealed this to me,for He is my teacher. Jesus said I will leave the Paraclete,and He will be your teacher and your helper. These are Gods Words.Why would I doubt what He says. Again,Gods Words speak Truth,its our understanding that is the problem. God Bless. :confused:
Those believers believed what they heard but they had not recieved. Can you believe without recieving? YES. You see the problem is our understanding. When we recieve Christ we recieve the Fullness of His Spirit,just like in pentacost,they were FILLED with the Holy Spirit. After we recieve the Holy Spirit,it will begin to transform our lives by the actions we take. We cant just recieve it and not change.This is the problem with the body of Christ today. If I give you an apple as a gift
and you do not eat it,it has no value, but the fact that it was a gift… It requires an action and that is that you eat it for you to gain the benifits of the apple.God Bless.
Oh my goodness!!! You have just perfectly described the Catholic teaching of justification by faith and works (action)!!! 👍

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
EXRC made it very clear in defining BORN AGAIN in appoligetics forum.
Well, he made his opinion very clear anyway. What was missing was any Scripture linking the experience of being born again with the moment one believes.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Prove to me that the Eucharist is the Body of Christ? I want to see the Flesh you are talking about that you are eating. :confused: God Bless.
2 Cor. 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sightJoh 20:29 Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Oh my goodness!!! You have just perfectly described the Catholic teaching of justification by faith and works (action)!!! 👍

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
ONE SPIRIT? You mean its my catholic teaching that is still in me. Well there is[some] Truth in all christian churches. 👍 God Bless.
Catholic4aReasn said:
2 Cor. 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sightJoh 20:29* Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."*

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂

Thanks Nancy,I wanted Fiat to respond. Yes its by Faith,thats how you recieve it.He couldnt understand how I recieve Gods Spirit. Its by Faith. 👍 I think Fiat got my point. God Bless.

No, I’m sorry, I didn’t get your point, because for me, to have FAITH, and TO BELIEVE, means believing in ALL that Jesus did, in ALL that Jesus said, in ALL that Jesus commanded. Believing is not just some sort of mental construct or opinion that one affirms himself in. Believing entails something more than what the believers in Acts 19 had.

This is why I’ve been trying to get you to explain to me what you mean by “belief.” So far, you’ve not done that.

In Jesus and Mary

No, I’m sorry, I didn’t get your point, because for me, to have FAITH, and TO BELIEVE, means believing in ALL that Jesus did, in ALL that Jesus said, in ALL that Jesus commanded. Believing is not just some sort of mental construct or opinion that one affirms himself in. Believing entails something more than what the believers in Acts 19 had.

This is why I’ve been trying to get you to explain to me what you mean by “belief.” So far, you’ve not done that.

In Jesus and Mary
So you want me to explain my what my belief is in Jesus Christ. I believe the holy scriptures are the inspired Word of God,authorative,inerrant,God breathed and that the scriptures contain all instruction necceasary for life and the salvation of man.IITimothy3;16&17.I believe the only way of salvation from mankinds guilt of original sin-the result of the fall of Adam and Eve from grace is-through the attonement,the shed blood of Jesus Christ upon the cross of calvary for the forgiveness of sins and for the reconcilation of man to God. Phil.2;5-11. I believe in water baptism by immersion following salvation and the fellowship of Holy Commnunion-the Lords Supper-the two ordinances that Jesus commands. Acts8;38,1Corint 22-25. I believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit following the works of salvation which is the infilling and enduement of power for Godly living and for service with the physical evidence of speaking in tongues. Acts2;24. These are some of the things I believe. I hope this helps.God Bless.

Thank you. That does help. You said:
I believe in water baptism by immersion following salvation.
How does the salvation part come in exactly?
In faith,

Thank you. That does help. You said:
How does the salvation part come in exactly?
In faith,
I actually was not baptised until a year later. I first recieved my gift of salvation by getting on my
knees before the Lord and told him I was truely sorry for all the sins I committed . I then asked Jesus to come into my life and be the Lord of My life. I totally submitted my life over to Him, At that point I was consumed by His love and His forgiveness. I could see the Holy Angels around me taking notes. They were my witnesses,for then they took thier notes into the throne room and presented the notes to the High Angel in charge. The High Angel then took out a book from the shelf and began to write my name in this book of life and wrote all my sins I ever had committed in it. The High Angel then took a piece of cloth and dipped it in the Blood of Jesus Christ,and the Angel began to wipe clean every sin I had committed. When the Angel was finished the only thing left on those pages were my name. The angel then took the book and put it back on the shelf when it will be pulled out again on judgement day. Praise God for His Mighty Angels. Thats how I know I have been saved. God Bless. 👍

Thank you for sharing that. I truly appreciate it!!! I was born and raised in an anabaptist church. My church had customs similar to the Amish, and in fact many people confused us with the Amish, even though we had electricity and cars. When I went to my first Catholic mass, I sat next to a woman clutching her rosary. I could see in her eyes her desire to conform her life to Christ and to the message of Our Lord’s salvation. I remember hearing the prayers of the mass for the first time and being immediately carried away spiritually. I kept returning and returning to that little Catholic Church. I could see Jesus Christ at the alter, offering Himself to me; extending the mercy and atonement in His flesh and blood. Years later, when I decided to convert and made my first confession, I remember cowering in the confessional, knowing that Jesus was there with me, listening to me tell Him all of my sins; begging for His mercy and His forgiveness. I remember my first Holy Communion and the tremendous feeling of peace…one that transcends our understanding.

Your brother in Christ
posted by ahimsaman72 (way back in post #138)
Hello friend.
Yes, a difficult question indeed. It is a question I cannot answer.
It’s a very good point, indeed.
What is puzzling is that since it is such a basic doctrine of the Christian faith and necessary for salvation (in the Catholic view) - it is not spoken of clearly throughout the writings of Peter, Paul and the other apostles.
Sorry, I have been caught up in other posts and kind of lost track of this one.

I just wanted to thank you. For your friendship and your honesty.

From my point of view though, it is not troubling at all. Much of what was written down, was written to clarify that which had been spoken of. Baptism and being born again did not need clarification because the teaching was simple and understood, hence not much needed to be written about it.

It is hard to sometimes remember, but Scripture was not written as a handbook for Christian beliefs, but rather a clarification of beliefs that had been preached. If nothing needed to be clarified on a subject, there was little written.

Around 200ad you had clarifications like, “no you cannot deny infant baptism until the 8th day” and stuff like that.

I pray you will think on this point more.

Your sister in Christ,
posted by ahimsaman72
I know it wasn’t intended for me, but I had to answer my own opinion here - if it was me and I doubted my baptism as an infant, I would be baptized as an adult as an affirmation of my commitment to follow Jesus Christ. He was baptized in water, and so would I like to be.
Actually, I am glad you did answer because it kind of feeds from the other question. Since I lost this thread for awhile, I am going to open myself up to the possibility of error.

I do not have time to find it, but doesn’t the Bible speak of only one Baptism? Or is that just in the creed? Someone help me out!

times up crying children,

God Bless,
posted by Spokenword
My first baptism was at the age of 3months.I was rebaptised at the age of 52 by my free will. I wanted to experience what Jesus experienced during His baptism. It was a humbling experience that I could not find words possible to explain my emotions.I wish my catholic brothers and sisters could experience
what I did on that day.I know that is not possibile as a catholic and I know its not about feelings but this to me was real. All I know is that there is a Holy Spirit. God Bless.
Actually, I have experienced it. Although I received an infant baptism, I was not raised in the Church. As an adult, I went to several different Protestant churches, none of which believed baptism was more than a symbol. As a result, I went through a baptism as an adult. It was several months after I had already given my heart to Christ. I had a more amazing experience when I gave my heart to Him than at my second baptism. I will say I felt very peaceful after. I had also spilled pop on my shorts. After my full immersion baptism in a river, the stain was gone. When I remarked on it, we all laughed at the great symbolism that was.

But after coming back to the Catholic Church, I did get confirmed. Now THAT was amazing. The complete and utter joy was the most absolutely wonderful thing in my life.

Your sister in Christ,
Actually, I am glad you did answer because it kind of feeds from the other question. Since I lost this thread for awhile, I am going to open myself up to the possibility of error.

I do not have time to find it, but doesn’t the Bible speak of only one Baptism? Or is that just in the creed? Someone help me out!

times up crying children,

God Bless,
Hi Maria. In Ephesians chapter4 vs 5 it says one baptism. I also believe that rebaptism as an adult is not acceptable in the Rcc,. What the catholic church does is combine water and spirit baptism as one together as it should for there is only one baptism and one spirit.God Bless.
posted by spokenword
Hi Maria. In Ephesians chapter4 vs 5 it says one baptism. I also believe that rebaptism as an adult is not acceptable in the Rcc,. What the catholic church does is combine water and spirit baptism as one together as it should for there is only one baptism and one spirit.God Bless.
Hi Spokenword:wave:

Yes I do know that the Catholic Church does not rebaptize. But I could not find the Bible verse talking of one baptism and so did not know if it was Scripture or Tradition. Thanks for finding the Bible verses:)

But this brings up an interesting point. According to your beliefs, infants do not need baptism. If we are only supposed to have one baptism, was not the early church teaching falsehood then by teaching infant baptism?

I mean why baptize an infant if it is just a symbolic, public declaration that should only happen once? If baptism is not regenerative, ie only a public declaration, then the appropriate time would be an older child or an adult. But that is not what the early church in 200ad practiced and taught.

How could the early church be wrong in such a basic belief? Either
baptism= born again
or born again is a choice made past the age of reason when we choose to follow Christ by asking Him into our hearts with baptism only being a public declaration, a symbol of our rebirth.

Respectfully, Both cannot be right. So was the early church wrong in 200ad?

Your sister in Christ,
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