Thanks for that history.Not sure of the relevancy to my question but it was two-fold:
- My last Lutheran pastor basically stated that one doesn’t need to believe in the Resurrection or virgin birth in order to be a Christian.
- Upon hearing that, I looked for a more solid church, and found that in the Orthdox church the services are so full of scripture and so much emphasize the resurrection that I never left after attending my first service.
RE: relevancy to you question HERE
I would just say
To use a phrase made popular by then Anglican John Newman, who likewise was looking for answers and reasons for why all the divisions in Christianity and particularly why he was Anglican, a conclusion he came to was
“to be deep in history is to cease being a protestant”
using that format it’s also true that
To go even deeper in history is to cease being E Orthodox.
To go deepest in history, back to Jesus and His Church He builds on Peter, and the apostles united to Peter,
is to be Catholic in the Catholic Church
For space, here is a condensed history (properly referenced) HERE added to the scriptures I provided that you would have read HERE
I can add much more to that history if you are interested
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