There are a couple of questions that are about canon law:
1> For an Eastern Orthodox person to receive in a Latin rite church, he has to have a “proper disposition.” Does this mean he must accept:
a> the full supreme univeral authority of the Pope.
b> the distinction between mortal and venial sins.
If yes, what is the point of canon 844.3?
2> in interpeting canon 844, is it better to look at canonical tradition, ie 1917 canon law, or the modern Directory for the Application of the Principles and Norms of Ecumenism (1993)?
The overarching discussion has been about two statements from Vatican 2. The Pope has full, universal, supreme authority and the Eastern Churches have the right to govern themselves. If you would like to resolve that one, I am sure everyone will be even more thrilled than we will be by your efforts on the other questions. For which we will be very grateful.