Indeed. In my work on the issue of East-West relations, one of the most important things in my experience is that those who are rigid and who cling to mentalities of the pre-conciliar past, mentalities that have fallen by the wayside in the dialogue at the international level, are simply to be set aside as out of touch with the mind of the Church of today. The mind of the Church in and after Vatican II is well expressed in Pope Saint John Paul II’s “Ut Unum Sint” and his many other writings and addresses – particularly on the occasion of his apostolic visits to the East.A Rite is not confined to its liturgy. The Eastern Code of Canons defines “rite” in this manner: “A rite is the liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary patrimony, culture and circumstances of history of a distinct people, by which its own manner of living the faith is manifested in each Church sui iuris.”
We who are Latin must remember, and never forget, when Pope Saint Paul VI and Pope Saint John Paul II BEGGED forgiveness for the errors of the past against the Christian East.
For me, there is no image richer and more inspiring than this one as we go forward toward greater and greater communion between East and West.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)