Does the world know you are Catholic?

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You don’t need to go out of your way to show you are visibly Catholic ,but are there hints to the world that you are?
There always seems to be a scapular escaping and flapping in the breeze around my neck,I don’t remember how long I’ve had a pair of rosary beads on my car rear view mirror to remind me who I am and to pray ,and yes to let others know I love God.I was really surprised visiting America recently and seeing lovely statues of Our Lady on front lawns 🙂 I must admit
if I did that here where I live I might be thought a bit nutty.Someday I’m going to get past that 🙂
Does the world know? Probably not, unless they happen upon me entering mass. I think it takes colleagues about a year of higher level interaction to figure it out. If they don’t interact with me much or often, they never figure it out.

What hints there are must be interpreted, and I think most people don’t have the knowledge to do so, like identification of a St. Benedict Medal, even if they happen to notice it in the first place.
I’m often too much of a chicken to defend the faith when the opportunity arises, but I often wear a St. Benedict Crucifix pin if I’m wearing a sport coat or on my shirt lapel.
I wouldn’t say the world knows but anyone who knows me knows I’m Catholic. I am not shy about it at all. I wear a saint medal and a crucifix around my neck, most often outside my clothing. My car has a rosary hanging from the rear view mirror and a bumper sticker from our Catholic radio station.

I attend Mass every weekend and do my best to go daily. I have an adoration hour that I do not miss. If someone asks, I happily tell them I am Catholic!
I believe so. I wear my Crucifix & Miraculous medal around my neck daily. In my car, I hang from my rear view mirror a Rosary, Miraculous medal & Blessed Palm. In my front yard by the house I have a statue of the Blessed Mother & St. Francis of Assisi. I put religious decorations for the litugical seasons of Advent, Christmas & Lent in my front porch windows. During the Advent/Christmas season I place a “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnet on my car’s rear bumper.
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My boss once asked me if I believed in Jesus. I responded I’m Catholic, he gave me a confused look and asked if Catholics are Christians.

…so… around here I’m not sure I’d be recognized as Catholic if I wore a habit.
The only “Catholic” thing I do in public is pray silently and cross myself before eating something. Besides that, the world doesn’t know
The world hardly knows I exist. Having said that, of the people who do know me, I would hope that most know I am Catholic. Certainly people I interact with at all do. My boss, who is president, CEO and owner, and Athiest certainly does know I’m Catholic and respects it. Most people at work, if they have a question on the Catholic Church will come to me. That includes other Catholics asking questions about the Mass, or non Catholics asking for gift advice for their Catholic friends.

I would not want to, nor do I hide my Faith. Nor, though, do I prostelyze. Evangelize, sure. If someone is injured, I will readily tell them I will pray for their recovery. By the wsy, that also goes for my Athiest boss.

Never, never, never be ashamed of your Faith.

I make the sign of the cross in public sometimes, I don’t usually wear a particularly Catholic item.

I don’t want to appear to be merely an actor, which is what hypocrite meant in Jesus’ time.

But if you know me you probably know I’m Catholic
A lot know, but not everyone. It’s fairly known at work just because we all have to work with each other on scheduling and who’s available when if someone needs extra coverage. So “I go to Mass at X time, and Y and Z are holy days so I’ll need to figure out how to go then” comes up.
People who know me know that I am a serious Catholic. People in my parish know that I am of those commiťted lay leaders that often visibly serving in the church in various forms but usually in the leadership and even formation.

People would definitely know that I am a Catholic if they enter my car or my house due to the many sacramentals and religious articles in display. However, if they don’t know me, I doubt they know that I am a Catholic because I do not talk about it outside my arena of duty.

I am typically a quiet and shy person but I also believe that talking about religion can backfire and stigmatize us. It is better if one leads them discretely by showimg them how you live, by your character, what you believe and the things you like.
You don’t need to go out of your way to show you are visibly Catholic ,but are there hints to the world that you are?

There always seems to be a scapular escaping and flapping in the breeze around my neck,I don’t remember how long I’ve had a pair of rosary beads on my car rear view mirror to remind me who I am and to pray ,and yes to let others know I love God.I was really surprised visiting America recently and seeing lovely statues of Our Lady on front lawns 🙂 I must admit

if I did that here where I live I might be thought a bit nutty.Someday I’m going to get past that 🙂
I have a rosary hanging around the car rear view mirror too. In Ireland, it’s commmon enough to see little private shrines to our lady in some parts of the country, or in a private garden.

I also wear the sacred heart pin on my coat as I am a member of the Pioneer Association.
Catholic T-shirts. Rosary crucifix hanging out of pants pocket. Bible depending on where I’m going.
If you are asking if I publicly display evidence of my faith, the answer is yes. I can’t, however, vouch for how others perceive that evidence.

I live in a deeply de-Christianized area. It has been this way for a sufficient amount of time that at least one generation has grown up completely ignorant of the outward signs of Catholicism. Outside Church environments everyone addresses priests as Mister or Sir rather than Father. My own pastor always wears a Roman collar and yet I’ve seen him interact with people on the street who have no clue he’s a priest.

So, does the world know I’m Catholic? You’d have to ask the world. But for those who recognize the signs, there can be no doubt.
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I have a small crucifix in my office (I work at a Christian school, but it’s not Catholic) and I have my diploma from a Catholic University hanging on my wall right behind my chair! I also have a small Vatican flag on a shelf, a 3-D puzzle of St. Peter’s and a small statue of St. JPII in my office as well!!

So, yes, there are overt hints that I am definitely Catholic…
That reminds me, when I was a kid we used to be asked in Sunday School or Youth Group “if you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
Unless everyone in the world is reading my posts, no, I can’t say that they know I’m Catholic. But everyone who knows me knows I’m Catholic. And anyone who comes to the door trying to get me to come to their church is told “Thank you for the offer. But I’m Catholic and happy where I am.”

People who come to visit see the holy reminders I have throughout the house. And now with Advent, we bring out the Advent wreath and candles. The indoor Nativity will be put up later this week along with our outdoor Nativity.

Yes, we’re unmistakably Catholic. It’s in our blood. Literally.
Believe it or not, only family and friends know I’m Catholic. My clients would likely drop me if they knew many of my beliefs. I don’t believe in allowing same-sex marriage, abortion, birth control, lesbian gay and transgender rights other than the usual rights people should have (plus one that we currently don’t have: anybody should be allowed into the emergency room with anybody else). I’m not a feminist in the modern sense of the term. I support the Conservative party and oppose socialists. I would get into a lot of trouble if people knew my beliefs. Even other Catholics don’t want to hear my beliefs most of the time, especially people into Catholic-Lite. But people can probably tell I’m Catholic because I don’t wear make-up, have that Catholic look about me.
As long as I know, I’m okay with that. My father is Roman Catholic (Italian) and my mother is Anglican (English). I was baptized RC, attended Catholic schools, baptized my daughter, etc…

I believe that being a good person, the type of person that Jesus taught us to be is evidence enough that you’re following in your beliefs. We are not to judge, but to let God judge, so I practice kindness to everyone I meet.
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