Does this happen every generation? Or is something actually different?

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Slavery and the normalization of rape (of minority women) could be added to the list. For “wife beating”, no it wasn’t taught, but in past eras there was definitely a sense that the man is the absolute head of the house and as such abused women had few recourses…if anyone even believed them.
Yes, there are many things on the list of “happened in the past”, and the list of “happening right now”.

Rape is just one item in the sexual sins category. The “sexual revolution”, and dumping of religious values certainly doesn’t help that situation.
If we look at other cultures, beyond the West, there were other evils. Sure abortion is a horrendous evil…beyond the pale and very widespread. But it wasn’t that long ago that fathers in China had the right to kill their born babies, especially if girls.
It was worse than that… The Chinese had a “one child” policy for quite a few years. And because of the culture, if there was only to be one child, it had to be a boy. Similar things happening in India as well.

I’m amazed when I hear reports about “sex slavery” that are still occurring these days.
Did you see my earlier post regarding the widespread sinful attitudes towards women and minorities? How we treat people is also a core part of this “equation”.
I’m not sure what you mean by “equation.”

I agree that sinful attitudes towards women and minorities are sinful. In the past and in the present.

The past wasn’t perfect, and in some things have gotten better. Those are things we should obviouslly keep. Racism is not so bad as it was 70 years ago, for example.

Wife beating, while it occurred in the past was never “taught” in schools, or normalized by main stream media in the past or present. Whether or not the situation is better now - I don’t know.

Things like women murdering their own children (including baby women) have gotten much worse.
And there are new horrible activities occuring (for example, government forcing children to transition to the opposite sex because one parent wants it to happen). Or teaching that sex changes are actually real. This is new, and growing rapidly. Such things didn’t even exist in the past and are spreading like a plague all over the world.

I call these things “greater” evil because they go to the very heart of who God created us to be, and our purpose. He created us male and female, and told us to go forth and multiply.
Have to beg to differ - there is a great deal of past media that portrays wife beating (or abuse) and it’s aftermath and.absolutely normalises it. Novels like Oliver Twist and musicals like Carousel deal quite extensively with such themes and make a virtue of women patiently putting up with abuse.

Moreover, the simple fact that it was largely overlooked and not. punished by the laws of.the time itself normalises it.
I admit to not being an expert on the history of wife beating. The only beating situation in our extended families involves my niece in law beating her husband.

Of course, a woman (or a man) has to actually be born first in order to live normally (with some risk of being beaten).
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We will always have the sign of Jonah, who spent 3 days in the belly of a beast.

He preached in Nineveh of their evil and their coming desolation, but God was merciful. We want to protect our beloved shade tree, but God will not have mercy on thousands of people and their animals?
Nineveh, after hearing Jonah’s warnings, repented and changed their ways.
I may be in the minority here, but I do not recall a time as this in my lifetime. There is more demonic influence, more yes. and we need to pray always. and trust in Jesus. stay close to the church, receive all the Sacraments, read the Holy Bible. pray a rosary everyday.
My grandma was a very wise woman…she said to me “oh we always thought the world was ending…we thought it in the depression…in ww2…in the cuban missle crisis…”

And if you read accounts from the saints of every and any era - they address very eloquently the particular evils of their day and time…reading about the plague, the wars, the child mortality rates, the sexual promiscuity, evil popes, war mongering kings - we really are no better/no worse.
I’m not a historian but imo one political party is like the party of Caligula…

And imo most of its members probably don’t even realize it. As they’ve been conditioned for years by a backwards society that used to prefer common sense and decency, instead of legislating the exact opposite. Not that EVERYTHING is wrong, but making into law things that deliberately harms humans and imposing it via that legislation on everyone including God help us children, doesn’t make sense.
Some Jesus walked with here on earth thought the world was ending, and my understanding is that every generation has. Bottom line?

Via the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, our souls should always be ready for the next chapter of our neverending lives. Because like the Son said, it is only the Father’s business to know.
Something that most people here seem to be missing is that…
  1. The past was not perfect.
  2. The past was better in some respects than today.
  3. It IS possible to take the good things from the past, WITHOUT taking the bad things along with them.
Number 3 is the one that people just don’t seem to “get.” If I, or someone else says something was better in the past, their response is usually something like "OH REALLY! That means you want to revive slavery for african-americans (or whoever). NO NO NO. Get a grip on things here!

Wokeness is the worst calamity to happen to Western Civilization in a thousand years.
I agree with the too much media.

I think it’s always been like this but the media is just showcasing it more. I mean obviously somethings have gotten worse, abortion for example, but over all I think every generation feels this way and has their problems.
I read about the Hyde Park bombing where members of the Blues and Royals along with their horses were killed while on their way to guard duty.
I agree with what you said, but I’ll add 3 things:
  1. in addition to bad news spreading faster, bad ideas spread at the speed of Internet.
  2. Wars, famines, epidemics, etc generally had a side effect of people turning to God.
  3. Today’s young generations are being taught / indoctrinated / brainwashed to turn away from God. And behind that activity is the MSM, K-12 educational institutions, Colleges, and even some churches. And this has been going on behind the scenes for decades, so it’s not likely to disappear quickly (if it disappears at all).
I think the Columbine shooting was a turning point and symptom of our social sickness which the media further hypes.
ricmac It *is an objective fact that evil is increasing rapidly, and holiness is decreasing rapidly.
Darkness has come over the media (news, Hollywood), academia (from K through PhD), and even the church. These are the major drivers for morality in this world.

True. Sadly true.

The only thing that matters is whether or not you go to heaven. So today, far, far, far more than any other generation in the west, huge numbers of people are at risk because of our evil culture. How many souls will fall into hell as a result of the constant hatred of religion spewed out on TV and everywhere? How many poor souls will be drawn into porn and lose eternity as a result? This is the only real standard by how to judge our culture today.

Any other calamity is simply another terrible calamity, from wars and droughts to plague or anything else you can imagine. A nothing, a bagatelle, compared to the reality of our culture today.
Imagine living before there was public education. Of course in those days most people worked on farms but still it’s nice to be able to read and write your name. We are incredibly spoiled today.
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[(name removed by moderator)]( removed by moderator))Every generation has been saying that as well and going on about the ‘young ones today’.

Sure, but again, occasionally there can be a seismic shift. Something truly monumental that marks a break with what has gone before. Not just another war. Not just a change in culture, which happens maybe every twenty years.

Yes, we are living in time of enormous, significant change. The west is losing Christianity, the very basis for its growth for close to two thousand years, and that does mark a seismic shift. The faith is vanishing almost overnight, in places like Germany and the UK, while atheism and hostility to Christianity are growing.

What will happen to the west without God? Consider what is currently going on. We live in a society saturated by porn, in a level never seen before in the world, while marriage, the very basis for society, crumbles. What is the illegitimacy rate in France? 60%?

So yes, yes, we are experiencing a cultural earthquake.
We are living in a time of unprecedented change, change that was almost beyond imagination 100 years ago.

In 1911, it was discovered that most of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus. In 1966, Star Trek debuted, and the writers imagined what it would be like to live in the 2260s or so; they set Kirk’s birthdate as 2233. In 2020, we look at that series and find it quaint that the crew of a spaceship use flip phones and don’t have any hand-held computers.

We have lived in a century of unimaginable change: change in the way war is waged, change in how people across the globe communicate, changes in societal expectations, what is taboo, what is not taboo, where people live, what they expect in terms of their daily experience. We know things about the brutality of our kind that we didn’t used to know. We know all sorts of things we could only have dreamed about.

We’ve never been through this before. Our Lord will not leave His Church orphaned, but I don’t know where this is going to go.
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