Yes, there are many things on the list of “happened in the past”, and the list of “happening right now”.Slavery and the normalization of rape (of minority women) could be added to the list. For “wife beating”, no it wasn’t taught, but in past eras there was definitely a sense that the man is the absolute head of the house and as such abused women had few recourses…if anyone even believed them.
Rape is just one item in the sexual sins category. The “sexual revolution”, and dumping of religious values certainly doesn’t help that situation.
It was worse than that… The Chinese had a “one child” policy for quite a few years. And because of the culture, if there was only to be one child, it had to be a boy. Similar things happening in India as well.If we look at other cultures, beyond the West, there were other evils. Sure abortion is a horrendous evil…beyond the pale and very widespread. But it wasn’t that long ago that fathers in China had the right to kill their born babies, especially if girls.
I’m amazed when I hear reports about “sex slavery” that are still occurring these days.