Yeah FDR wasn’t brazen and open about lack of moral restraint when locked hundreds of thousands of minorities in internment camps
LBJ wasn’t brazen when he lied about Gulf of Tonkin to start Vietnam War
We’re dragging in FDR? Good grief, he put
citizens in internment camps!
That’s the benchmark? Don’t go lower than locking up citizens and forcing them to lose businesses and lands that they’re not getting back and you’re good? LBJ lied so if Presidents lie that’s OK? If Osama bin Laden was unarmed and could have been taken alive, but Barack Obama ordered him killed no matter what, then Presidents have a license to kill aggressors when they could be captured, instead? You can’t “prove” Kennedy ordered the CIA to take out Castro, so that makes it OK for Presidents to order the assassination of foreign leaders…you know, provided they’re discrete about it? Just tell Congress where to get off and do what you think you need to do when you’re President, because as long as you can pretend you had no choice because of the great threat out there, you know they won’t remove you for it? Is anybody in the way of US foreign policy fair game, then, since everything is about terrorism?
What rabbit hole have I fallen into? I thought this was a Catholic forum, but this is moral relativism.
No because Liberals already championed destroying cultural sites with the Robert E Lee statue removal movement.
The United States already joined in the unanimous vote that made destruction of antiquities or cultural sites a war crime. International law is still legally binding. He’d be committing a war crime.
As for statues owned by municipalities or college campuses or whatever, that depends on state and local law. In some places, cities have the authority to remove them, and in other places, states have the right to forbid that. The main thing is that going in and destroying the cultural artifacts of another nation is a war crime. How any particular nation manages its own statues and cultural sites is a matter of national sovereignty, provided the nation has not made an agreement or treaty to protect the site.
More to the point, though, if we start taking down centuries-old mosques in Iraq or Iran, we can count on our cathedrals being attacked. We can count on attacks on our national parks and so on. Why wouldn’t they be targets? Do we think we’re too big and scary for anybody to retaliate against us?
Where does this end? It is not just immoral. It is lunacy. Even if we could get away with it, though, it would be immoral. We’d have to answer to God for what we did and what crimes we called necessities and rights all while claiming the name of Christian.