To look at this from yet another point of view, what do you do if the family is “forcing” the money on you and “hints” that you should spend it on something that you neither need or want at that time? We have been on the receiving end of some generous monetary gifts from my inlaws in several occasions that were intended for things that we had made clear we didn’t want at that time, and that really weren’t necessities. How do you not accept such gifts? (that is not a rhetorical question, does anyone have any ideas on that we could say/do?)
The more we have tried to not accept the more they push it on us, and guilt us into feeling “ungrateful”. It does seem like a control mechanism to us sometimes. We are not ungrateful, we just don’t need the thing(s) they want us to have. In addition, we have told them time and time again that we are in a very adequate place financially. H and I have very specific plans for our financial future, and just because we’re not going about buying things like cars and furniture in the time and manner they believe is the best doesn’t mean we need their gifts. I personally feel very funny about accepting some of them, b/c I was raised to “fend for myself”, and am used to being able to make decisions for myself w/o feeling controlled.
Example: they question us about every two weeks if we’ve been to the dentist, b/c they know it’s been a couple years (the nagging is another issue

). We have every intention of going, but we’re waiting to find the best deal b/c we don’t have dental insurance. We can afford it, certainly, that’s not the issue. We just don’t want to spend more money than we have to, and knowing our teeth the way we do, (we both have great teeth with only 1 cavity between the two of us) we can afford to wait til a good offer comes by. SO long story short my FIL, without consulting with us or even telling us first, called his dentist (one of the more expensive ones) and told them to call me, make an appointment, and then put it on his account.

!!! OF COURSE we would NEVER let him pay our dentist bills. We’re responsible, self-supporting adults-- that’s just rediculous. But when we refuse (and we will) to let him pay (after keeping the appointment

), we will be rebuked severely for our ingratitude, and will get the cold shoulder for days. Is there a better way to handle this situation, and others like it?

I really want to know.
Isn’t isn’t the point of posting a problem/question on this forum to solicit all different opinions??