I spoke to him and told him a good combination of what we talked about here in a very firm way. He admitted that he needs help and that he will go to the therapist this weekend and talk about it. Then he got VERY angry at me and said he was not coming to my father’s with me this weekend and instead was going to Atlantic City to play cards because he just “doesn’t give a s*** anymore.” I told him… fine, if that’s the way it will be, then consider it over. Eventually he said he thinks I also have a problem and he’s angry that I am blaming it all on him and calling it his fault only, when I act like a child, etc. When we got through the anger we both apologized and said we do want to try to make it work, but it is just a mess of anger, really.
At any rate, we are not seeing each other tonight, maybe not until Saturday when we are going to visit my father and therapy. But tomorrow night we have RCIA, so I suppose we will see each other then as he is my sponsor.