After reading through this thread, I had to add my two cents. When I was 19, I got engaged to a guy that was very emotionally abusive. Reading your description of how he treats you is exactly how my fiance at 19 treated me. He constantly had me questioning my ability to be an adult. He would ask my opinion about things and then would undermine my decision. I was very insecure and felt horrible while with him. There was always empty promises of trying to fix things. Yes, I do have a messed up family but it was not his place to point out every flaw in them and drive a huge wedge between us. He was rude to my father and my father told me it was him or the family so I moved in with the guy for about 2 months. I don’t think cohabitation was a good idea but it definitely woke me up as to how horrible this man was. Let me tell you from experience that you DO NOT want to marry a man like him and have a life like this because you will be treated as a child and have no say in anything and he will beat you down every chance he gets. I did leave him but it took 6 months for him to get it through his head that I was finished with him. It was much like you described where I would tell him he had to do such and such and then we would fight, and then apologize, and then be a sweet for a while, and then he would go back to his old ways without ever making any kind of real attempt to change anything. I would like to give your BF the benefit of the doubt but I can’t because I have seen this too many times. My sisters and I all ended up with abusive men that we all eventually left. We have a very messed up co-dependant family so I can relate to you on that. The problem he has with pornography is a deal breaker in my opinion. If you are not married, then leave. My oldest sister was with an abusive man that was addicted to pornography. The porn alone is a problem but when you add the type of personality you describe, you are asking for trouble for yourself and future children. It is NOT an ego problem or an anger problem, it is a CONTROL issue. My sister’s ex is now in prison for molesting our niece. He started out as verbally abusive and then moved to physical violence and somewhere along the line decided to molest my little niece. Yes, I am trying to scare you. These type of men do not change and will only cause you heartache. It is best to leave him now while you can. It will be hard because he will not take you seriously and will take any attempt that you make to break up as you being a child that is still being controlled by your parents. “You don’t really want to break up with me, you are just being childish.” You will have to grow a backbone and seek counseling. If you do not want a lifetime of heartache, leave now. I know that it is so easy to listen to the empty promises and be dazzled into staying with him. My ex had our honeymoon planned out and was going to take me to the Virgin Islands. He tried to sweeten the deal to keep me. It is a vicious cycle. You get unhappy and want him to make changes so he says he will. The next thing you know he is back to his old ways. It is a never ending cycle. He obviously does not take you seriously and is questioning your ability to think as an adult. How much older than you is your BF? I will keep you in my prayers. It took me quite a while to realize how bad things really were when I was in that relationship. I had to go to counseling and learn to stand on my own two feet. Even after we broke up, he still came to my work and would try to “fix” things or make me question myself. My favorite time of all was when he came to my work to tell me “It is a cold cruel world out there.” (Another attempt to scare me and get me to go back to him.) Of course my response: “Well, the world I live in is rather warm and cozy.” That kept him away for quite a while but he did eventually come back to my work. I ended up calling campus police and they told him not to step foot on that campus again. I have gone on too long. I will keep you in my prayers because I know how difficult this situation is. Your post leads me to believe that you know in your heart that it is not right for you. You just need to find it within you to do something about it. He is making you question your own ability to think and make decisions so your judgement is very cloudy. You are second guessing everything that you are saying and doing. Stop second guessing yourself!!! You ARE NOT A CHILD and don’t let him tell you otherwise. I was able to move on and am happily married to a nonabusive man. You don’t realize how bad it really is until you get out of it.
After reading through this thread, I had to add my two cents. When I was 19, I got engaged to a guy that was very emotionally abusive. Reading your description of how he treats you is exactly how my fiance at 19 treated me. He constantly had me questioning my ability to be an adult. He would ask my opinion about things and then would undermine my decision. I was very insecure and felt horrible while with him. There was always empty promises of trying to fix things. Yes, I do have a messed up family but it was not his place to point out every flaw in them and drive a huge wedge between us. He was rude to my father and my father told me it was him or the family so I moved in with the guy for about 2 months. I don’t think cohabitation was a good idea but it definitely woke me up as to how horrible this man was. Let me tell you from experience that you DO NOT want to marry a man like him and have a life like this because you will be treated as a child and have no say in anything and he will beat you down every chance he gets. I did leave him but it took 6 months for him to get it through his head that I was finished with him. It was much like you described where I would tell him he had to do such and such and then we would fight, and then apologize, and then be a sweet for a while, and then he would go back to his old ways without ever making any kind of real attempt to change anything. I would like to give your BF the benefit of the doubt but I can’t because I have seen this too many times. My sisters and I all ended up with abusive men that we all eventually left. We have a very messed up co-dependant family so I can relate to you on that. The problem he has with pornography is a deal breaker in my opinion. If you are not married, then leave. My oldest sister was with an abusive man that was addicted to pornography. The porn alone is a problem but when you add the type of personality you describe, you are asking for trouble for yourself and future children. It is NOT an ego problem or an anger problem, it is a CONTROL issue. My sister’s ex is now in prison for molesting our niece. He started out as verbally abusive and then moved to physical violence and somewhere along the line decided to molest my little niece. Yes, I am trying to scare you. These type of men do not change and will only cause you heartache. It is best to leave him now while you can. It will be hard because he will not take you seriously and will take any attempt that you make to break up as you being a child that is still being controlled by your parents. “You don’t really want to break up with me, you are just being childish.” You will have to grow a backbone and seek counseling. If you do not want a lifetime of heartache, leave now. I know that it is so easy to listen to the empty promises and be dazzled into staying with him. My ex had our honeymoon planned out and was going to take me to the Virgin Islands. He tried to sweeten the deal to keep me. It is a vicious cycle. You get unhappy and want him to make changes so he says he will. The next thing you know he is back to his old ways. It is a never ending cycle. He obviously does not take you seriously and is questioning your ability to think as an adult. How much older than you is your BF? I will keep you in my prayers. It took me quite a while to realize how bad things really were when I was in that relationship. I had to go to counseling and learn to stand on my own two feet. Even after we broke up, he still came to my work and would try to “fix” things or make me question myself. My favorite time of all was when he came to my work to tell me “It is a cold cruel world out there.” (Another attempt to scare me and get me to go back to him.) Of course my response: “Well, the world I live in is rather warm and cozy.” That kept him away for quite a while but he did eventually come back to my work. I ended up calling campus police and they told him not to step foot on that campus again. I have gone on too long. I will keep you in my prayers because I know how difficult this situation is. Your post leads me to believe that you know in your heart that it is not right for you. You just need to find it within you to do something about it. He is making you question your own ability to think and make decisions so your judgement is very cloudy. You are second guessing everything that you are saying and doing. Stop second guessing yourself!!! You ARE NOT A CHILD and don’t let him tell you otherwise. I was able to move on and am happily married to a nonabusive man. You don’t realize how bad it really is until you get out of it.